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Organisational Behaviour Assignment on Managing Organisational Change


Task: This organisational behaviour assignment assesses your ability to work individually to deliver a set of organizational change and innovation that are logically grounded in an organization. 1. Discuss how Dominant culture can share values and assumptions of the organization as a whole whereas Subcultures refer to unique patterns of values and philosophies within a group that are consistent with the dominant culture.

2. Do you Agree/disagree that Political behavior can be beneficial in achieving organizational goals?

3. Explain under what circumstances many people’s views fail to see that leadership is relational and contextual, distinct from power and position?


Leadership and culture are the two most vital aspect in developing any organization. The character of leader defines the future of any worker or employees. It has been identified herein organisational behaviour assignmentthat most of the company culture and their process of using the methods and tactics in achieving the organizational goals are not at all correct. The question defines the dominant and sub culture and their importance in organizational value enhance. The second question will discuss the internal aspect of implementing organizational political action in any organization as well as their influence and impact. The third question discusses the impact of leaders in developing organization as it could help in the future. The different process and responsibilities of the ladders in respect to the organizational aspect are also discussed which is essential for developing any business.

1. Discuss how Dominant culture can share values and assumptions of the organization as a whole whereas Subcultures refer to unique patterns of values and philosophies within a group that are consistent with the dominant culture.

Dominant culture is basically the main typical concept of sharing a set of values shared by the majority of the organizations. It is the most common type of culture which is being followed by most of the organization. In this type of culture, most of the team members such as the organization's director, manger and the employees. This culture is basically set to maintain a day-to-day basic activity which helps to build the internalculture of any organization (Manning, 2017).

As the culture represents the organization as a whole the values or the subset of the cultural activities in the organization is focused to bemaintainedunder allover of the employees who areinvolved. The comprehensive focus is based on simplifyingtheorganizations various departments to be united within theparticular culture. The prospect of delivering her higher values and implication of the same within the organizations are the main fundamental of their approach (Warrick, 2017).

On the contrary, the sub cultureisbasically a part of the larger organization-basedculture which insists in delivering quality along with the proper values to their customers. This is basically a macro version of the Dominant culture-basedorganization. For example, if a company has 3 departments such as HR, marketing and sales, then as a whole it could be stated as dominantculture, but individually the group such as HR and marketing may have different subset of values which are predominantlydevelopedwithin theorganization. This is called as the subculture. The perception is highly useful in contrast to the whole structure. According to Chandler et al. (2017), this helps in managing a large amount of work to be divided among various departmentand helped to deliver quality-based content as a whole which increases the reputation among the client.

The main benefits of the subculture are that it might be changedaccording to the situationalneed and the other aspect in the market. Thus, this type of culture is flexible andhas different aspect in delivering core yet useful quality-basedwork to the client. Thus,itcould help in uplifting theoverall image of the company. In terms of the experience and the activities also, this has been identified that companies are costlyinterested in collecting the sub culture-based experience. On the operational basic and other basic also it is mostly useful which could help in maintaining the daily basis activities in the company (Chandler et al. 2017). It is essential in forming auseful and micro levelbased productive workinghabit in the company. The overall binding aspect to the different sub cultureis done by the macro structure which are beingfollowed by the companies.Thus, both dominant and sub culture are important in the companies. In the larger aspect, there might be some sort of collation in delivering the similar or different types of values within the organization which could make the finalized work to be hampered. In this scenario, the largeexperience and value implementation of dominant culture comes into theexistenceof the companysavoir. Thus, it could be more of the pilot role in the businessmanagement in any kind of industry in any country. In terms of delivering the highest amount of effort totheindividual basis also the sub culture is important to be embedded within. It is very essential in this consideration that most of the sub culture works under a dominantculture;this could help in enhancing the bondingaswell as the internalchances of works to be succeed.

Another aspect is that dominantculture might be possessive towards any particularjudgment made by the majority members of the organization.Whereas, on the other hand, the sub culture is totally unbiased and less inclined culture(Badiaet al. 2020).Thus, being neutral also helps indelivering the products or services of the organizationthrough changing he daily action or habits as per the need. It isfollowed in very few of the organization worldwide due to its fluctuation and lesser capable decision-making aspects.

On a different viewpoint, the aspect such as drawbacks and the advantages of any particular culture isincluded to be helpful thorough the sub culture. In the scenario, the future development of the work culture as well as the baits of the employeeswillbe developed in theirfuture aspectof maintaining hard deadline and delivering vale in their promises. In the lager conceptthroughthere are much scope to discover and identify the actual potential in developingor switching habit, the workers might feel shy and not devote themselves in the work.Thus,bothdominant and sub culture has their own importance.

These aspects which are described clearly shows he ai of these two cultures in their own ground to maintain a healthy culture and work lifevalue in the future building.

2. Do you Agree/disagree that Political behaviour can be beneficial in achieving organizational goals? As per my perspectives, political behaviour in organisations sometimes might be beneficial in achieving organizational goals; thus, I agree that political behaviour can be beneficial in achieving organizational goals.

Political behaviour in the organization is based on delivering set of actions in such a waysothat a predicted goal could be achieved. The process of delivering high performance-basedactivities might or might not be included by the people who are involved in the organizational politics. In most of the cases, it has been identified that organizationalpolitics are played to achieve or so itsustains a particular place or target in the organization which is not necessarily redirected to maintain the organization goal. It might be the result of selfish potentialusage to fulfill the desire or wish that a person has (Landellsand Albrecht, 2019)

In terms of achieving the organizationalgoal-basedpolitics it could be formal and official, so that it is clear and evident to the different other people in the organization. The written obligations andrules are also needed to be maintained in the organization which is essential in delivering the highest possiblebenefit to the organization. The different types of sustainableanddevelopingcomprehensiveness are needful to be signified through the step-by-step plan which could help in achieving the long-term goal. This is thus essential in delivering quality-basedperformance in the future sustainability.

Thereareseveral aspects which might be kept in mind, in order to achieve the organizationgoal. These are

a) Create a thematic goal
In this aspect the goal must have to be based on any particularbelief, or actions such as delivering best care to the patients in terms of hospitals. This could help to achieve the quantitative goal and not objectifying any particular post in the organization. The time boundaspectsuch asfulfilling the clients need within a specific time is the most importantfundamental in any organization (Aggarwalet al. 2018). This could make the future aspect of deliveringquality-basedperformance. The shared values are also needed to be redevelopedthroughout theircharacterandprofessional aspect.

b) Create a set of defining objectives
The individualagreementsareessential to besignified before implementing this to the practical aspect which could help in deliveringquality-based work to the customers. The process of evaluating the finalized plan to the eachandevery individual is needed in the case so hat o further miscommunication is being created. The process is essential also to achieve the fruitful functionalities in the particularassistance.

c) Create a set of ongoing standard operating objectives
The specific measurement of parameters involving eachandall aspects of the particular work are needed to be consideredin the best possible scenario of the workplace. This also involves the specific monitoring and their important in checking the daily work quality so that the whole work is specific and significant to the customer (Dappa et al. 2019).

d) Create metrics to measure
Measuring metrics of the particular work or the progress-based work are needed to be ensured in the politicalaspect of the organization. This is one of the most importantaspect which could help in developing the needful habit among the employees. In terms of the useful and not useful aspect this could be developed in such a way so that no other possible hindrances are comingin the way of deliveringquality-based work. This is essential in forming the wholeparticular goal based on the framework or significance. In consideringthe final outcome of the particularobjectives of the work, it is extremelyvita for the company to consider the futurework so that no such discrepancies are being monitored in the aspects.

Estimating measurements of the specific work or the advancement-based work are should have been guaranteed in the political part of the association. This is perhaps the main viewpoint which could help in creating he needful propensity among the workers (Hassan et al. 2017). As far as the helpful and not valuable angle this could be created in such a manner with the goal that no other potential deterrents are coming in the method of conveying quality-based work. This is fundamental in shaping the entire specific objective dependent on the structure or importance. In thinking about the ultimate result of the specific targets of the work, it is amazingly vita for the organization to consider the future work with the goal that no such inconsistencies are being checked in the angles.

PoliticalBehaviourorganisational behaviour assignment

Figure 1: PoliticalBehaviour
(Source: Aggarwalet al. 2018)

Assessing estimations of the particular work or the headway-based work are ought to have been ensured in the political piece of the affiliation. This is maybe the principal perspective which could help in making the needful penchant among the specialists tothe furthest extent that the supportive and not significant point this could be made in such a way with the objective that no other potential hindrances are coming in the technique for passing on quality-based work. This is essential in forming the whole explicit target subject to the construction or significance. In contemplating a definitive consequence of the particular focuses of the work, it is incredibly vita for the association to consider the future work with the objective that no such irregularities are being checked in the points.

The political conduct is fundamentally of two kinds of forerunners like individual and hierarchical predecessors. The political abilities, inner locus of control, assumptions for progress and Investment in the association are fundamentally lies under the Individual forerunners. Then again, Scarcity or assets, job equivocalness, execution assessments, advancements and popularity-baseddecision making is under the authoritative precursors. Every one of these sorts of forerunners is significant in meaning top calibre of administrative perspectives in hierarchical legislative issues (Aggarwalet al. 2018).

Consideringthis aspect in organizationalpolitics, it could be stated that most of the organizational politics are not at all harmful. These conceptof stargazing any specific selfishaction to achieve the certain goal is not at allnecessary in any type of good politics (Ebrary, 2021).

The political behavior is basically of two types of antecedents such as individual and organizationalantecedents. The political skills, internal locus of control, expectations of success and Investment in the organization are basically lies under the Individualantecedents. On the other hand, Scarcity or resources, role ambiguity, performance evaluations, promotions and democraticdecision making is under the organizationalantecedents (Nzingaet al. 2018). All these types of antecedents are important in signifying high quality of managerial aspects in organizational politics.

3. Explain under what circumstances many people’s views fail to see that leadership is relational and contextual, distinct from power and position?
Power and responsibility go allied in the organizationcontext. The process of significant consideration in developing high quality of positionand power-based leadership aspects might cause harm to the other people in the organization. The self-fulfillingprophecies and its impact in deliveringhim daily based work in the organization is not at all needed to be present in the future based learning and development.

In terms of leadership in organizational context, it is needed to be checked that most of the leadershipskilland actions are inclined in delivering high quality of projectsthrough thesubordinates ‘instructions. This has been identified that, most of the project-basedaction re associated with the daily work and habit which could be the main aspect of the culture influence in that organization. It could bewell identified that high quality of project management status and its significantimplementation for quality management is highly needful in this prospect.

PoliticalBehaviourorganisational behaviour assignment

Figure 2: Action oriented leadership
(Source: StephensandCarmeli, 2017)

A leader has several actions which are needed to be developed for the future of the organization. These are:

a) Defines and teaches core values
The core values of the organization work prospect such as integrity, focus anddistinctiveness in the work culture is needed to be delivered by the help of leadersinfluence in the prospect. Thecore values are needed to be trainedand proficientto be intact within each of the employees through the help of leader which is essential for the future development (RhodesandBadham, 2018).

b) Fosters a desire to learn
The fostersdesire to learn the new and upcomingessential qualities are needed to bemaintainedthrough a punctualandhabitual aspect. In this concept the skillenhancement and knowledge enhancement-based action is needed to be developed under this particularhabit. The desire to learnfutureskill and development is thusessentialto develop and sustain certain tactics of future endorsement.

c) Promotes a culture of recognition
The recognition of skill or talent is one of the most importantaspects in leadership which could be needful in the all over development of the organization. It could be highly promotional in terms of enhancing the futurebased performanceenhancement in the organization. The recognition of extraordinary talent and their future basedpromotion is always needed to be welcomed throughleader aspect. Thedifferent position in the organizational development and their endorsement in the specificdepartment is also a part of leaders which could help in enhancing the cultural and work-based values (StephensandCarmeli, 2017).

d) Encourages a shared vision
The shared vision of the organization is needed to be recognized by the leader which then also needed to be implemented in the daily work of the subordinates. The final achievement or outcome of the shared vision will help to establish the complementary target of the organization. The process of demonstratingand the need or impotence of implementing the actionor habit in the daily work habits in the employees are the most important role of the leader (Götzet al. 2019). This is thus essential for deliveringquality-based work in minor segments of the workculture in the origination.

e) Changes the culture
The important aspect of redeveloping the culture and their implementation for delivering high performance to the customers are the highly significant aspect which could be helpful for the uplift of the personaland professional charactersof the person who are working under the leader. The culture development includes some necessaryactions to be included and unnecessary actions to be diminished. This is the proficient aspect of delivering culturalsignificance of the organization. The cultural shift is thus essential in delivering prominentquality (Cardiff et al. 2018).

f) Ensures accountability
The leader is responsible in any type ofactivities or action that arebeingemerged in daily basis. Thus, it is essentially needful in prominent reasoning and logic-basedaspect. theaccountability will never let any unethical or unwanted activities to be reliant within the organization.

In terms of not only holding the power, the responsible action and decision-makingcapabilities are also needed to bepresent within the leaders so that they could cope up with any upcomingdecision. This is one of the most importantroles which signifyparticularcharacteristics within the decisionaspect. Therefore, it is essential in deliveringhigh qualitywork and regarding mentality to be developed in the workers.

According to the different facts and evidences it could be concluded that most of the leadership and culture are not at all inclined toward the organizational goal. Instead, they are mostly to fulfillthe self-desires and wish of the particular person who are in responsibility of the particular position. In the recent aspect, the dominantculture as well as their sub culture iswell signified with the properexamples in the organizational application. It should help in clear understanding as well as the futureadaption of the differentaspect of achievingorganizational goals. In the second question, thepolitical behavior of the organizationalprospect has been well discussed. this could be signified with the help of developing the urge tostabilize the political influenceof any outsider or any other aspect in the organization. This has also been developed which is essential in maintainingquality-basedapproaches within the prospect of organizational development. In the third question the aspect of leadership and its relation with power, context and ability has beencriticallyanalyzed. This could be helpful in future for getting a clear idea of the particular leadership and their importance in the organizationalefficiency.

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