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Ubiquitous Computing Application For Smart Watch


Task: Write a detailed report on the Ubiquitous computing application for smart watch.


Quality Plan Overview
Ubiquitous computing application

There are several definitions of ubiquitous computing application that have been published. Three of these definitions are included below.

Ubiquitous computing application can be defined as an application that suffers from the anytime and anywhere syndrome (Dargie, 2017).

Ubiquitous application refers to the application that is context-aware and supports personalization. It takes in to consideration that varied interests and intent of the users for accessing and using the application(Nunes, Silva, &Boavida, 2018).

The application that can run as-is on a number of different platforms to fulfil the expectations and requirements of a variety of different users can be termed as a ubiquitous application (Mosco, 2017).

Software Quality Models
There are a number of software quality models that have been developed and defined. Two of the models that will be used for the quality management of the ubiquitous computing application for smart watch are FURPS quality model and Component-based software development quality model.

Comparative Analysis of the Quality Models
What are the quality characteristicsof ubiquitous computing application?

The application that has to be developed is the ubiquitous computing application for smart watch. The application will detect the daily activities that the users will perform. The user’s personal application, such as the location-based tracking application, online calendar, etc. will be used to gather the data for the ubiquitous application. There are several characteristics that are associated with the application that have been mapped with the quality aspects of the selected quality models(Garces, Ampatzoglou, Avgeriou, & Nakagawa, 2017).

The quality characteristics included under the FURPS model are functionality, usability, reliability, portability, and supportability. These quality characteristics are mapped with the third definition of the ubiquitous application as ‘The application that can run as-is on a number of different platforms to fulfil the expectations and requirements of a variety of different users can be termed as a ubiquitous application’.

The second model is the component-based software development quality mode. The sub-characteristics of the model include reusability; flexibility, traceability, and scalability are covered apart from the functionality, portability, efficiency, and maintainability as the characteristics (Galin, 2018). These can be mapped with the second definition of the ubiquitous computing application that is covered above. It defines the application as ‘Ubiquitous application refers to the application that is context-aware and supports personalization. It takes in to consideration that varied interests and intent of the users for accessing and using the application.’

Comprehensive Reasoning
The mapping of the two quality models with the definitions is done because of the associated quality characteristics that are covered in the two models.
The first model that is the FURPS model includes functionality as a major indicator of quality. This comprises of the different features and capabilities that the ubiquitous computing application will have. The next is the usability that will comprise of the expectations and the varied interests of the users that will utilize and access the application. The third is the reliability. There will be numerous measures that will be implemented and undertaken to make sure that the failures are effectively handled. The aspect of reliability will cover the same. The aspects around speed, response rate, and efficiency will be included under performance. The last is the supportability which is a characteristic that covers the adaptability of the application. These are the quality characteristics that are also reflected in the third definition as it covers the application context and the user context as wellGalin, 2018).

The component-based software development quality model includes a number of quality characteristics and sub-characteristics. The quality characteristics, such as flexibility and scalability are explicitly included and recognized in the selected model. These are the characteristics that are significant to have the element of personalization in the ubiquitous application. Also, the characteristics, such as functionality, usability, and efficiency are also included so that the application utility is promoted. As a result, the model and its characteristics match the best with the second definition of the ubiquitous computing application.

Comparison and Contrast of the two Models
There are similarities and differences that have been identified for the two software quality models. Both of the models recognize the quality characteristics, such as functionality, reliability, and usability. However, there are also differences in the quality characteristics and sub-characteristics that are covered in the two models.

Quality Parameter/Characteristic


Component-based Software Development Quality Model


Explicitly covered and stated in the quality model

Explicitly covered and stated in the quality model


Explicitly covered and stated in the quality model

Explicitly covered and stated in the quality model


Explicitly covered and stated in the quality model

Explicitly covered and stated in the quality model


Explicitly covered and stated in the quality model

It is indicated with traceability and efficiency as the quality aspects


Covered under the aspect of supportability

Explicitly covered and stated in the quality model


Covered under the aspect of supportability

Explicitly covered and stated in the quality model

On the basis of the quality aspects of the ubiquitous computing application for smart watch and the quality characteristics covered by the two models, the one that is selected is the component-based software development quality model.

Justification of Model Selection
The component-based software development quality model has been selected over the FURPS model because of the quality characteristics that are recognized and included in the model. The ubiquitous computing application has personalization, scalability, and flexibility as some of the primary requirements. This is because the application is context-aware and makes sure that the expectations of all the users are met(Foidl&Felderer, 2016).

The FURPS model includes the quality characteristics; however, it does not explicitly include flexibility or scalability of the application. The data for the ubiquitous computing application for smart watch will be gathered from different sources. The data requirements and the user requirements will be extremely dynamic and therefore, the aspect of flexibility and scalability will be relevant for the application. These are covered under the component-based quality model. It also considers the primary quality characteristics, such as functionality, efficiency, reliability, and usability along with the portability of the application. These are essential to make sure that the ubiquitous nature of the application is included and is kept intact.

Quality Methodology – Business Model
The business model that will include the aspect of quality and will be used to market the product will be Total Quality Management, TQM model.

Total Quality Management Model in ubiquitous computing application

Total Quality Management Model
TQM is the model that is the combined effort of the senior management and the operational members associated with the project so that the effective plans and policies are in place resulting in the maintenance of the high quality of the product and ensuring that the customer satisfaction is attained. The ubiquitous computing application for smart watch is based on the aspects, such as personalization and enhanced user experience and satisfaction. The use of the TQM model for marketing will ensure that the marketing is carried out on the basis of the unique quality aspects of the application. It will make sure that the quality characteristics are used to generate customer interests so that the enhanced profits can be attained as an outcome. The customer feedback and comments will be incorporated during the product development stage as well. The use of the same for marketing will lead to the existence of certain customer base in advance. This will provide the ability to deal with the competition in the market and will make sure that higher profits are obtained(Poth&Sunyaev, 2015).

The TQM model has been selected as the business model as it will have the primary focus on the customers at all stages. The employees involved in the design and development of the ubiquitous computing application will be engaged with the end-users as well. There will be customer collaboration sessions that will be organized and the entire development will be conducted as per the customer requirements. The same methodology will be followed in the marketing process as well. The marketing strategy will be developed based on the customer and market surveys and analysis. The aspect of the application qualities, such as flexibility, scalability, and performance will be highlighted. This will lead to the establishment of stronger user connection and will also provide the mechanisms to meet the expectations of the users.

The model will include the marketing decisions to be taken on the basis of the facts and figures. It will provide the mechanism to make changes in the marketing aspects only when the suitable data is present to support the same. For example, the ubiquitous computing application marketing may be carried out on the basis of the customer demographics. The marketing strategy for the senior citizens will be different from the younger generation. Similarly, the marketing strategies and decisions may vary on the basis of the working and non-working population. TQM model will provide the mechanism to understand all of these variations and will enable decision-making on the basis of the facts. The communication will be one of the primary characteristics and aspects that will be used for the purpose of marketing. The internal and external communications will be streamlined and will be effectively managed to ensure that the overall marketing is adequate and is effective.

Quality Culture
There will be a number of quality cultures that will be used and followed in the uubiquitous computing application project so that the overall quality is managed and improved at all times. Five of the quality cultures that will be followed and implemented are:

  • Embedded quality teams
  • Test Driven Development
  • Collaboration with the customers
  • Quality trainings
  • Involvement of quality experts

The embedded quality teams will be essential so that the testing and development phases can be combined with one another during the lifecycle of the project. In order to achieve this, the use of the agile methodology will be done wherein the testing and development phases will run in parallel. The testing of the application will be done in parallel with its development so that there are no major bugs that remain after the application development is completed.

The test driven development will also be attained using the agile methods. It will provide the mechanism to test the application alongside its development. The defects and bugs identified will be used as the improvement opportunities for the application. It will also make sure that the overall application quality is enhanced right from the initial stages (Galin, 2018).

The customer collaboration will be supported and achieved through the agile development methods along with the TQM model that will be used in the project lifecycle. The primary focus will be on the customer needs and requirements right from the beginning. The collaboration with the customers will be done as the working sets of the ubiquitous computing application will be shared with the end-users for feedback. The feedback and comments will be incorporated in the next set of development activities to ensure that the customer experience is enhanced at all times. It will also provide the ability to improve upon the application quality as the user experience will be simultaneously improved.

The quality trainings will be made mandatory for all the project team members. The basic quality norms and mechanisms to be followed along with the understanding of the significance of quality will be made sure through these trainings. These will also provide the ability to make sure that the aspect of quality is understood by the non-quality team members. This will lead to the enhanced quality compliance and the total quality management will be carried out as an outcome. The quality management and maintenance will be a collaborated effort and the involvement of all the team members will be significant in the same. However, quality experts will be needed to monitor and manage the quality of the ubiquitous computing application as per the best practices. For this purpose, Quality Manager and Quality Analyst will be included as the key resources. These will make sure that the quality of the application is managed and the compliance is always maintained. There may be lack of understanding or complexities that may be involved in the process. With the presence of the experts, it will become easier to recognize and resolve the challenges in time.

Dargie, W. (2017).Principles and applications of ubiquitous sensing.Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Foidl, H., &Felderer, M. (2016). Integrating software quality models into risk-based testing. Software Quality Journal, 26(2), 809–847.

Galin, D. (2018). Software quality?: concepts and practice. Hoboken, Nj: John Wiley & Sons.
Garces, L., Ampatzoglou, A., Avgeriou, P., & Nakagawa, E. Y. (2017). Quality attributes and quality models for ambient assisted living software systems: A systematic mapping. Information and Software Technology, 82, 121–138.
Mosco, V. (2017).Becoming digital?: toward a post-Internet society. Ubiquitous computing applicationUnited Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited.

Nunes, D., Silva, &Boavida, F. (2018).A practical introduction to human-in-the-loop cyber-physical systems. Hoboken, Nj: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Poth, A., &Sunyaev, A. (2015). Effective Quality Management: Value- and Risk-Based Software Quality Management. IEEE Software, 31(6), 79–85.


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