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Organizational Culture Assignment: Article Research And Analysis


Task: Answer the following seven questions separately.

  1. In your own words, identify and discuss the main argument (also known as a thesis or line of reasoning) presented in this article (200 words +/- 10% = 2 marks).
  2. In your own words, identify and discuss the assumptions and limitations of the research in the article, that readers need to be aware of. (250 words+/- 10% = 2 marks).
  3. In your own words, identify and discuss the main conclusions of this article (200 words+/- 10% = 4 marks).
  4. In your own words, identify and discuss the main ideas in this article relevant to the theories/concepts taught in MGT100 (250 words+/- 10% = 3 marks).
  5. In your own words, discuss an example of a real business, either a place you have worked at or a workplace you are aware of. What organisational culture does this business exhibit? Justify your response and include some recommendations (450 words +/- 10% = 6 marks).
  6. Find two peer reviewed journal articles on corporate social responsibility (CSR). These articles can be used in Assessment Item 4, which will be a report. Present these articles using APA 6th referencing style and briefly explain why you believe these are relevant articles (up to 150 words +/- 10% = 2 marks).
  7. Provide two sentences and appropriate citations. In the first sentence, provide one indirect (paraphrased) quote from one of the peer reviewed journal articles shown in Q6 (directly above). In the second sentence, provide one direct quote from the other peer reviewed journal article shown in 6 (directly above) (up to 100 words +/-10% @ 0.5 mark each = 1 mark).


Question 1: Thesis or line of reasoning for the article
The article explored in the context of organizational culture assignment describes a varied perception based on the definition of organizational culture. The author assesses the fact that there are a number of possible ways which signify the relativity perspective that is based on analysing the exact definition of organizational culture. The fact that organizational culture is a largely varied segment and involves a number of possible conclusions based on the individual understanding of people. This article is keen in describing the exact definition of organizational culture. It also includes the impacting perspectives that are related to facilitation of formalities all along the process (Bortolotti, Boscari & Danese, 2015, p.195). The entire structure is based on acknowledging the fact that there are huge differences which govern the process of organizational culture. The author has included a variety of opinions from individual respondents to facilitate a better overview of the subject. The responses are recorded and analysed based on their respective efficiency fragments to promote a suitable definition based on diverse opinions. The author has also encouraged the availability of a suitable definition for organizational culture as it can help in enhancing the informational support and coordination across the organizations. The attributes related to the case scenario of organizational culture assignment are also based on facilitating better reach and considerations for promoting sufficient support to the operational structure related to the subject.

Question 2: Research Assumptions and limitations
The research carried out under the article selected to prepare this organizational culture assignment is based on analysing the attributes and suggestions from several LinkedIn users on the definition of organizational culture. An important assumption related to this article is that it will enhance the understanding of organizational culture in a more diverse and distinctive manner. This is due to the largely varied responses are included from different perspectives which are useful in idealizing a constructive approach.

 Like every other significant research based article it also has some limitations in terms of approaches and inclusions. Firstly, the sample size selected for this research is less. The research on organizational culture assignment is carried out with 300 LinkedIn users which is a small number as compared to the nature and importance of this subject (Watkins, 2013). The subject complexity is large and thus it would have been based on a larger sample size. Secondly, the author has only included some of the distinctive responses across this article which is another major limitation. Each of the responses are important based on the complications of this subject and thus a wider analysis must have been used. In addition to this, the responses are independent of any particular context. This is a major limitation as organizational culture is a situation specific component and thus must be assessed based on a provided scenario or overview. The absence of this factor from the research process of article is liable to decrease its sufficiency up to a larger extent. Lastly, the research is not supported by any theoretical perspective and this is an important limitation. Generalized topics such as organizational culture are wider to analyse and thus there must be a theoretical framework which can support the analysis.

Question 3: What are the conclusions derived from this article examined in the organizational culture assignment?
A major conclusion which can be derived from the article used to develop this organizational culture assignment is the fact that organizational culture is a highly diverse factor and is based on managing better interventions for supporting the descriptive approach all along the process. The responses gathered are based on managing the outcomes and are liable to enhance the detailed analysis of the concept. In addition to this, the article also suggests that operational dimension of organizational culture are very vast and this can be verified by the differences across collected responses (Elsbach & Stigliani, 2018, p.2284). Each of the response is based on identifying a different perspective and overview related to organizational culture. In addition to this, the analysis of the comments across this article suggests various perspectives which are interrelated to controlling and managing an organizational culture. The impacts and operational dimensions which are based on an organizational cultural system are adequately assessed to functionalize the whole process and enhance the whole scenario of culture management. However, situational perspectives are not discussed across the article which restricts specific aspects based on cultural orientation of an organization. Their inclusion would have paved way for a better outreach and a detailed understanding across the subject. In spite of that, measures for analysing, transforming and preserving organizational cultures are extensively assessed across the process (Cao et al. 2015, p.36).

Question 4: Main ideas and their theoretical approach
The basic ideology upon which organizational culture is defined across the article provided in the organizational culture assignment is relevant to the organizational cultural theory. The theory signifies organizational culture as a set of qualities and specifications which a group of individuals have in common across an organizational structure. This factor is mentioned across various statements provided under the article. In addition to this, the theory also describes culture as a key ingredient which holds the structure and individuals together. Similar approach is specified across the article too (Chatman & O’Reilly, 2016, p.212). These similarities are based on the common obligations that are significantly based on organizational culture and their respective utilization across the process. The variations and differences between different cultures are assessed in both the cases and this implicates another major similarity between both of the resources. The understanding of implications related to this particular factor is suitable for managing the basic ideology behind organizational culture and its operational dimensions. Another major similarity which is depicted across both the fragments is the importance of beliefs and values across organizational culture. There are responses across the article illustrated in this context of organizational culture assignment which implicates the importance of value and beliefs across an organizational culture. In some cases, these are defined as the basic operational structure upon which the entire process of culture is defined (Martinez, Beaulieu, Gibbons, Pronovost & Wang 2015, p.333). Similarly, the organizational culture theory also supports the availability of values and beliefs as a key guiding factor across the available fragments of organizational culture.

Question 5: Real example based analysis and recommendation
Google is a leading technology and innovation based organization. This company is operational across different parts of the world and thus the organizational culture related to it is significantly important. At Google, innovation based organizational culture is being practiced. The company supports an open operational environment for its workforce which ultimately guides innovation across its operational culture. This organizational culture is of major importance as it signifies the operational benefits including strong communication and constant learning (Chang & Lin, 2015, p.443). The operational perspective which is significantly based on analysing the desired networks are supported by evidences and are impactful in long terms progressive experience. The company undertaken in this organizational culture assignment incorporates innovation across each of its defined fragments for a better reach and justification inclined across the employee behaviour. The organization acknowledges the fact that availing a progressive environmental condition can impact the entire process of organizational culture and suggest innovation throughout the entire process. The structure of managing orientation of employees is governed by available resources that have an ultimate influence across the entire cultural value system. This organizational culture is evident in facilitating significant developments across the process factors and acknowledge the growing business needs all along the process. The entire structure is compelled to perform well as there is a constant innovation across each of the fragments. This organizational culture is also quite helpful in assessing the desired network factors and eventually increases the per employee productivity. Improved performance is an important fragment as continuous motivation remains intact across the entire structure of operation. The overall operability factor mentioned herein organizational culture assignment is also supported by significant amount of coordination and support from the subsequent sections (Valmohammadi & Roshanzamir, 2015, p.172). The environment at this organization is highly competitive and this impacts the innovation factor across its organizational culture. The availability of this culture is based on promoting better reach and justifications that are associated with each of the functional departments. The highly efficient organizational culture is the factor which makes it one of the most desirable working locations across the world.

There is not much to recommend as the whole system of organizational culture at Google is completely perfect. But there are some limitations which can be considered to be expanded. The respective recommendations related to this process are mentioned in the further sections of organizational culture assignment (O'Neill, Beauvais & Scholl, 2016, p.816).

  • Availability of a constant monitoring facility for the value system across the organizational culture.
  • Designing cultural changes by retaining the traditional structures and basic operational frameworks.
  • Facilitation of an increased collaborative approach towards work for a more widened performance segment.
  • Empowering employees with supportive powers to collaborate and enhance their productivity aspects eventually.

Question 6: Relevancy of two selected articles
The two articles selected are:

Wu, L. Z., Kwan, H. K., Yim, F. H. K., Chiu, R. K., & He, X. (2015). CEO ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(4), 819-831.

Farooq, O., Rupp, D. E., & Farooq, M. (2017). The multiple pathways through which internal and external corporate social responsibility influence organizational identification and multifoci outcomes: The moderating role of cultural and social orientations. Organizational culture assignment Academy of Management Journal, 60(3), 954-985.

Corporate social responsibility is one of the relative factors associated with organizational culture as it depicts the basic nature of corporations in concern with the social issues and their respective resolutions. The implications suggested by a corporate social responsibility framework can be eventually helpful in managing the desired aspects of a sustainable cultural orientation (Wu, Kwan, Yim, Chiu & He, 2015, p.821). Both of the selected articles explored in the organizational culture assignment describe the impacts of corporate social responsibility over an organizational structure and its respective culture. The fact that, corporate social responsibility framework is the method to acknowledge the variety of implications and their respective impacts across the organization and its surrounds makes it a crucial factor for the entire system. The descriptions provided across these articles are sufficient to enhance their respective operational values and inclined possibilities which can help in building relativity between the corporate social responsibility and the organizational culture factor. These define the factor that an efficient corporate social responsibility can only be featured with the availability of sufficient sources from cultural dimensions (Farooq, Rupp & Farooq, 2017, p.962). The findings obtained from the analysis on organizational culture assignment signifies that in case of any unavailability, organizational culture is held responsible thoroughly.

Question 7: Sentences from the selected articles
Article 1:

Inclusion of appropriate ethical considerations and values can help a CEO in enhancing the corporate social responsibility aspects across an organizational structure (Wu et al. 2015, p.821).

Article 2:

“CSR targeting the community can include support for humanitarian causes, charitable giving, community development investments, and collaboration with non-governmental organizations” (Farooq et al. 2017, p.962).

Bortolotti, T., Boscari, S., & Danese, P. (2015). Organizational culture assignment Successful lean implementation: Organizational culture and soft lean practices. International Journal of Production Economics, 160, 182-201. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.10.013

Cao, Z., Huo, B., Li, Y., & Zhao, X. (2015). The impact of organizational culture on supply chain integration: a contingency and configuration approach. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 20(1), 24-41. Doi:

Chang, C. L. H., & Lin, T. C. (2015). The role of organizational culture in the knowledge management process. Journal of Knowledge management, 19(3), 433-455. DOI:

Chatman, J. A., & O’Reilly, C. A. (2016). Paradigm lost: Reinvigorating the study of organizational culture. Organizational culture assignment Research in Organizational Behavior, 36, 199-224. DOI: 10.1016/j.riob.2016.11.004

Elsbach, K. D., & Stigliani, I. (2018). Design thinking and organizational culture: A review and framework for future research. Journal of Management, 44(6), 2274-2306. DOI: 10.1177/0149206317744252

Farooq, O., Rupp, D. E., & Farooq, M. (2017). The multiple pathways through which internal and external corporate social responsibility influence organizational identification and multifoci outcomes: The moderating role of cultural and social orientations. Academy of Management Journal, 60(3), 954-985. DOI: 10.5465/amj.2014.0849

Martinez, E. A., Beaulieu, N., Gibbons, R., Pronovost, P., & Wang, T. (2015). Organizational culture and performance. American Economic Review, 105(5), 331-35. DOI: 10.1257/aer.p20151001

O'Neill, J. W., Beauvais, L. L., & Scholl, R. W. (2016). The use of organizational culture and structure to guide strategic behavior: an information processing perspective. Organizational culture assignment Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 2(2), 816. DOI: 10.1057/978-1-349-94848-2_501-1 

Valmohammadi, C., & Roshanzamir, S. (2015). The guidelines of improvement: Relations among organizational culture, TQM and performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 164, 167-178. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.12.028 

Watkins, M. (2013). What is organizational culture? And why should we care. Harvard Business Review, 15. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199601257.001.0001 

Wu, L. Z., Kwan, H. K., Yim, F. H. K., Chiu, R. K., & He, X. (2015). CEO ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility: A moderated mediation model. Organizational culture assignment Journal of Business Ethics, 130(4), 819-831. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2108-9 


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