Organizational Behavior Essay: Impact of Job Satisfaction & Motivation
Your task is to analyse two (2) key organisationalbehaviour theories, concepts or frameworks you intend to use.
This organizational behavior essay requires you to do research. Your task is to draw on organisationalbehaviour theory to critically analyse your chosen theories, concepts or frameworks.
You need to analyse you chosen theories, concepts or frameworks in the context of organisationalbehaviour. Think along the lines of how these concepts may be used to help people and organisations achieve high performance levels and help ensure all organisation members achieve satisfaction from their task contributions and work experience.
Behaviour is a significant part of building an appropriate and work-friendly environment in an organization. Organizational behaviour denotes the activities of employees and management in an organization. It tends to impact on the organizational development which leads that organization towards its aimed success. As per the viewpoint of Gelfand et al.,(2017, p. 514) encompassing an appropriate and developed organizational platform is proven significant for organizational development along with personal development in the present competitive business environment. Hence it would be clarified in the below discussion with the help of two theories that are entirely related to organizational behaviour.
Expectancy theory consists of one of the most relevant and significant logics regarding motivation which is very significant for enhancing the capability of organizational behaviour. As stated by Manuti and Giancaspro(2019, p. 1499) motivation is a key system to improve the performance of the employees with more dedication and interest, which plays a crucial role to improve the whole organization's performance. It is specified in this theory that there are several ways to motivate an employee to get their best performance, in that case rewarding is one of the most significant factors to motivate the employees and to enhance their dedication regarding their allocated work. On the other hand, job satisfaction is also very essential and another concept to increase organizational behaviour. As per the views of Ristianti et al., (2020, p. 30) job satisfaction depends upon several positive impacts on the behaviour of the management. Appropriate remuneration plays the most significant role in terms of job satisfaction. The organization must ensure the security of the workplace, opportunities to be advanced and similar satisfaction is included in job satisfaction. It can ensure the development of the employees' behaviour towards the organization and it helps to increase the good relation between the organizational management and the employees.
Analysis and critical examination of first theory, concept, or framework
As stated by Lloyd and Mertens (2018, p. 35) expectancy theory plays a crucial role to explain the process to enhance the capability of organizational behaviour. It is an initial stage to improve anticipated performance regarding the development of organizational performance. The management of the organization must take an initiative to motivate the employees to enhance their performance. Expectancy depends upon the individual effort to improve individual performance. It can be the most significant for the procedure to achieve the intended organizational goal. The segments which are associated with the expectancy of an individual play a crucial role in perception to enhance the competence of an individual. As stated by Barba-Sánchez and Atienza-Sahuquillo(2017, p. 1111) instrumentality is a notable part of expectancy theory. It denotes the expected appraisal and reward of an employee as a result of the appropriate execution of allocated work. It may help to build a good relationship between the organizational management and the employees. Instrumentality mostly includes the development of remuneration, promotion, appraisal, and a sense of accomplishment. It may increase the interest and the dedication of the employees towards the allocated work and ensure the development of the organization in this competitive business environment. Valence has a huge importance segment of expectancy theory. It can be described as the preference of the individual employees. The organization must be careful about the specific ability of an individual employee. In this way, the management can mark out the preferences, goals, and values of an individual employee.
It can be helpful to make a proper strategy to divide the work among the employees and to get the best result.
There several kinds of advantages and disadvantages that are reflected as a result of the application of Vroom’s expectancy theory. For instance, renowned organization of the UK, Unilever follows the expectancy theory to motivate the workers for achieving their intended goal. As a result of the application of the theory, the workers become more dedicated and interested in the development of their personal performance. On the other hand, sometimes it can leave a negative impact on the organizational environment. It may increase the positiveness of organizational behaviour from the workers who are performing well. However, it may be the reason for professional rivalry for the employees. It can extend the negativizes throughout the organization which is the most harmful for the organizational future.
Analysis and critical examination of second theory, concept, or framework
The present business environment is dependent on the performance of an individual which can flourish with the help of their job satisfaction. As stated by Baumann and Bonner (2017, p. 410) job satisfaction is mandatory for the betterment of any organization. Job satisfaction is dependent upon several segments. The salary system is one of the most important parts for enriching the organizational entity. Remuneration is the initial need of an employee. The organizational management must be cooperative with the employees in terms of their salary designation. It can be helpful for the dedication of the employee towards organizational development. Security is the most important after the remuneration for an individual employee. Security regarding the workplace is more satisfactory for an employee. An employee is unable to pursue their work in a place that is risky for their life security. Security ensures the employees' concentration on their allocated work. The appraisal is another significant component of job satisfaction. As stated by Yuen et al., (2018, p. 10) appraisal has the ability to enhance the enthusiasm of the work which is the most important for the accomplishment of any organization. Appreciation leads to enhance the possibility of the innovative initiative of employees for the development of the organization. This is also helpful to build up a proper relationship between organizational management and the employees which can enrich the organizational environment. The above segments are very essential to make the employees passionate about their allocated work, which is able to increase the engagement of an employee with the workplace. It is clarified that the management is the most responsible for the condition of employees’ engagement. Opportunities have a great impact on the satisfaction of the employees.
Opportunities for betterment are the greatest way out to get the best performance from an individual employee. Promotion according to efficiency is the fundamental base of the development of an organization.
Hence, there are two sides to the coin. Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory is the most applicable in terms of job satisfaction. According to this theory, there are both advantages and disadvantages of this concept of job satisfaction. As stated by Hopper (2019, p. 2019) several kinds of advantages have been seen regarding the job satisfaction concept, such as the development of dedication, interest, and motivation. On the other flip of side, some specific disadvantages can be obstacles to the development of the organization. In some cases, the employees refuse to esteem their work which is a result of over appreciation. Overconfidence can destroy the employees' future along with organizational improvement. Hence, it must be remembered that the limitation is very important for everything. Limited action is able to provide appropriate results. It can be clarified with the example of a software company named Unily. A mediocre organization that has been able to launch blockchain technology with the appropriate and limited application of Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory about job satisfaction. Innovation and its implementation is the result of proper teamwork which can be possible with the help of satisfied employees.
Connecting the two chosen theories, concepts, or framework
Relationship between the two theories, frameworks, or concepts
As opined by Lee (2019, p. 40) expectancy theory and the concept of job satisfaction are correlated. As per the expectancy theory, motivation is a major key to push the employees towards their passionate work and to get their best performance. In that theory, it has been mentioned that the personal effort of an employee is the most important for organizational development. Motivation is a clear result of proper communication and engagement of employees with the organizational side. There is a potential to be notified about the problems of the employee with the communication system. On the other hand, the organizations are known to be able to resolve the problems of the employees. It is the most important part of job satisfaction, which can be explained by the expectancy theory. As opined by Berlianaet al.,(2018, p. 41) instrumentality is the most significant part of the expectancy theory. Appropriate remuneration is the basic need of an employee according to their designation. The fundamental need of an individual is about the assurance of their job security. Hence, appreciation is needed to enhance the enthusiasm of the employee regarding their allocated work.
The appraisal is able to increase the dedication regarding organizational management. It can increase the possibility to pursue a good relationship between the organization and the employees. It is the most valuable part of the concept of job satisfaction. On the other hand, valency is another essential segment of the expectancy theory. However, it can be explained by the job satisfaction concept. It is very important to understand the capability and the efficiency ground of an employee. It becomes the most helpful to get the desired accomplishment to the organization in this critical competitive business environment. Hence, the employees must be rewarded for their execution of the work. Promotion, development of remuneration and award can be the best prize for the employees. It is the most satisfactory of an employee. As per the viewpoint of Oved (2017, p. 537), this way the segments of the expectancy theory and the parts of the job satisfaction concept are able to cope up with each other.
Contribution of theories, concepts, or frameworks to help people and organizations to achieve a high level of performance and ensure satisfaction to the employees Expectancy theory and the concept of job satisfaction are the most important to hire an efficient and designated employee which can be helpful for the development of an organization. The management can prepare a proper framework to design their upcoming business planning. With the help of the expectancy theory management can mark out the efficient and dedicated employees for their project which can lead them to achieve their expected goal. On the other hand, with the help of the job satisfaction concept, organizations can provide the employees a satisfactory environment to express their inner talent and innovative ideas which can help the organization towards their aimed position in this competitive business environment. On the other hand, the negative impact is also helpful for the organization. As per the viewpoint of Kammerhoffet al., (2019, p. 220) the employees who are unable to esteem their capability, can be replaced with designated and passionate employees who are able to reach an appreciable goal and motivate others employees with their work passion.
Figure 1: organizational development regarding organizational behaviour
Source: (Warrick, 2017, p. 400)
Job satisfaction plays a crucial role in the development of the employee's organizational position. It can help the employee to be passionate about their work. As a result, the organizational behaviour of the employee must increase up to a good extent towards the organizational management. Cited by Kampkötter (2017, p. 765) in this way, the relationship between management and employees can be enriched.
Conclusion and discussion
Hence, it can be concluded that job satisfaction and motivation are integral elements of organizational behaviour. By evaluating the expectancy theory and understanding the job satisfaction concept is the most crucial to flourish the organizational behaviour for achieving the intended goal. On the other hand, there are several kinds of backlogs as the result of the over-application of those concepts and theories. In those cases, so many obstacles can be present in organizational development. However, it can be reduced by the proper application of Vroom's expectancy theory and Maslow's needs hierarchy theory. The development of organizational performance is dependent upon the individual performance of an employee. Thus, organizational behaviour can leave an impact on both sides. On the other hand, the first initiative must be taken from the management side. It can enhance the relation between organizational management and the employees. It is clarified from the above discussion that a proper behavioural manner can lead the success of an organization towards their intended place along with a better future for employees.
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