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strategies to map consumer behaviour using Consumer decision making assignment research techniques


Task: how can consumer behaviour be mapped using Consumer decision making assignment research techniques?


The aim of this Consumer decision making assignmentis to undertake a critical review analysis of the research paper of Häubl and Trifts (2000) named “Consumer decision making in online shopping environments: The effects of interactive decision aids”. The paper mainly discusses about the concept of consumer decision-making by focusing on the online or digital platforms. For undertaking the critical analysis, this research has emphasized on examining the significance, validity and reliability of the methodological approaches and use of models and theories in understanding how interactive decision aids are applied in consumer decision-making. This has helped in generating valuable insights for future researchers, managers and marketers with its contribution towards consumer decision-making.

The Consumer decision making assignmentstudy done by Häubl and Trifts (2000) has discussed about consumer decision-making in online environments by considering the effects of interactive decision aids. Consumer decision-making has been defined as the process of consumers recognizing their needs, gather relevant information about products or services, evaluating alternative options and finally making the purchase decision (Stankevich, 2017; Willman-Iivarinen, 2017; Kumar, et al., 2018). Here, interactive decision aids in online stores can help customers in making effective purchase decisions by analysing their behaviour changes over time (Shiand Zhang, 2014; Syrowatka, et al., 2016).

The literature review in the selected article has explored various interactive tools that can be used for consumer decision-making for reducing the research gap about how alternatives can be better evaluated based on product information.

Consumer decision making assignmentAnalysis
Methodological Approach

The fundamental aim of the Consumer decision making assignmentstudywas exploring how the two selected interactive decision aids can influence different consumer decision-making aspects in their online shopping environments. In this regard, the authors considered hypothesis testing method as the methodological approach for analysing the effect of such interactive decision aids on consumers’ search for product information, quality and size and effectiveness of purchase decisions in online store (Häubland Trifts, 2000). Here, the independent variable was considered as the particular interactive tools present in online shopping environments. On the other hand, the dependent variable were ways undertaken by customers for searching product information and making purchase decisions. Furthermore, the authors further undertook a controlled experiment for conducting the hypothesis testing (Häubland Trifts, 2000). Here, a 24 full-factorial experimental design was used, while for the modelling approach Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) models were applied for testing the hypotheses. Besides, a sample of 80 undergraduate psychology students were involved in the pilot study for testing the validity of the experimental manipulations. In addition, data were gathered through 15 to 20 subject sessions conducted in a university computer lab (Häubland Trifts, 2000). The results of the Consumer decision making assignmentstudy were presented in a tabular format for displaying the coefficient estimates between the dependent and independent variables. Graphical representation was also used for better representing the results of the study.

The authors have made an appropriate choice of selecting hypothesis testing to study the cause-and-effect relationship between consumer decision making and interactive decision aids. Besides, the experimental design and GEE model undertaken were beneficial in carrying out the test in a valid and reliable manner. However, the authors only considered psychology students as the sample participants for the study, which is not a true representation of the consumer population. Moreover, a correlation analysis with the help of Pearson’s correlation coefficient could have been used alongside SPSS data analysis method for better validating the hypothesis study.

Use of Models/ Theories
The Consumer decision making assignment study byHäubland Trifts (2000) used the GEE models for testing the hypotheses. These models were beneficial in accommodating various response distributions alongside the common normal distribution. It helped in the proper modelling of the dependent variables, thereby resulting in exploration of the causal relationship. The model was also useful for adequate modelling of data in the study as they displayed a hierarchical sampling pattern. However, it suffers from various limitations. For example, the consistency of the parameters used in the study depends only on correct specification of the mean model, but it cannot be extended beyond dependent binary variable. Besides, these parameter estimates often become sensitive to outliers or contaminated data, which could have led to failure in consistent parameters and incorrect conclusions.

Furthermore, the authors considered the theoretical concepts of human decision-making and decision aids in this study. They focused on discussing about two interactive decision tools, namely, recommending agent for screening alternatives and comparison matrix for organizing product information. While these tools were systematically selected based on the various stages of purchase decision, the authors did not consider any other tools to be used for other following phases involved in the consumer decision making process (Häubland Trifts, 2000). Furthermore, the literature review section lacks analysis of previous scholars about such interactive decision aids and focused mainly on proposing these two tools. It has inadequate information and analysis about different interactive tools and their benefits in consumer decision-making in online environments. Moreover, the authors also ignored the other phases of the decision-making process, which are equally important in making the final purchase decision. Here, the various external factors affecting the online environment and consequently, the entire consumer decision making process should also have been explored. In addition, the authors did not mention any limitations of the study. Despite having these weaknesses, the Consumer decision making assignmentstudy pointed out the significant impact of interactive aids on the consumer decision making process.

The Consumer decision making assignmentaimed at undertaking a critical review analysis of the research paper named “Consumer decision making in online shopping environments: The effects of interactive decision aids” written by Häubl and Trifts (2000). In this regard, the analysis focussed on evaluating the methodological approach and use of models and theories in the paper. It was found out that the authors considered an appropriate research methodology of hypothesis testing, controlled experimental design and suitable samples. However, the sample was not true representation of the entire population. Besides, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and SPSS statistical method would have been more suitable for studying the casual relationship. Furthermore, while the GEE model was beneficial in undertaking the study it had various limitations that could have hampered the conclusions. In addition, there was lack of review on previous scholarly Consumer decision making assignmentarticles about various interactive aids that could have been beneficial for consumer decision making process.

Reference List
Häubl, G. and Trifts, V., 2000. Consumer decision making in online shopping environments: The effects of interactive decision aids. Marketing science, Consumer decision making assignment19(1), pp.4-21. Kumar, A., Mangla, S.K., Luthra, S., Rana, N.P. and Dwivedi, Y.K., 2018. Predicting changing pattern: building model for consumer decision making in digital market. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 31(5), pp.674-703. Shi, S.W. and Zhang, J., 2014. Usage experience with decision aids and evolution of online purchase behavior. Marketing Science, 33(6), pp.871-882.

Stankevich, A., 2017. Explaining the consumer decision-making process: Critical literature review. Journal of international business research and marketing, 2(6), pp.7-14. Syrowatka, A., Krömker, D., Meguerditchian, A.N. and Tamblyn, R., 2016. Features of computer-based decision aids: systematic review, thematic synthesis, and meta-analyses. Journal of medical Internet research, Consumer decision making assignment18(1), p.e4982.

Willman-Iivarinen, H., 2017. The future of consumer decision making. European journal of futures research, Consumer decision making assignment5(1), pp.1-12.


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