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The impact of technology on business and management


Task: In this assignment you will undertake an inquiry-based project on a topic related to your subject area and produce a project report. The topic must be relevant to relevant to business and management.



Technological advancement has become an integral part of all aspects of modern life, including the business and management sectors. Technology is having a major influence on the way businesses and organizations manage their operations (Wamba et al. 2020). Technology is being used by businesses to automate tasks, improve efficiency, and enhance customer service. This is achieved by utilizing software and hardware solutions such as cloud computing, mobile devices, and robotics. Businesses are also leveraging technology to gain insights from their data, enabling them to make better decisions and manage operations more effectively. Technology is also being used to improve employee productivity by providing tools for collaboration, communication, and task management. The benefits of technology for business and management are numerous. It has enabled businesses to automate routine tasks, freeing up resources for more strategic activities. It has also allowed businesses to gain greater insights from their data, enabling them to make better decisions and manage operations more effectively. Technology has also allowed businesses to provide better customer service and engage with their customers in new and innovative ways. Additionally, technology has enabled businesses to improve employee productivity by providing tools for collaboration, communication, and task management. However, technology also presents challenges for business and management. It can be difficult to keep up with the ever-changing technology landscape and to ensure the security of data and systems. Additionally, there is a risk of over-reliance on technology as businesses may become too dependent on technology solutions and not think strategically about how to use them. In addition, there can be a lack of understanding of how technology works, leading to mistakes and misunderstandings.

This report will explore how technology is impacting business and management. It will first discuss how technology is affecting business, followed by how it is impacting management. It will then outline the benefits and challenges of technology for business and management.

Technology and Business

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in the world of business (Diamandis and Kotler 2020). Businesses of all sizes are leveraging technology to improve their operations, increase efficiency, and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

1. Automating Tasks and Processes: One of the most significant impacts of technology on businesses is the ability to automate tasks and processes (Santos, Pereira, and Vasconcelos 2019). Automation can help businesses increase efficiency by eliminating manual tasks and eliminating errors caused by human error. Automation also allows businesses to quickly scale up or down operations as needed.

2. Improving Customer Service: Technology is also helping businesses improve customer service. In business, technology is used to provide customers with better support, faster responses, and more personalized service (Lee and Lee 2020). Technology can also be used to track customer behaviour and gain insights into customer preferences. This can help businesses create better customer experiences and target customers more effectively.

3. Tracking Inventory: Technology is also being used to track inventory. Businesses can use technology to monitor inventory levels, predict demand, and maximize efficiency (Dash et al. 2019). This can help businesses avoid costly overstocking or understocking issues.

4. Managing Finances: Technology is also being used to manage finances more efficiently. Businesses can use technology to automate financial processes, such as invoicing and payroll. Technology can also be used to track expenses and monitor budgets. This can help businesses make better financial decisions and save time.

5. Creating New Products and Services: Technology is also being used to create new products and services. Businesses are leveraging technology to create innovative products and services, such as online and mobile applications (Jocevski 2020). This can help businesses differentiate themselves in the marketplace and create new revenue streams.

6. Becoming More Global: Technology is allowing businesses to become more global. In business, technologies are using technology to access new markets, expand their reach, and collaborate with partners and customers around the world (Benitez, Ayala, and Frank 2020). This can help businesses gain a competitive advantage and increase their profits.

Technology and Management

Technology is revolutionizing the way managers are conducting business today. With the use of technology, managers are able to make more informed decisions, automate tasks, and manage employee performance more effectively (Mohammed 2021). Technology is providing managers with the tools they need to make better decisions, manage operations more efficiently, and communicate more effectively.

1. Gather and analyze data: One of the primary ways technologies are impacting management is by providing managers with the ability to gather and analyze data. With the use of data analytics, managers can crunch numbers, analyze trends, and gain insights into the performance of their organization (Mohammed 2021). This data can help managers make more informed decisions and spot areas of improvement. Additionally, technology is allowing managers to access real-time data, enabling them to react quickly to changing conditions.

2. Automate tasks: Technology is also helping managers automate tasks. With the use of automation, managers can streamline processes, reduce errors, and save time. Automation is allowing managers to focus on more strategic activities, such as developing new strategies, improving customer relations, and creating new products or services (Mohammed 2021).

3. Manage employee performance: Technology is allowing managers to track employee performance, identify areas of improvement, and provide feedback (Rosin et al. 2020). Managers are leveraging technology to monitor progress, provide real-time feedback, and reward employees for their efforts. This can help improve employee morale and ensure that employees are more productive and engaged.

4. Effective communication: Technology is enabling managers to communicate more effectively. Managers are using technology to connect with their employees, customers, and partners around the world. Technology is also allowing managers to collaborate on projects, share documents and information, and access real-time data. This makes it easier for managers to stay connected and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Benefits of Technology for Business and Management

Technology is rapidly changing the way businesses operate, and it has become an essential tool for businesses to remain competitive in today’s global economy. Technology can provide businesses and managers with a number of benefits, including increased efficiency, improved customer service, and enhanced decision-making capabilities.

1. Increased Efficiency: Technology can help businesses streamline processes and automate tedious tasks, allowing them to become more efficient and reduce costs(Mohammed 2021). Automation can save businesses time and money, as well as reduce the risk of errors. Additionally, technology can help businesses improve their supply chain management, allowing them to better track inventory and ensure the timely delivery of products.

2. Improved Customer Service: Technology can also help businesses provide better customer service. Technology can be used to track customer interactions, providing businesses with insights into customer preferences and behaviors (Ableitne et al. 2020). This information can be used to personalize customer experiences and provide more tailored services. Additionally, technology can help businesses respond to customer inquiries faster, improving customer satisfaction. Enhanced

3. Decision-Making: Technology can provide managers with access to data and insights, enabling them to make better decisions (Attaran, M., 2020). Technology can enable managers to track employee performance and monitor progress more effectively. Managers can also use technology to communicate more effectively with employees, customers, and partners. Improved

4. Collaboration: Technology can help businesses collaborate more effectively with employees, customers, and partners. Technology can facilitate communication and enable teams to work together remotely (Rysavy and Michalak 2020). Additionally, technology can be used to share information and documents quickly and securely.

5. Better Targeting: Technology can also help businesses target customers more effectively. Technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to create more accurate customer profiles. This can help businesses identify potential customers and target them with more relevant marketing campaigns.

6. Improved Productivity: Technology can help businesses improve their productivity by enabling them to do more with less. Technology can help streamline processes and automate mundane tasks, freeing up time for more important tasks. Additionally, technology can help businesses track tasks and monitor progress, ensuring that work is completed on time and within budget.

Challenges of Technology for Business and Management

The use of technology in business and management is becoming more and more prevalent. Technology can offer businesses a number of advantages, such as increased productivity, improved customer service, and reduced operational costs. However, technology also presents a number of challenges for businesses and managers.

1. Cost of Implementation and Maintenance: One of the biggest challenges associated with technology for business and management is the cost of implementation and maintenance (Deyand Das2019). Businesses must invest in hardware, software, and personnel to manage their technology systems. Additionally, businesses must ensure that their systems are secure and compliant with regulations. This can be a costly endeavour, and businesses must ensure that they are prepared to make the necessary investments.

2. Integrating New Technology: Another challenge associated with technology for business and management is integrating new technology into existing systems. This can be time-consuming and expensive, as businesses must ensure that the new technology is compatible with existing systems. Additionally, businesses must ensure that their systems are secure and compliant with regulations.

3. Training Employees: In order to take full advantage of technology, businesses must ensure that their employees are properly trained to use it (Dey and Das 2019). This can be a challenge, as businesses must invest in training personnel to use new technology. Additionally, businesses must ensure that employees are familiar with all aspects of the technology so that they can use it effectively.

4. Keeping Up with Technology: Advancement Technology is constantly evolving, and businesses must ensure that they are keeping up with the latest advancements (Whysall, Owtram and Brittain 2019). This can be a challenge, as businesses must ensure that their technology is up-to-date and able to take advantage of the latest developments.

5. Ethical and Responsible: Use of Technology must be used responsibly and in accordance with regulations and laws. This can be a challenge for businesses and managers, as they must ensure that employees are using technology ethically and in accordance with regulations. Additionally, businesses must ensure that their technology is secure and that private information is kept safe.

6. Adapting to Change:Businesses must be able to quickly adapt to changes in technology. This can be a challenge, as businesses must be prepared to make adjustments to their technology systems in order to take advantage of new opportunities (Dey and Das 2019). Additionally, businesses must ensure that their employees are properly trained to use the latest technology.


Technology is an essential part of any successful business, as it can provide valuable insights into customer behaviour and industry trends, automate mundane tasks to increase efficiency, and help protect customer data from malicious actors. Investing in the right technology can be the difference between success and failure for businesses.

• Data analytics is one of the most important technologies for businesses, as it can provide valuable insights into customer behaviour and industry trends(Maheshwari, Gautam and Jaggi 2021). By leveraging data analytics, businesses can gain a better understanding of their customers, predict and respond to market changes, and optimize their customer engagement strategies.

• Mobile technology is also becoming increasingly important for businesses, as it allows them to reach new customers and expand into new markets. By taking advantage of mobile technologies, businesses can create engaging mobile experiences for their customers, deliver targeted messages and offers, and engage customers in meaningful ways.

• Security is critical when it comes to protecting customer data and preventing data breaches (Tao et al. 2019). Businesses should invest in the latest security technologies and implement robust security measures to ensure their customer data is kept safe.

• Finally, staying up to date on the latest trends in technology is essential for businesses to remain competitive. By keeping up with the latest trends, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and develop innovative products and services that provide value to customers.


Technology is playing an increasingly important role in business and management. Technology can enable businesses to automate tasks, increase efficiency, and improve customer service. Technology can also provide businesses with insights into customer behavior and industry trends, allowing them to make better decisions and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Additionally, technology can enable managers to track employee performance, communicate more effectively, and manage operations more efficiently. Technology can provide numerous benefits to businesses and managers, but it also presents challenges, such as the cost of implementation and maintenance, integrating new technology, and training employees. Businesses must ensure that they are prepared to make the necessary investments in technology and are able to adapt to changes in order to take full advantage of the benefits that technology can provide.


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