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The Impact of Social Media management assignment on Employee Engagement and Performance


Task: How does Social Media management assignment impact employee engagement and performance, and what strategies can businesses implement to manage its effects?



The past decade has seen a major increase in the number of people using the Social Media management assignment both for personal and professional use. Today the Social Media management assignment is accessed by more people than most major search engines like Google due to the Social Media management assignment delivering live feeds and updates among family and friend groups (Association, 2015).

This has also had a major impact towards influencing employees at the workplace both negatively and positively requiring businesses to manage how Social Media management assignment is access and used by the workforce. This report shall discuss on three areas in which Social Media management assignment has had a direct impact on the workforce and make recommendations on how those areas can be resolved.

How Social Media management assignment Influences Employee Engagement?

Social Media management assignment has become an important communication tool among most people and communities today and rather than call or write a letter, many people find themselves communicating with friends and family directly on Social Media management assignment streams, feeds and pages (Burke & Martin, 2016).

This is also happening among employees who have opened certain Social Media management assignment communities on smartphone applications such as watts app which allows employees to create groups in which individual members can post messages to the entire group. This form of communication can be identified to have many benefits when observed from a professional perspective as it helps communicate a single message across to the entire group at once but it’s important to also note there are negative effects which must also be highlighted.

Similar to other forms of Social Media management assignment communication direct one to one communication is lost which results in certain employees losing the ability to maintain their professional communication required in business (Jue, Marr, & Kassotakis, 2009). The Social Media management assignment tends to promote casual communication among group members which results in severing the seniority and hierarchy orderly communication which must exist among business and company employees at all time.

If over uses the Social Media management assignment platforms are likely to damage employee communications which would result in promoting conflict among the employees who can also turn and use the Social Media management assignment platform to publish their negative remarks related to a certain member of a group to the entire group. This is due to the Social Media management assignment groups having live feeds to all groups’ members which also open up the possibility to misuse the Social Media management assignment platform.

Influence of Employee Engagement on Employee Performance?

Employee engagement amongst colleagues, seniors, and the customer also has a direct effect on their performance making it important to manage Social Media management assignment international on a professional manner (Mone & London, 2014).

High Engagement Drives Growth

It is well-known that High Engagement in work Drives Growth but High Engagement in Social Media management assignment Does Not Drive Growth making it important for Social Media management assignment access and use require proper management among employees at the workplace to prevent hampering their performance (Maylett & Warner, 2014). The Social Media management assignment has been identified to be a useful tool among business for marketing and communication but when unmanaged the Social Media management assignment websites and communication platforms can turn to being a major hindrance that hampers growth and performance.

Social Media management assignment Addiction and Blocking Access to Social Media management assignment Sites

The Social Media management assignment is highly addictive which has resulted in affecting many employees performance directly. As a result, it’s common to find that many businesses and offices today have blocked access to Social Media management assignment websites through the business computers (Lipschultz, 2017).

This is due to many people abandoning their daily responsibility to engage in Social Media management assignment gossip and talk which affects the businesses performance in a negative manner. Today most businesses have blocked computer browsers from accessing most Social Media management assignment websites but this has not helped stop the problem from persisting.

Banning of Smartphones at Work

The negative influence of Social Media management assignment on employee performance would quickly see the adoption of powerful smartphones by employees at the workplace. This would again see employee performance reducing due to many over indulging in the Social Media management assignment which has again forced much business to develop smartphone policies that restrict the use or access of smartphones during office hours (Guerin, 2017).

This was necessary due to smartphones delivering freedom to the employee to access their favourite Social Media management assignment website which acted as a distraction while working resulting in the personal smartphones being banned altogether by many businesses. Businesses which depend on smartphones have issued their employees with smartphones but the handset has been installed with MDM software which delivers access and control of the smartphone to the IT department who can control how the smartphone is used and what it accesses thus helping boost performance.

What Is The Influence Of Social Media management assignment On Employee Performance?

The Social Media management assignment has been identified to be a very important networking tool which has helped many individuals and business develop strong business ties but at the same time, the Social Media management assignment has also had negative effects to toward employee performance. It is rare to find an employee using the Social Media management assignment to build networks and advertise and in 99% of the situations employees use it to communicate and share their images and other information.

This has resulted in delivering continuous access to gossip and unproductive information on Social Media management assignment websites which employee’s access unmanaged (Aiken, 2016). Social Media management assignment is there for largely classified as having a negative effect on Employee performance resulting businesses banning access to the Social Media management assignment websites as well as smartphones during office hours. The main influence related to the Social Media management assignment is its tendency to be very addictive which results in most people developing a keen interest in monitoring progress on the Social Media management assignment website rather than focus on their work.


The Social Media management assignment has been identified to have many benefits towards business marketing and sales but it has had a majority of negative effects on employee performance. This makes it important for business and individuals to monitor and manage Social Media management assignment access so as to ensure it delivering a positive effect on the business and not diminishing employee performance.


Aiken, M. (2016). The Cyber Effect: A Pioneering Cyberpsychologist Explains How Human Behaviour Changes Online. London: Hachette UK.

Association, M. (2015). Social Media management assignment and Networking: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global.

Burke, R., & Martin, G. (2016). Corporate Reputation: Managing Opportunities and Threats. New York: CRC Press.

Guerin, L. (2017). Smart Policies for Workplace Technologies: Email, Social Media management assignment, Cell Phones & More. Berkeley : Nolo.

Jue, A., Marr, J., & Kassotakis, J. (2009). Social Media management assignment at Work: How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance. San Fransisco: John Wiley & Sons.

Lipschultz, J. (2017). Social Media management assignment Communication: Concepts, Practices, Data, Law and Ethics. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Maylett, T., & Warner, P. (2014). MAGIC: Five Keys to Unlock the Power of Employee Engagement. Austin: Greenleaf Book Group.

Mone, E., & London, M. (2014). Employee Engagement Through Effective Performance Management: A Practical Guide for Managers. Oxon: Routledge.

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