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The Importance of an Independent human resource management assignment in Organizational Success


Task: Why is having an independent human resource management assignment crucial for the success and smooth operation of healthcare organizations like hospitals?



Every organization depends heavily on skilled human resource to maintain smooth operations and functionality. The business to ensure human resource and skilled professionals are properly managed so as to keep them happy and delivering high-performance (Reviews, 2016). Certain businesses like hospitals and medical facilities are more heavily dependent on staff due to medical treatment and nursing un-automatable.

This makes all medical facilities heavily dependent on their staff making it critical to have a Human resource manager to handle the organization staff (Van & Voorde, 2014). With around 400 staff members ABC Hospital has already surpassed tenfold the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT staffing requirement of 30 staff members. The hospital must, therefore, act immediately and hire a human resource manager immediately to manage the human resource and improve operations

Course of Actions to Improve Hospital Current Operations

For any hospital and medical facility, Human Resource is very important. This is especially true with a hospital that has 400 staff members whereby the CEO and Finance Manager is handling HR activities. The main problem linked to this approach is due to the CEO and Finance manager focusing their attention towards organization development, profitability and cost management (Lawler, 2009).

This results in them automatically compromising staffing needs as they are unable to balance the staff and organization needs and will always tend to favour the organization. This results in placing considerable pressure on the staff which results in a high employee turnover which affects the business operation, profitability and reputation in the market (Chang, 2015).

Human resource managers act as a mediator between the organization and staff and focus on addressing all stake holder interests in a balanced manner so as to maximize employee performance, motivation, and loyalty which will automatically have a direct effect on the organization performance, productivity and profits (Secord, 2003). Some key actions which would improve the current operation by hiring an HR manager include:

Recruitment and Staffing

Recruitment of suitable Staff is considered as being the most important element towards building strong and effective teams. The human resource manager is professionally trained to identify specific characteristic staff has before recruiting which helps secure more productive team members (Boudreau & Rynes, 1985). Educational qualification, experience, and work knowledge are all aspects which must be evaluated equally while hiring staff s as to have a balanced workforce.

Payroll Management

The human resource manager is also responsible for managing employee payrolls and requires for the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT to review each employee’s performance and determine their attendance before preparing their parole (Purcell & Hutchinson, 2007). The HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT would also be responsible for question staff and team leads and floor managers regarding certain attendance flaws which may require justification before approval of the payroll.

Performance and Appraisal Management

Human resource managers are also responsible for evaluating each employee’s performance every six months and filing their findings. This data and information are then compiled at the once a year to determine the employee's performance based on the organizations set target to determine their appraisal (Fletcher & Williams, 2013). It’s critical to provide appraisals to all employees since each employee expects to see wage increments which help cater for inflation and rising living costs.

The HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT compiled the report and gets it authorized by the CEO and concerned managers before giving the employees with their yearly approvals. Failure to appraise employees will result in the employees losing interest in the organization and seeking alternative employment opportunities which offer better working conditions and wages.

Training and Development

Every organization staff requires training before they start their job as well as while on their job. This is especially important in Hospitals and medical care facilities where staff requires continuing receiving training and education on the latest medical breakthroughs (Wilson, 2005). The HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT is responsible for organizing training programs among staff while distributing the training evenly so as to send staff for training while still ensuring there is adequate staff available at the hospital to maintain smooth operations.

Conflict Resolution

The hospital has 400 employees making is only natural they staff and the management will come into conflict at one time or another. The HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT is again responsible for intervening and stopping the conflict after which the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT performs an in-depth investigation on the matter.

The HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT does not investigate the matter with the intention to fire one member but to identify the cause of the conflict so as to advise on resolving the issue and avoiding it from happening in future (Gramberg, 2006). Only when incidents of repeated conflict occur involving the same individual will the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT step in and terminate the repeat offender’s employment contract.

Employee Relations

The HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT is also responsible for evaluating employee behaviour and combinations to determine certain relationship trends (Boselie et al., 2005). This allows the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT to develop suitable employee relationship plans which can be implemented to help promote a positive relationship among employees.

Building a Sustainable HR Capability

Human resource management is a critical department of any organization. To build sustainable Human resource capabilities the hospitals CEO must be able to provide the HR Department and human resource manager superior power over all other departments (Mishra et al., 2012).

The HR manager should also have equal power to the most senior managers thus allowing staff to recognize the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT designation. This also allows the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT to focus their attention towards managing the human resource without external pressure or focus allowing the manager recruit and manage the best hospital staff (Saha & Chatterjee, 2016).


HR management has become a vital requirement for every business which has set its objective to grow. Any organization which lacks an HR department and manager is likely to hire unqualified and will experience staff and also register a high employee turnover rate. This is due to employees and staff feeling unprotected and venerable without the human resource manager who acts as a mediator and helps protect the employee’s interest as well as address their concerns for the betterment and growth of the organization.


Boselie, J.P., Dietz, G. & Boon, C., 2005. 'Commonalities and contradictions in research on human. Human resource management journal, 15(3), pp.67-94.

Boudreau, J. & Rynes, S.L., 1985. Role of recruitment in staffing utility analysis. ournal of Applied Psychology, 70(2), pp.354-66.

Chang, Y., 2015. A multilevel examination of high-performance work systems and unit-level organisational ambidexterity. Wiley, 25(1), pp.79–101.

Fletcher, C. & Williams, R., 2013. Appraisal, Feedback and Development: Making Performance Review Work. Oxon: Routledge.

Gramberg, B., 2006. Managing Workplace Conflict: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Australia. Sydney: Federation Press.

Lawler, E.B.J., 2009. Achieving Excellence in Human Resources Management: An Assessment of Human Resource Functions. Califonia: Stanford University Press.

Mishra, R., Sarkar, S. & Singh, P., 2012. Today’s HR for a Sustainable Tomorrow. New Delhi: Allied Publishers.

Purcell, J. & Hutchinson, S., 2007. Front-line managers as agents in the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT performance. Human Resource Management Journal, 17(1), pp.3–20.

Reviews, C., 2016. A Framework for Human Resource Management: Business, Management. Cram101 Textbook Reviews.

Saha, N. & Chatterjee, B., 2016. The impact of SHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT on sustainable organizational learning and performance development. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 5(1), pp.63-75.

Secord, H., 2003. Implementing Best Practices in Human Resources Management. Toronto: CCH Canadian Limited.

Van, K. & Voorde, D., 2014. The role of employee HR attributions in the relationship between high-performance work systems and employee outcomes. wiley, 25(1), pp.62–78.

Wilson, J., 2005. Human Resource Development: Learning & Training for Individuals & Organizations. Sterling: Kogan Page Publishers.


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