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Project management assignment Success: Lifecycle Optimisation


Task: How can project management assignment techniques be applied to successfully deliver 1,000 affordable housing units in Leicester City, addressing issues of scope, budget, risk, and stakeholder engagement?


Executive Summary:

In this essay we explore ways in which project management assignment may help Leicester City solve the urgent affordability housing problem, that has occurred due to the city's rapid population growth. the hypothetical situation, discusses a real estate developer named JUTEX who commissioned the building of 1,000 homes, with their delivery set for October 31, 2024. The essay explores crucial facets of project management assignment, including the projects objectives, scope, stakeholders, budget, and risk management to help create a project charter. the essay will also explore ways in which project management assignment plan can be used to achieve success as well as suggests ways in which expert project management assignment knowledge can help improve efficient resource allocation and communication.


The Rapid population growth in Leicester City has triggered mortgage rates to rise, making housing unaffordable to many low-income individuals and families. JUTEX has started working on a project to build 1,000 homes aimed solely at resolving the city's housing issue.

To achieve project success, project management assignment plans will have a major positive effect on the planning, execution, and supervision of the project's tasks (Susilowati et al., 2021). This undertaking can only be with the use of these planned project management assignment concepts.

With this in mind, on this essay a detailed project charter for the "Leicester City Affordable Housing Project" has been created. the project's goals, scope, stakeholders, budget as well as the risk management plan are discussed in the project charter, serving as the project's fundamental document. Which this charter of the cornerstone of the housing project can be identified helping facilitating effective communication and resource allocation. This ensures project success in successfully delivering 1,000 affordable housing units to the residents of Leicester City (Gunduz & Almuajebh, 2020).

Project Charter

1. Project Name: Leicester City's "Homes for All" Initiative

2. Project Description: The "Homes for All" Initiative seeks to solve Leicester City's urgent need for affordable homes. To meet the requirements of low-income individuals and families, 1,000 affordable housing units will be built as part of this project.

3. Business Case: In Leicester City, there has been a constant need for reasonably priced homes. In addition to being in line with our corporate responsibility objectives, meeting this demand offers UTEX, the real estate developer, a great commercial opportunity. Through the expansion of our housing portfolio, our programme serves our financial interests in addition to improving community welfare.

4. Objectives: By October 31, 2024, the "Homes for All" Initiative wants to have built 1,000 affordable housing units with diligence. This objective demonstrates the project's dedication to providing affordable, easily accessible homes in a timely manner, hence meeting the community's urgent housing needs. By accomplishing this goal, the initiative hopes to improve the general standard of living for low-income individuals and families in Leicester City in addition to closing the affordability gap. The project's commitment to provide quick, reasonably priced, and high-quality housing options shows how serious it is about improving living conditions and the community as a whole.

5. Desired Outcome: The successful completion of 1,000 affordable housing units that not only satisfy the highest standards of quality but also provide low-income people and families with accessibility and affordability is the intended result of this endeavour. This multi-pronged goal, which aims to give inhabitants with more than simply a place to live, is essential to easing Leicester City's severe housing issue. The project aims to herald in a new age of stability and well-being for the community by providing affordable and excellent quality housing alternatives, allowing residents to live in safe, comfortable, and needs-responsive surroundings.

6. Constraints and Assumptions: The availability of regulatory approvals and permits from governmental entities, community members' participation and input, and UTEX's dedication to provide funds and strategic choices are among the presumptions. The budgetary cap, the deadline, and the requirement to follow zoning laws and official orders are some of the constraints.

7. Project Organization:

Project Manager: In charge of overseeing the project's daily operations, allocating resources, and making sure it satisfies quality and scope standards.

Project Team: Comprising experts in construction, architecture, finance, and project management assignment, responsible for specific project tasks.

8. Project Plan (Milestones, Timeline, Dependencies):

Start Date: October 1, 2023.


Foundation Completion: January 15, 2024.

Infrastructure Development: April 30, 2024.

Commencement of Housing Unit Construction: May 15, 2024.

Completion of 25% of Housing Units: July 31, 2024.

Completion of 50% of Housing Units: August 31, 2024.

Completion of 75% of Housing Units: September 30, 2024.

Final Housing Unit Handovers: October 31, 2024.

Dependencies: tasks should be coordinated and sequenced correctly to fulfil deadlines.

9. Project Risk: Construction delays, budget overruns, and regulatory obstacles are examples of potential hazards. Proactive risk management will be ensured by the development and monitoring of strong mitigation solutions.

10. Communication Management Plan: A well-organized communication strategy will guarantee consistent updates and cooperation amongst all parties involved. It will consist of meetings, progress updates, and open lines of communication.

11. Project Budget Overview: The project's budget will be allocated initially, with facilities for continuous evaluation and modifications to suitably handle project needs and requirements that change over time.

12. Project Benefits: Benefits of the project include satisfying the community's demand for affordable housing, adhering to corporate social responsibility, and offering UTEX both financial returns and a growth potential. Furthermore, it promotes constructive community involvement and raises the level of living for low-income Leicester City inhabitants.

13. Effective use figures, tables and proper: Making good use of figures, tables, and diagrams may improve the project charter's readability and aesthetic appeal considerably. Stakeholders may rapidly understand complicated information and connections with the use of these graphic tools. Here are some ideas on how to use them effectively:

Gantt Chart: To graphically illustrate the project plan (milestones, schedule, and dependencies), create a Gantt chart. A clear chronology of the project's tasks, dependencies, and milestones will be provided by this graphic. It makes it possible for interested parties to quickly view the project timeline.

Organizational Chart: Add an organisational chart to show the project's structure in visual form. The duties and responsibilities of the project manager and team members ought to be represented in this chart. It facilitates the understanding of project stakeholders on who is responsible for what.

Budget Table: Present the project budget summary using a table. The original budgetary allotment as well as any anticipated or planned adjustments may be seen in this table. Add columns for expenses, allocations, and budget items. Financial information is easily referred to thanks to tables.

Risk Matrix: To depict project hazards visually, use a risk matrix. This matrix offers a concise summary of prospective difficulties by classifying hazards according to their effect and likelihood. Add accountable parties and mitigating techniques to the matrix.

Communication Flowchart: Create a flowchart to show the communication management strategy in action. The information flow between stakeholders, including meetings, reports, and communication routes, should be depicted in this graphic. Stakeholders may comprehend the communication process better with the aid of a visual depiction.


Continuous Application of Professional Project management assignment Knowledge: Consistently adopting professional project management assignment techniques and customising them to the changing requirements of the Leicester City Affordable Housing Project are essential for effective project execution.

Adaptation of Communication Strategies: A customised communication plan should be created and maintained to guarantee efficient information flow and engagement throughout the project lifetime given the particular requirements of the project and the diversified stakeholder group.

Flexible Budget Management: Keeping a flexible budget is advised in preparation of unanticipated difficulties and changes that might occur in complicated undertakings. With this strategy, the project may adjust and distribute resources as necessary, which helps the project succeed.


The Leicester City Affordable Housing Project's project charter acts as a solid foundation for the efficient completion of this important task. Unquestionably, project management assignment is the foundation of the entire endeavour, playing a crucial part in ensuring that the goals of the project are not only established but also achieved. It acts as the project's driving force, organising the many procedures, resources, and participants. The project will be well-positioned to fulfil its objectives and have a significant impact thanks to efficient project management assignment.

Project management assignment's fundamental principle of efficient resource allocation will be crucial in making sure that both financial and human resources are best allocated to the project's various components. Proactive risk management, another important aspect, will also provide the project team the tools they need to foresee and address possible obstacles that can slow down development. By minimising setbacks, this forward-thinking strategy helps the project succeed in the end.

The project team should continue to actively use professional project management assignment skills and procedures in order to maximise project success. This continual dedication to best practises guarantees that the project stays on course. A flexible budget that can be adjusted to account for unanticipated difficulties and the specific demands of the project are also important in negotiating the uncertain landscape of large-scale projects.

In the big picture, the Leicester City Affordable Housing Project is more than just about creating houses; it's also about tackling the housing problem, improving the lives of low-income people and families, and improving the neighbourhood. The project is ready to make substantial progress towards these lofty goals provided it adheres to accepted project management assignment principles and employs these suggested tactics.


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