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Nursing Assignment: Apply Communication Skills In Nursing Practice


The nursing assignment consist of the following task:
Task 1:
Explain why the following aspects are important to establish and maintain the rapeutic relationships between Enrolled nurse and a client.

a. Trust:
b. Confidentiality:
c. Self-reflection:
d. Self-reflection
e. Socialconversation:
f. Creating a therapeutic environment:

2. List the required documentation related to clinical hand over.

3. Explain why the following are essential elements and skills when communicating with others in the healthcare settings
a. Interviewing techniques
b. Activelistening
c. Conflict resolution
d. Interpersonalskills
e. Negotiating solutions
f. Group dynamics
g. Access and use of interpreters

4. Explain at least five ways in which you can assisting promoting communication with others in healthcare settings.
5. Discuss at least four factors that may inhibit communication with others in healthcare settings.
6. Discuss why it is important to follow email etiquette and policies when writing an email to other health care workers and colleagues.
7. State why nursing documentation is essential for effective clinical communication.
8. List the principles of effective documentation that Enrolled Nurses should adhere to when completing and maintaining a documentation.
9. Refer to the identified framework and in your own words, briefly describe how the eight (8) principles of the Australian Open Disclosure Framework apply in nursing care.
10. Define a“sensory loss” and how it affects communication.
11. Discuss the things that an Enrolled nurse should consider when looking after a person with hearing impairments including applying for an advocacy for a person in the health or community caresetting
12. State how an enrolled nurse could meet their obligations under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law when using socialmedia.


Nursing AssignmentTask 1: Questioning
Answer to Question 1
a. Trust

It is crucial for the client to have faith in the enrolled nurse for effective communication and maintain compliance with the therapeutic instructions as suggested thereby ensuring optimal outcomes (Wright, 2021).

b. Confidentiality
It is the key in ensuring that the client feel safe in the company of the enrolled nurse to open up about issues freely without fearing judgment or leakage of information shared, thus guaranteeing a safe therapeutic environment conducive for healing (Wright, 2021).

c. Self-reflection
It ensures continuity in evaluating one’s performance while establishing and maintaining therapeutic relationship with the client with scope for recalibrating and improvement whenever deems necessary (Wright, 2021).

d. Social conversation
It offers respite to the client and helps in building trust and confidence in case of interaction with the enrolled nurse where the goal is necessarily not to accomplish any task, but to have a lighthearted talk that in turn aids in better therapeutic outcomes (Wright, 2021).

e. Creating therapeutic environment
It plays pivotal role in making the client comfortable by providing an opportunity of a safe place where communication takes the precedence in a structured and safe manner (Wright, 2021).

Answer to Question 2
The following are the required documentation in clinical handover:

  • Past: Document containing previous diagnosis of the patient at the time of admission
  • Present: Relevant pathological reports or notes related to the presenting symptoms of the patient
  • Future: Deliverables that are yet to be done in the form of medicine or therapy or any other advice as suggested by the attending physician

(Tasew et al., 2019)

Answer to Question 3
a. Interviewing techniques

It is an essential skill to understand the problem in a professional manner whereby the client feels heard in a non-judgmental manner and without having any inhibitions or fear that the information shared will be leaked inappropriately, simultaneously catering to the demands of identification and evaluation of the problem at hand through asking right questions in the right way(Grover, 2005).

b. Active listening
It is a positive conversational approach where the speaker is heard attentively with paraphrasing and reflection wherever required but withholding advice and judgment (Grover, 2005).

c. Conflict resolution
In case of a dispute or disagreement, this skill is pivotal to arrive at a peaceful solution between the parties involved (Grover, 2005).

d. Interpersonal skills
It forms a crucial aspect of effective communication whereby the behavior of the person while interacting individually or in groups with other people becomes important (Grover, 2005).

e. Negotiating solutions
It is the quest to find a possible solution to a problem after carefully gauging the pros and cons through mutual agreements and taking into consideration the propositions put forward by others (Grover, 2005).

f. Group dynamics
It comprises of a set of psychological and behavioral practices that are found with a social group or between the groups (Grover, 2005).

g. Access and use of interpreters
This forms a vital link and avenue in the provision of optimal care and deriving positive healthcare outcomes in situations where the patient’s spoken language or articulation is not understandable to the healthcare provider (Grover, 2005).

Answer to Question 4
Ways of assistance in promoting communication with others in healthcare settings:
• Listening to the speakers attentively
• Creating a friendly atmosphere for communication
• Seeking feedbacks wherever necessary
• Prioritizing face-to-face communication over non-verbal, visual or written communication
• Clarity of thought while speaking without hurting others

(Grover, 2005)
Answer to Question 5
Factors that might inhibit communication with others in healthcare settings include:
• Competing demands arising due to workload and time imbalance
• Lack of privacy due to trust and transparency issues
• Differences in culture and language
• Incapability to listen to others

(Grover, 2005)

Answer to Question 6
It is important to follow email etiquette and policies while writing an email to others in healthcare because it aids in streamlining the communication whereby the intended message reaches the recipient in a concise yet c9omprehensive manner devoid of any jargon or miscommunication (Pullen, 2021).

Answer to Question 7
• Nursing documentation is essential for effective clinical communication because it renders scope for proper evaluation of nursing assessments, any alterations in clinical state, types of care offered and valid information pertaining to the patient that in turn help in delivering optimal healthcare services through a suitable multidisciplinary approach (Asmirajanti et al., 2019).

Answer to Question 8
Principles for effective documentation by Enrolled Nurses:

• Accurate, consistent and factual
• Constantly updated after any reportable event
• Current information containing the condition and care provided to the patient
• Documentation in a legible handwriting and in a manner that text cannot be erased or omitted (Asmirajanti et al., 2019)

Answer to Question 9
The eight principles concerning the Australian Open Disclosure Framework in nursing care is applicable in offering a nationally accepted guideline for communication in case of an adverse event or a healthcare incident by practicing certain actions. Such actions include open and timely communication, acknowledging an adverse event if any, apology to patient following any harm or adverse event, recognizing the reasonable demands on the part of the patient. Moreover, a support system of staff those recognize and report adverse events, an integrated risk management and improvement of systems in addition to good governance that holds accountability for the actions taken apart from confidentiality are other principles that aid in rendering effective care through nursing practices (Lock, 2018).

Answer to Question 10
Sensory loss refers to the loss of the distance senses encompassing sight and hearing whereby an individual cannot make sense of the surroundings due to these impairments. This condition affects communication severely as the survivor without being able to hear or see what is taking place around might feel socially alienated that in turn might add to their confusion. Indeed somebody who has both these conditions together might be in an extremely disadvantaged position facing serious difficulties to pursue everyday tasks (Mick et al., 2018).

Answer to Question 11
While looking after a patient with hearing impairment, an Enrolled Nurse should: • Ensure that they have the attention of the patient and while speaking should stand right in front of him/her with minimal bodily movements

• Make eye contact while speaking
• Must speak in a slow yet clear manner so that the patient might be able to lip read and understand the words spoken • Must not over-emphasize on the word articulated or distort the lip movements as that might make it difficult for the patient to understand the words spoken
While making advocacy for such patient, the Enrolled Nurse must ensure that the words are enunciated in a slow sustained fashion in a slightly raised voice (Bott et al., 2020).

Answer to Question 12
While using social media, Enrolled Nurse can meet their obligations under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law by maintaining professional boundaries, complying with privacy obligations and confidentiality, communicating in a respectful and professional manner regarding patient or colleague or employer and refraining from presenting false, misleading or unverified information that are not backed by valid and credible evidence. (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, 2021).

Asmirajanti, M., Hamid, A. Y. S., Hariyati, R., & Sri, T. (2019).Nursing care activities based on documentation. BMC nursing, 18(1), 1-5.
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Social media: How to meet your obligations under the National Law. (2021). Retrieved 26 October 2021, from Bott, A., Meyer, C., Hickson, L., &Pachana, N. A. (2020). “It’s Huge, in a Way.” Conflicting Stakeholder Priorities for Managing Hearing Impairment for People Living with Dementia in Residential Aged Care Facilities. Clinical Gerontologist, 1-15. Grover, S. M. (2005).Shaping effective communication skills and therapeutic relationships at work: The foundation of collaboration. Aaohn journal, 53(4), 177-182.
Lock, M. J. (2018). Australian Open Disclosure Governance–Closed to Cultural Voice. Critique of Australian Open Disclosure Governance and the Cultural Voice of Australia’s First Peoples.Committix Pty, Ltd, Newcastle.DOI, 10, 3.
Mick, P., Parfyonov, M., Wittich, W., Phillips, N., &Pichora-Fuller, M. K. (2018). Associations between sensory loss and social networks, participation, support, and loneliness: Analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Nursing assignmentCanadian Family Physician, 64(1), e33-e41.
Pullen Jr, R. L. (2021). Mastering email communication. Nursing made Incredibly Easy, 19(5), 55-56.
Tasew, H., Mariye, T., &Teklay, G. (2019). Nursing documentation practice and associated factors among nurses in public hospitals, Tigray, Ethiopia. BMC research notes, 12(1), 1-6.
Wright, K. M. (2021). The therapeutic relationship in nursing theory and practice. Mental Health Practice.


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