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The Sociology of Family Sociology assignment Dynamics Across Generations


Task: How do generational differences within a Family Sociology assignment impact the development, career choices, and value systems of its members?


Section 1

Mom, Dad, and Grand-Dad are the three most important people in my life and who I accredit for who I am today. Having a strong Family Sociology assignment foundation is the most important factor that influences any child’s development and these three individuals have helped delivered precisely this in my life. They have been so influencing on my life, I always turn to each of them for every concern I encounter knowing they would deliver a solution to overcome the problem.

Grand Dad- Harbhajan Singh

Now a retired police officer, he has served with the Punjab police for 30 years during the prime of his life which has made him a strong and principled man. Having started his career in 1960, he joined the police force at a time when India required confident and strong youth to monitor and maintain the law. He was only 20 years and only had a basic educational background but his personality would see him gradually climb through the police force rankings until his retirement in 1990.

A simple man by nature he never focused his attention on life’s luxuries and continues following this simple lifestyle till date. His philosophy is live simple and happiness would find its way to you. When happy and content everything remains positive in one’s life which is very important. He has always been at my side since my childhood and offers all his support and guidance towards resolving problems I face but has never influenced my decision and the final decision has always been left to me.

Dad - Baljinder Virk

Born in 19… , he did all his educations in Punjab. After graduation, he opted to join the banking industry in 198_ as a bank clerk and has gradually worked his way up the rankings to being the bank manager at ……………………………... He married my mom in…….. Who was also a graduate with her own career dreams in the healthcare profession? Unlike my grandfather both, my parents have been career oriented and always focused their attention on how to improve their career and deliver financial stability to their Family Sociology assignment.

Dad’s generation was influenced by development, growth, and branding which made his conscious of his social stature. This was done by securing a good job and having access to modern amenities which set him apart from the crowd.

His profession also requires him to maintain a different social class which has gradually influenced my dad’s attitude towards people but he has also dedicated time towards me which had helped me retain a strong bond with my father. Unlike my grand-dad, he is always pressurizing me to pursue a good education so as to secure a good job and career.

Myself - ……………………….

Born in 199….. And during a technological evaluation, life seemed to simply which would lead me to be becoming quite relaxed and carefree regarding my profession life and career and this would see me get in to conflict with my parents. On the other hand, Grand-dad would support me since he believes in a simple life based on happiness and this would help me making my career decision.

Only after my 10th class was complete would I decide on a career and that too would see me select ………. With a personal interest in this subject I would do my higher education in India after which I would continue my education abroad at ………… this will deliver better-recognized certification that would continue towards securing a good job in my future.

Section 2

The most influential experience I have had in my life is related to gaining my focus towards my career objectives. During my young age, I lived care free as my parents provided all I needed and I was not paying close attention to their advice. As a lesson, they would one day take away all the gadgets I had access to which would suddenly make me realize their importance. Living without modern amenities and gadgets such as my laptop, Phone, TV, and iPod would suddenly make me realize the importance of the technologies which would change my life.

My Family Sociology assignment has experienced major changes over the generations whereby my grandfather comes from a peasant Family Sociology assignment but opted to join the police force which would see my Family Sociology assignment make the first major change. Dad would then opt to pursue a career in the banking industry which also offered a stable but safer career as opposed to the police force.

But this would also mean that my dad had a more hectic career life with many colleagues competition to secure the highest ranking thus increasing his stress level which also affected his health. My generation is more carefree and has access to the latest amenities and technologies making us more reliant on the technologies to work.

While this is good, it posed a major challenge for my generation is we experience some major technological failure today since we would lack the skills or experience to manage our daily lives how earlier generations managed their lives without technology.

Despite each generation experiencing a major change, our Family Sociology assignment has maintained the same with regard to our culture and morals. This is due to each generation having emphasized on how important our culture, religion and Family Sociology assignment morals are thus resulting in each generation remaining the same on these aspects

My values and beliefs differ from my Parents views due to me placing technological advancement at the forefront of my development. My parents have always emphasized on considering a professional career of their choice but I have opted to pursue my own in the ………… profession due to me knowing I can make use of technological advancement to achieve my goal.

My view towards success is also not influenced by finances and through financial stability plays an important role towards my career, I believe that work career satisfaction is likely to deliver better career growth, success, and content-ness in one’s life.

My parents have always been protective towards my career and growth which has led to certain conflicts but at the same time, it is respectful since they are only being protective and concern about my career development.

I respect my parents for all their contributions but they too have always respected my views regarding different aspects. This has resulted in a mutual understanding between me and my parents where is I am free to raise a concern or challenge their decision as long as I have a valid point which I can support in my favour.

Sociology of the Family Sociology assignment must always take an independent approach and evaluate each member’s views and contributions but to achieve this, Family Sociology assignment members must also promote freedom of speech and one's views. Offering each individual with a fair chance to defend their view promotes a positive attitude within the Family Sociology assignment which in turn results in positive social interactions

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