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Project Management Assignment: Report On Evaluation Of Project’s Sustainability Effects


Task: Prepare a detailed report on project management assignment critically discussing about evaluating the sustainability effects of a project.


The project management assignmentor the report evaluating sustainability effects describes the sustainability of the target project. As well, in this report, the decision matrix is built for this particular project. Here software measurement plan will be used to measure the development plan that helps in evaluating the sustainability effects. By evaluating the effects we need to focus on the particular object that needs to be measured. After identifying the relevant views, measurement goal setting needs to be done. As well as candidate metrics are considered based on the relevance of the project. After that, the data collection plan is proposed based on the corresponding project. Sustainability is one type of concept relating to good development, service development that may involve meetings. For the industrial field, sustainability is concerned with the holistic approach of an organization. It helps to boost the quality of life and also preserve natural resources.

Sustainability Plan:
A sustainability plan is one type of roadmap for purpose of achieving long-term goals and strategies to carry out a program. This sustainability plan helps to achieve organizational goals that build financial, environmental, societal sustainability (Sutton, 2004).

Sustainability goals help in the decision-making process. Decision-making includes identified procedures and must be managed efficiently. The decision required to be centralized upon aiding organizational meetings with strategic objectives. The Decision-making process should be defined or monitored efficiently. Sustainability has an impact on the decision-making process for project development.

Sustainability goal is to get PAID membership, increase customer loyalty and social engagement in on organization.
Software Measurement Framework:
A Software Measurement framework is totally dependent upon three principles-
• Relevant measurement goals determination (Dahab et al., 2017).
• Entities classification
• Maturity level identification

Entity Classification:
There are three types of entity classes and all classes are-
• Products:
These are not any kind of item, but also any document produced at the time of software life-cycle.
• Processes:
Processes are a set of collections with respect to software-related activities. Few internal activities might be measured and that are- Process duration, associated process, and specified incidents numbers. External attributes are quality, controllability, cost, effectiveness, etc.
• Resources:
Resources include tools, methods, materials, and personnel. External attributes are reliability, usability, productivity, etc. internal attributes are memory size, speed, size, etc.


Figure-1: Project Management Framework
Source: (Self-created)


Figure-2: Gantt chart
Source: (Self-created)

Goal Question Metric (GQM) Approach:
GQM approach is one kind of hierarchical structure including goal (purpose, object, and viewpoint). GQM approach is usually based upon an assumption for the company to measure goals purposefully (Caldiera and Rombach, 1994). This model consists of three levels- Conceptual Level, Quantitative Level, and Operational Level. The operation level of the GQM approach helps to specify goals. At this level, the question set is mostly used to characterize specific goal achievement (Berander and Jönsson, 2006). Questions always try to characterize measurement objects (products, processes, and resources).

In the Quantitative level of the GQM approach, the data set is concerned with each question to answer quantitatively. The data set might be subjective or objective.

Measurement Plan:
Measurements frameworks are usually a way of structuring KPIs and metrics around the goals, objectives, and strategies of an organization (Signalinc, 2021).
To create a measurement plan, there are a few steps and all these steps are required to follow-
• Identification of objectives & KPIs (Key-Performance-Indicators)
In this step, build simple documentation and identify all essential strategies in supporting objectives’ achievement. Then KPIs must be identified.
• Requirement of data segment consideration & set targets

Data segments requirement has to be done or considered in stage of a measurement plan and targets have to be set-up. In this stage, business objectives have to measure with metrics (Signalinc, 2021).

• Implementation plan creation
Universal analytics provides additional tracking opportunities broadly including metrics, custom dimensions. Then implementation plan is created using KPIs.

• Determination of format & report frequency
Key number collection must be simplified by making a dashboard or custom report consisting of automated emails.

Measurement Plan in project management assignment

Figure-3: Measurement Plan
(Source: Self-created)

Objectives of this Measurement plan are getting PAD membership, customer loyalty & growth, social engagement in an organization. Measurement plan is based on objectives, KPIs, metrics, and segments also.

Research Questions + Metrics:
• Q.1. How organization can get PAID membership?

o Survey on PAID membership benefits.
• Q.2. How organization can increase customer loyalty?
o M2.2. Survey on customer loyalty in others companies and growth of companies.
• Q.3. How organization can increase social engagement?
o M3.3. Survey social engagement of others companies with participants’ percentages.

Identified relevant views:
Relevant information may have an impact on the decision-making approach. This relevant information is one type of data that might be used in problem resolution. This type of data may come in form of revenues, costs, etc. It might be in form of non-financial. Relevant information is important in project execution. It can find accurate data and upgraded information about the project. The identified relevant view can help in the decision-making approach for project development.

The goal involves procedures that must be followed and managed effectively. A decision had to be made based on assisting organizational discussions with strategic goals. The GQM strategy is typically predicated on the idea that the organization would measure goals on a regular basis. Sustainability software measurement has to include both internal and external negative impacts on people, the economy, and societies as a result of deploying the system and innovation. Project metrics have been used to assess the project quality and also to quantify costs, efficiency, timeline, and capacity estimates.

Measurement goal:
A SMART goal setting helps to measure the goal. Term "S.M.A.R.T." stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. It aids in setting up challenging and measurable goals (Haughey, 2014).

Specific: Target a particular area for purpose of improving
Measurable: Quantify minimum suggested progress indicator
Achievable: Identify a particular employee
Relevant: Elaborate what outcomes may be achieved realistically provided resources
Time-Bound: Define when the result might be achieved


Figure-4: S.M.A.R.T Goal
(Source: Self-created)

Relevant measurement goals determination
Specific measurement is so beneficial and it supports the understanding of the project process. A clear understanding of the project's goals might be applied to operate suggested metrics with respect to a project. There is an approach to setting up the goal. GQM (Goal Question Metric) paradigm helps to define all essential goals. To generate metrics, goals, questions, there is template series-

Purpose: To evaluate the process or product for improvement.
Perspective: Define effectiveness, cost, or changes from a viewpoint of each person manager, developer, and customer. Environment: An environment has methods, factors (problem, process, and problem), tools, etc.

Measurement is so important because of-
• Setting up baseline
• Utilizing products and processes
• Accessing and forecasting output

Software sustainability as a measurable attribute is endurable. Sustainable software measurement must involve direct and indirect negative impacts upon human beings, the economy, society that consequences from deployment and development of software.

Candidate metrics:
Project metrics are one kind of key indicator that can aid in tracking the performance of the project. One should control the progress of the project and lead in the project's goals. PMBOK prioritizes Earned Value, Actual Cost, and Planned value. These are three important metrics to measure project performance (Kerzner, 2017). The best project metrics are gross profit margin, ROI (Return-on-Investment), Cost performance, etc.

Project metrics are used to check project quality as well as applied to quantify costs, productivity, schedule, and estimation of project resources. KPI (Key-Performance-Indicators) is a performance metric and it is used to determine achievement within an organization.

Relevant project management metrics can able to enable utilization and help in good decision-making.

Data collection plan:
Data collection plan aids in ensuring that data is collected during project improvement or project analysis. Along with that, it is ensured that data is collected and it is so useful. Data collection gives efficient procedures from the perspective of specifying goals (Baker, 2011). Measurement is the procedure of recording and observing all observations that are usually gathered as a research effort part.

Data is collected through survey to fulfill the sustainability goal.
All data (Q.2., Q.2., and Q.3.) of research questions are collected analyzed through survey.

In the conclusion section, it is stated that a programming estimation plan is utilized to quantify the improvement plan that aids in assessing the maintainability impacts. In the wake of recognizing the important perspectives, estimation objective setting should be finished. Just as applicant measurements are considered dependent on the importance of the project. After that, the information assortment plan has been proposed dependent on the relating project. Sustainability is one sort of idea identifying with a great turn of events, administration advancement that might include gatherings. For the modern field, maintainability is worried about the comprehensive methodology of an association. It assists with boosting personal satisfaction and furthermore safeguard normal assets

Baker, L., 2011. Data collection. Lee Baker.

Berander, P. and Jönsson, P., 2006, September. A goal question metric based approach for efficient measurement framework definition. In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE international symposium on Empirical software engineering (pp. 316-325).
Caldiera, V.R.B.G. and Rombach, H.D., 1994. The goal question metric approach. Encyclopedia of software engineering, pp.528-532.
Dahab, S.A., Maag, S. and Che, X., 2017, March. A software measurement framework guided by support vector machines. In 2017 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA) (pp. 397-402). IEEE.
Haughey, D., 2014. A brief history of SMART goals. Project management assignmentProject Smart Website. https://www. projectsmart. co. uk/brief-history-of-smart-goals. php.
Kerzner, H., 2017. Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project performance. John Wiley & Sons.
Signalinc (2021): Creating a Measurement Plan [Online] [Accessed on 23rd October]
Sutton, P., 2004. What is sustainability. Eingana, the journal of the Victorian Association for Environmental Education, pp.1-7.


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