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Organizational Diversity Policy at Morgan McKinley



Choose an organizational diversity policy relating to your future profession. In a report format, evaluate the policy using research.


Executive Summary
In the current situation, D&I policy is something that helps the organizational diversity and their HRM in maintaining an affirmative workplace environment with higher productivity and equal work opportunity. The current report is based on the procedure and commitment of D&I policy at Morgan McKinley organization in understanding their purpose, practice, and governing procedure.

1. Introduction
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are related to a company's operational strategies, mission and vision perspective, and practices in maintaining a diverse workplace for achieving a competitive position. In the current report, it will analyze the theoretical and contextual diversity policy of Morgan McKinley in their Human Resource Management To understand their approach towards their employees and the enhancement of their leadership.

2. Purpose of the Policy

2.1. Organization's Justification of Policy
Morgan McKinley is a consultancy for conducting professional recruitment services, where they work on connecting talented professional individuals with the leading employers across multiple disciplines and industries. They are mainly specializing in IT, Risk and Compliance, Transformational strategy, and Accounting and Finance. The diversity policy of Morgan McKinley enables them in practicing respectful gestures towards their clients, candidates, employees, and investors globally to consider their contribution to the company (Morgan McKinley, 2020). The justification behind the implementation of an effective diversity policy is to encourage employees from different backgrounds to increase the firm's performance (Zoogah, 2016). On the other hand, the effective practice of inclusion promotes equal opportunity to the employees and maintains an affirmative working environment.

2.2. Organizational Commitment to Diversity
Morgan McKinley is determined in fulfilling its commitment to ensuing the achievement of equal opportunity and organizational goals through affirmative action among the employees. It helps them in eliminating potential discrimination, vilification, and harassment from the workplace(Morgan McKinley, 2020). The reinforcement of D&I policy in the regular policies, activities, procedures, and practices to make the employees accountable for their behavior and actions against the regulation(Morgan McKinley, 2020). The most challenging situation that the HRM of the current organization is facing is the retention of an aging workforce or maintaining a huge age diversity(Sousa and Ramos, 2019). The characteristics of perceived work ability among the aging workforce are the result of workplace commitment from the HRM.

3. Description of the Policy and Readability

3.1. Accessibility of Policy
The accessibility of the D&I policy can be assessed by the employees, management, and investors of Morgan McKinley organization. It ensures the behavioral and cultural perspectives of the employees to be welcomed by a diverse and equal environment. The contribution of HRM in changing the workplace environment according to the globalization, individualization, digital transformation, and environmental crisis is significant (Theodoridis, 2017). It maintains a positive and inclusive environment within a firm.

3.2. Links to the Other Policies or Strategies
Implementing the Diversity and inclusion policy in the Morgan McKinley Company, the organization would open scopes to the company. It will enhance the work performances. It will promote diversity in the workplace. Women in the company will be adopting the policy in the company. The policy will also help to maintain the work culture and improve the organizational structure of the company.

4. Implementation of Practices Outlined

4.1. Measurement and Monitoring
Morgan McKinley is a consultancy for recruitment services. The workplace has a diversity and inclusion policy. It has helped to create opportunities for the members of the office as well as create scope for the new candidates also. To measure and monitor the diversity in the organizations, some metrics can be used. The metrics will help employers committed to the diversity and inclusion policy (Grissom, 2018). It will help to measure the biasness in the organization. The metrics will also help identify the risk areas and helps to prioritize the main goal of the organization. The diversity policy will monitor the gender biases in the workplace. As per the organization's need, it can measure race, identity, professional expertise, and ethnicity in the workplace.

4.2. Recruitment and Retention
Morgan McKinley creates an opportunity for all the eligible candidates without any discrimination. The company has ensured that every employee should get equal opportunity in the workplace. The diversity and inclusion policy will help with the recruitment process of the company without any biases or gender discrimination. The policy will create learning and development opportunities in the organization which will help the employees of the company to gain a broader knowledge of the working. It can also create leadership opportunities and promotes work/life balance within the workplace (Chordiya, 2018). The policy also helps employees to get satisfaction in the workplace. The employees of the organization can be retained with the innovative strategy.

4.3. Other Strategies
The diversity and inclusion policy will also help other strategies that will help to develop the organization. The policy will help to increase organizational performance. It can also help to face the challenges within the organization. With the help of a diversity and inclusion policy, gender discrimination can be mitigated. The diversity in the organization can improve performance (Kundu and Mor, 2017). It will effectively manage diversity with celebration and success. Equal representation and giving equal opportunities can help to develop the performance of the organization.

5. Leadership Governing the Policy

5.1. Organizational Structure
The diversity and inclusion policy will help the Morgan McKinley Company to develop the organizational structure. The diversity in the company will promote equality in the workplace. Diversity has become the strategic business drivers in the organization. The policy will help the employees of the company to maintain the work/life balance. The policy also helps in leadership governing. Diversity in the company will help the organization to give scopes to the unique skills, expertise, and get a clear perspective. The policy will help to enhance the corporate governance and financial performance of the company (Suciu, Noja, and Cristea, 2020). The organizational performance can be increased with the policy.

5.2. Leader's Commitment to the Policy and Diversity
The diversity policy will create opportunities for the people and help to increase the performance of the organization. CEO of Morgan McKinley has committed to the policy. With the help of the policy, the work environment can be maintained. The CEO will be taking pledges to maintain the right work environment in the workplace. By supporting the diversity and inclusion policy, leaders will be making the company more valuable in the business world (Hunt et al., 2018). The diversity leaders and managers will be maintaining the workplace ethics and they should create opportunities in the workplace and promote diversity in the company. In the company, the managers should develop training programs to understand the inclusion issues of the company.

5.3. Organizational Culture
The culture of the organization can be developed with the help of a diversity and inclusion policy. The policy will create a multicultural workforce in the organization. The policy will improve the cultural norms and values in the company. Morgan McKinley has a diversity policy within their organization. It will help to improve the cultural environment of the company. The policy will also foster a diverse culture in the organization (Lee and Kramer, 2016). The work culture would be inclusive, where the different backgrounds of people can be joined. It will help to enhance the workplace culture.

6. Conclusion and Recommendation
In conclusion, an effective D&I policy is important in encouraging employees to provide high-quality work processes and productivity. It enables the company to practice employee retention by generating employee satisfaction. The further recommendations are,

  • Never break D&I policy rule for any hierarchical manager or employee
  • Provide equal opportunity and sustaining a diverse environment for more growth and achievement

7. Reference
Chordiya, R. V (2018) ‘Enhancing Retention of Women, Minorities, and Employees with Disabilities: An Organizational Inclusion Perspective’, pp. 1–183. Available at:

Grissom, A. R. (2018) ‘The Alert Collector: Workplace Diversity and Inclusion’, Reference & User Services Quarterly, 57(4), pp. 243–247. Available at:

Hunt, V. et al. (2018) ‘Delivering through diversity’, McKinsey & Company Report. Retrieved April, 3, p. 2018. Available at: Delivering-through-diversity_full-report-1 (1).pdf.

Kundu, S. C. and Mor, A. (2017) ‘Workforce diversity and organizational performance: a study of IT industry in India’, Employee Relations, pp. 160–183. doi:

Lee, Y. and Kramer, A. (2016) ‘The role of purposeful diversity and inclusion strategy (PDIS) and cultural tightness/looseness in the relationship between national culture and organizational culture’, Human Resource Management Review, 26(3), pp. 198–208. doi:

Sousa, I. C. and Ramos, S. (2019) ‘Longer working lives and age diversity: a new challenge to HRM’, Longer working lives and age diversity: a new challenge to HRM, (1), pp. 21–44. doi: 10.5455/EJMS/288677/2019.

Suciu, M.-C., Noja, G. G. and Cristea, M. (2020) ‘Diversity, social inclusion and human capital development as fundamentals of financial performance and risk mitigation’, Amfiteatru Economic, 22(55), pp. 742–757. doi: 10.24818/EA/2020/55/742.

Theodoridis, D. T. (2017) Workforce Diversity as a Guiding Light towards SHRM: Exploring managers’ views regarding workforce diversity, its impact on Recruitment and Selection Practices, and the role of Sustainable HRM within Organizations.

University of Stavanger, Norway. Available at:

Zoogah, D. B. (2016) ‘Tribal diversity, human resources management practices, and firm performance’, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Administration, 33(3), pp. 182–196. doi:


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