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The Impact of Work-Based Learning assignment on Graduate Employability Skills


Task: How does Work-Based Learning assignment influence the employability skills of graduates, and what are its implications for education and career success?


Chapter I: Introduction

Education plays a huge role towards each young professional’s life but today education alone is not enough to enhance career success. This has made it important for colleges, polytechnics and universities among other educational facilities to provide additional guidance and practical Work-Based Learning assignment opportunities to their students. Theoretical learning in many situations will lead to developing a virtual understanding leading to candidate expecting the process to flow smoothly as practiced in books (Green, 2010).

This is not true and in most situations, you will find candidates with only theoretical experience will face serious adjustment issues once they experience the practical world. This has been a problem registered across Asia whereby countries like Malaysia have observed severe employability complications among its young graduates. This has been linked to many reasons but the main has been the failure of most candidates to prepare for the hardships and challenges faced by performing practical work thus leading to many not being able to cope with the work pressure, leading to unproductive graduates (Paulsen, 2017).

Chapter II: Review of Literature

Literature related to this topic has been sourced from the Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability whereby 5 journals have been selected and will be used to help develop the Dissertation (Gardiner, 2017). Each has been selected from a different topic but falling under Graduate Employability skill development thus helping expand on the topic and touch on all areas thus enhancing wider understanding.

1. When do university students and graduates know what career they want: A research derived Framework

2. Work placement Reflective Assessment and employability enhancement through highlighting graduates attributes

3. Developing generic skills for students via extra-curricular activities in Vietnam universities: Practicing and influential Factors

4. Academic Work integrated work learning (WIL): Re-engaging Teaching-Focused Academics with Industry

5. Good WIL Hunting: Building Capacity for Curriculum Re-design

Data and information from the 5 above article journal entries will deliver a wide perspective of Work Based Learning towards Graduates’ Employability skills (Lawrence A. Machi, 2016). With the data and information, a detailed dissertation and report will be developed ensuring the delivery of a detailed approach that both educational institutions and students can adapt so as to improve career success.

Chapter III: Data and Methods

To secure a clear understanding evaluated to the subject it’s critical for the data to be evaluated using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Each will help deliver a broader and more detailed perspective of Work Based Learning and allow specific data to be collected which can be used to develop a more accurate report on Work Based Learning (Pawar, 2004).

A. Qualitative

To evaluate Work Based Learning towards Graduates’ Employability skills, it is critical to begin the research from a physical or natural setting which involves the candidates or subjects being evaluated. In this case, the natural setting will involve researching students from within the higher education facility such a colleges and university to determine their academic performance.

This data will then be compared to their practical knowledge and understanding of the subject or topic to determine their competency (Saldana, 2011). By using qualitative data analysis researcher would be able to locate important areas which need additional attention and improvement. It also helps the researcher secure direct insight and feedback from subjects or study participants who can be added to the finding to deliver a wider perspective and clear understanding of the topic.

B. Quantitative

Quantitative data analysis involves data collection and research from a wider verity of sources and previous research studies linked to the topic. This helps secure a wider perspective linked to the topic by collecting information from different sources and especially research journals. This is important as it helps identify other topics related but not directly connected to Work Based Learning towards Graduates’ Employability skills (Longest, 2014). This then triggers the snowball table effect where the researcher is capable of collecting a wide verity of topics linked to the main subject and develops a well-researched and analysed desertions addressing the main topic as well as highlighting other points which may be linked to the subject.

Chapter IV: Findings

On completion of the research study, a well-structured report shall be developed to highlighting the points identified as well as discussing the subtopics found in the research papers. Once completed the dissertation will have to focus its final decision either in favour or against the motion and provide supporting evidence from both the qualitative and quantitative data analysing and findings (DuBrin, 2015).

It is important that the finding is clearly outlined and listed on a table to help determine whether Work Based Learning has a positive effect towards Graduates’ Employability skills and in which ways this is beneficial. The findings cannot be neutral as the dissertation will have to determine the effects of Work-Based Learning assignment and whether students exposed to this form of learning have a higher chance securing job opportunities as opposed to students who only secure theoretical learning experience.

Chapter V: Conclusion and Discussion

Education continues to be a basic necessity for each person but the approaches taken to educate the public and young professionals are changing today. Unlike the past when emphasis was mainly placed on educational qualifications, today organizations are also considering practical work experience and industry knowledge. This makes it important for young professionals to secure practical work experience while pursuing their education thus helping prepare them for the future. Besides delivering a feel of what is to be expected of them by the corporate and businesses world, it also allows the individuals secure important insight to whether they want to pursue a career in a certain field.

Many candidates will pursue a career in a certain field only to realize it’s highly demanding after graduation thus forcing them to consider another field. Allowing them to secure work experience would allow young professional determine the right profession and subject to pursue helping save finances, resources and time as well as allow the individual improve his employability success rate after graduation.


DuBrin, A. J. (2015). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills. Cengage Learning.

Gardiner, D. (2017). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability.

Green, G. W. (2010). Making Your Education Work For You: A Proven System for Success in School and for Getting the Job of Your Dreams. New York: Tom Doherty Associates.

Lawrence A. Machi, B. T. (2016). The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success. Corwin Press.

Longest, K. C. (2014). Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis. SAGE Publications.

Paulsen, M. B. (2017). Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Published under the Sponsorship of the Association for Institutional Research (AIR) and the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). Springer.

Pawar, M. S. (2004). Data Collecting Methods and Experiences: A Guide for Social Researchers. Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

Saldana, J. (2011). Fundamentals of Qualitative Research. New York: Oxford University Press.


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