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reinforced learning assignment, Retail Comparison, and Social Media Strategy: 3 Questions Explored


Task: How does the case method reinforced learning assignment, and what benefits does it offer in terms of participation, critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication?


Q1: How does the case method reinforced learning assignment? Examples please.

The case method, which is frequently used in business education, is a pedagogical strategy that improves learning by incorporating real-world situations and problem-solving strategies. Students are exposed to complex, real-world problems that need analysis, decision-making, and the creation of recommendations. Numerous benefits may be derived from this approach when it comes to enhancing learning (Akdeniz et al., 2019).

Firstly, the case promotes participation: Students actively participate in analysing the case, recognising important difficulties, and applying theoretical knowledge to real-world circumstances rather than simply passively taking in information. For instance, in the Jones Company example, students must assess possible ideas that may be used to address the difficulties the retail industry is now facing. This interaction helps to close the knowledge gap between theory and practise and enhances comprehension.

The case technique also encourages decision-making and critical thinking (Latfia et al., 2022). Students must evaluate the material at their disposal, weigh their options, and then defend their decisions using facts and logic. To assess the feasibility of establishing a new product line in the ABC Company scenario, students would need to critically review market research, manufacturing capability, marketing tactics, and financial assessments.

The case technique also improves one's capacity for problem-solving. Students gain the ability to deal with the uncertainty, insufficient knowledge, and divergent viewpoints that are prevalent in real-world business situations. Through navigating these difficulties, children gain resiliency and the capacity to successfully address complicated problems.

The case technique also encourages teamwork and communication skills. To analyse instances, students frequently work in groups, fostering peer reinforce learning and a variety of opinions. In the Jones Company scenario, good cooperation and communication would be necessary to cooperate on negotiations with the landlord or create distinct pricing strategies (Freyn et al., 2021).

As a result of encouraging participation, critical thinking, problem-solving, cooperation, and communication, the case approach strengthens reinforce learning. By immersing them in realistic situations, as demonstrated by the examples from the Jones Company and ABC Company cases, it prepares students for the rigours of real-world business.

Q2: Compare how online shopping differs from bricks and mortar retail at Canadian Tire.

When comparing the purchasing experiences offered by online and brick-and-mortar stores, Canadian Tyre, a well-known retailer in Canada, can be used as an example.

Online Shopping:

Online purchasing provides flexibility and convenience. It is perfect for people with hectic schedules or restricted mobility since customers can explore and buy things from the comfort of their homes. Customers may browse a variety of items, compare prices, and read reviews on Canadian Tire's online shop without having to go to a physical location (Sharma & Jhamb, 2020).

Online buying offers access to a worldwide market. Customers may browse items from other areas or nations without being limited by their physical location. Customers can obtain goods through Canadian Tire's online shop that might not be offered in their neighbourhood physical location.

However, the physical feeling is absent from internet buying. Customers may be uncertain about the quality of things if they cannot physically touch, try, or test them before making a purchase. Although Canadian Tyre offers thorough product descriptions and photographs online, a real store's sensory experience is not replicated.

Bricks and Mortar Retail:

Brick and mortar stores provide customers a practical experience. Customers may engage with items, test their operation, and get prompt advice from shop professionals at Canadian Tire's physical stores. For some product categories, like automotive equipment and components, where physical scrutiny is necessary, this concrete experience may be crucial.

Social connection is facilitated in physical stores. Customers may communicate face-to-face, get help from qualified employees, and even take part in training or events. Customers can receive advice on technical features of items from Canadian Tire's in-store specialists as it may be difficult to express such information online.

The drawback of buying in physical locations is that it often necessitates travel and takes time. This might not be as practical, particularly for people with hectic schedules. Additionally, traditional businesses may have less inventory than the online marketplace, which has an impact on the availability of products.

In conclusion, Canadian Tire's brick-and-mortar locations offer a tactile experience, social engagement, and professional support, whilst its online platform offers convenience and a worldwide marketplace. With regard to meeting the various demands and preferences of customers, each shopping channel has advantages and disadvantages (HR & Aithal, 2020).

Q3. What are your thoughts on the article “culnan, M.J.,McHugh,P.J.,& Zubillaga, j.I.(2010).how large U.S. companies can use Twitter”

The 2010 article "How Large U.S. Companies Can Use Twitter and Other Social Media to Gain Business Value" by Culnan, McHugh, and Zubillaga offers insightful information on how major U.S. firms might strategically use social media platforms, with an emphasis on Twitter in particular. The authors highlight the establishment of virtual customer environments (VCEs), which promote participation and community building, in order to highlight the platforms' revolutionary potential (Li et al., 2021).

The article's main argument centres on the notion that merely being present on social media is inadequate to provide economic value. The proactive and thoughtful approach to adoption is what counts, not the opposite. By avoiding a one-size-fits-all strategy, the authors' idea of "mindful adoption" advises businesses to pick platforms that complement their objectives and target market.

The article's examination of community development is one of its highlights. Customer participation in VCEs, where they co-create content and share authority, is essential for fostering brand advocacy, boosting loyalty, and even fending off malicious information. Examples of businesses utilising social media for branding, sales, customer support, and product development highlight how versatile these platforms are. The application of these concepts in practise is further clarified by the case studies of Fortune 100 organisations.

While the study's emphasis is mostly on quantitative research and high-level observations, the article does a good job of highlighting the potential benefit of social media for big U.S. firms. More in-depth investigation of the particular industry's subtleties, difficulties, and qualitative insights may have offered broader viewpoints (Culnan et al., 2010).

The article's advice are still applicable in the fast changing digital environment of today. Since 2010, social media has become increasingly important, and successful social media tactics are still shaped by the concepts of community-building and deliberate adoption. Overall, the paper emphasises the notion that, for major American corporations, active participation and strategic adaptation—rather than just passive presence—are the keys to realising the full potential of social media.


Akdeniz, M.B., Zhang, C. & Cavusgil, S.T., 2019. Innovative pedagogical approaches in teaching international business. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 30(2), pp.96-101.

Culnan, M.J., McHugh, P.J. & Zubillaga, J.I., 2010. How large U.S. companies can use Twitter and other social media to gain business value. MIS Quarterly Executive, 9(4), pp.243-59.

Freyn, S.L., Sedaghatjou, M. & Rodney, S., 2021. Collaborative engagement experience-based learning: a teaching framework for business education. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 11(5), pp.1252-66. reinforce learning

HR, G. & Aithal, P.S., 2020. Changes in Consumer Perspective towards Discount at Brick-and-Mortar Stores owing to Emergence of Online Store Format in India. International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 5(1), pp.43-83.

Latfia, S.E., Kusumastuti, M.N. & Hamdiyati, Y., 2022. The correlation between critical thinking skills of junior high school students with decision making on the use of plastic bags. Assimilation. Indonesian Journal of Biology Education, 5(1), pp.58-70.

Li, F., Larimo, J. & Leonidou, L.C., 2021. Social media marketing strategy: definition, conceptualization, taxonomy, validation, and future agenda. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, pp.51-70.

Sharma, A. & Jhamb, D., 2020. Changing consumer behaviours towards online shopping-an impact of Covid 19. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 24(3), pp.1-10.


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