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Optimizing Employee performance management: Role Definition, Responsibilities, and Time Management


Task: How can organizations maximize Employee performance management through role definition, responsibilities, time management, and written communication?



As the number of entrepreneurs increases globally, business heads and organizations must organize their staff so as to harness their maximum performance. The cost of labour is increasing due to high demand for skilled professionals among businesses, making it critical for the businesses harness the maximum output from the staff (Humphrey, 2006). This has made it important to organize stall roles and responsibilities as well as monitor each staff member’s performance so as to ensure each staff member is delivering value for money invested in them each month.

This is especially important for organizations which have a large number of Employee performance managements as they cannot monitor each staff member’s performance individually and report on their set target achievement (Brockett & Rezaee, 2012). To assist which these task organizations are now using sophisticated computer and smartphone software and tools which help the businesses secure the maximum productivity from their staff.

Role Definition

To maximize Employee performance management it is critically to define each staff member’s roles clearly and provide them with the training as well as job descriptions highlighting their roles and performance expectations. These require being communicated verbally as well as in written format so as to ensure each staff member clearly understands their responsibilities and set targets to be achieved. This also involved the individual’s contribution and attendance towards team meeting. These play a huge role as they help an individual demonstrate their ability to share their knowledge and contribute towards a process.

It also demonstrates the individual’s ability and understanding of a process which is critical towards the organisation suitability and growth. An individual’s contributions towards meeting demonstrates their command over the topic which is critical towards the organisations development and helps distinguish leaders and simple staff thus offering staff members a perfect opportunity to demonstrate their skills, knowledge and capabilities. (Colantonio & Roberto Di Pietro, 2012).

Maintaining a single role result in boring the staff member and this gradually begins affecting performance, making it important for the businesses to revolve job responsibilities at a set interval of time. This is commonly practiced in banking institutions where staff member tends to revolve from one station to the next which allows them to remain focused and maintain the workstations target as handed over by the previous attendant.

Role Responsibilities and Minimum Expectations for Each Role

It is critical to maximizing each staff member’s performance by ensuring the staff member has adequate roles to perform on a daily basis but at the same time, it’s also important to ensure a certain degree of flexibility is also being delivered. Overburdening the staff with responsibilities and roles can result in discouraging Employee performance managements from working for the organization or at the department which can result in a high Employee performance management turnover rate (Bainey, 2016).

To avoid this it’s important to calculate an individual’s maximum potential while working at any given post and set their daily target at 80% of the optimum range. This figure must be monitored while calculating staff performance and efficiency but should not be shared with the staff members who may begin misusing the guidelines. It’s important to include all staff towards the role, process and governance development as it allows the staff to also input their knowledge and understanding related to a process. This helps develop most stream lined governance policies which will ensure organisation performance and staff expectations are met. It’s important to differentiate staff and management roles so as to encourage maximum productivity but at the same time also consider the humanitarian perspective of the situation.


To maintain staff roles and responsibilities it’s also important to organize the staff's contingency and ensure areas such as time management, workflow a commitment towards outcomes is being delivered to each of the staff members (Bamberger, Biron, & Meshoulam, 2014). This helps illuminate any possibility of staff members claiming there was no work available to performance which ensures the businesses maximizes work efficiency.

Time Management

This refers to organizing each staff member daily routine in a strict schedule which will ensure they follow a routine or timetable which will help ensure they utilize their time efficiently. It’s important to provide each department with a set of responsibilities and work which they need to complete on a daily basis (Bird, 2010). The work done must be traceable and reported thus helping monitor performance and offer guidance. The team will them require to distribute the work among the team members and follow a set workflow which will help maximize their performance and utilize their time efficiently in the workplace.

Work Flow

To develop a daily routine, or timetable the organization will have to have adequate work to perform on a daily basis. This makes it important for staff to therefore gradually increase to an organization as the number of responsibilities increase. This requires proper planning and accountability whereby the staff's performance and commitment toward their work are evaluated and justified. Only when there is adequate amounts of workflow should additional staff members are included in the organization thus ensuring they are utilized effectively (Epstein & Maltzman, 2013).

It’s the responsibilities of the organization to ensure the staff has adequate workflow at all-time which required to be monitored, completed and evaluated. Staff performance can only be truly evaluated and maintained if there is a smooth flow of work thus the management must be able to distribute their workflow amount the staff to ensure each staff member has adequate work on a daily basis to justify their job role.

Written Communication

Monitoring plays a huge role towards the businesses performance and to monitor the staff effectively the businesses will have to maintain open communication lines with its staff members. This is critical as it helps educate the staff members regarding their performance thus allowing them to understand areas they need to improve with relation to their performance (Schwartz, 2001). It’s also important as this documents an individual’s staff member’s performance during a fixed period of time which contributes towards the individual’s performance and future development. communication must be verbal but at the same time, the organization has to also ensure this instruction or advise is provided to the student in written format thus ensuring the instruction have been documented.

There must also be a hierarchy approach linked to written communication whereby staff members are expected to report to set number of higher staff members and teammates regarding their daily performance and achievements on a daily basis (Bhattacharyya, 2011). The organisation must also include a clear vision and mission statement which helps outline the organisations expectations and helps boost Employee performance management motivation.


Maximising team member roles and responsibilities is an area which each organization focuses its full attention on the organization must justify each staff member’s performance. This requires for the coordination of several departments who will need to work together on a daily basis to ensure Employee performance managements are delivering their maximum potential on a daily basis thus ensuring they are justifying their salary from the organization.


Bainey, K. (2016). Integrated IT Employee performance management. Boca Roton.

Bamberger, P. A., Biron, M., & Meshoulam, I. (2014). Human Resource Strategy: Formulation, Implementation, and Impact. Routledge.

Bhattacharyya, D. K. (2011). Employee performance management Systems and Strategies. New Delhi: Pearson Education India.

Bird, P. (2010). Improve Your Time Management: Teach Yourself. Hachette UK.

Brockett, A., & Rezaee, Z. (2012). Corporate Sustainability: Integrating Performance and Reporting. John Wiley & Sons.

Colantonio, A., & Roberto Di Pietro, A. O. (2012). Role Mining in Business: Taming Role-based Access Control Administration. London: World Scientific.

Epstein, D., & Maltzman, R. (2013). Project Workflow Management: A Business Process Approach. J. Ross Publishing.

Humphrey. (2006). Tsp(Sm): Leading A Development Team. New Delhi: Pearson Education India.

Schwartz, A. E. (2001). Employee performance management: Work and Development. Andrew E Schwartz.


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