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Nursing Assignment: Annotated Bibliography & Essay Plan on Blood Pressure Measurement


Task: Nursing Assignment Details of Task:
1. Annotated bibliography: This assessment task requires you to summarise and evaluate the literature that gives information about the clinical question you have chosen. You will appraise THREE (3) peer-reviewed primary research articles and prepare an annotated bibliography.

Writing annotated bibliographies is very useful as it allows you to identify and evaluate the published literature in an open and transparent manner. It is therefore important to include the following elements in your annotated bibliography:

• A full citation of the source (using a referencing style APA, 7th)
• A general statement about the author’s purpose for writing the source
• A short summary of the content
• An evaluation of the content

2. Essay plan: Following the annotated bibliography, you will use the knowledge you have gained to prepare an essay plan to outline what you will do for assessment task 2b. The essay plan will allow you to identify the additional literature you need in order to answer your chosen clinical question and establish a working structure that includes main ideas to start each paragraph of your assignment draft. The essay plan should follow on from the annotated bibliography and submitted together as one word document.


Part A - Annotated Bibliography and Essay Structure
Fallon, N. (2015). The challenge of measuring blood pressure accurately. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 10(3), 132–139.

A study conducted by Fallon examined herein nursing assignment mentions the measurement of blood pressure as one of the standard recordings in the practice of clinical medicine. The study also indicates that this standard recording is subjected to discrepancies. According to this research, one technique that is commonly used in blood pressure measurement is auscultatory technique, which includes using a mercury sphygmomanometer. This method has taken over 100 years but is currently being replaced by the automated technique of measurement. Fallon reveals that the semi-automatic and automatic oscillometric devices have taken control of the new era. These techniques are deemed suitable for the measurement of blood pressure both at home and at health facilities. Although the study elaborates on the need to embrace the new technology of measuring blood pressure, it has also pointed out that nurses must equip themselves with the knowledge of measuring blood pressure using manual measurement. Validation, maintenance, and recalibration of the devices used for measuring blood pressure are necessary as per the manufacturers' instructions.

Mirdamadi, A., & Etebari, M. (2017). Comparison of manual versus automated blood pressure measurement in intensive care unit, coronary care unit, and emergency room. ARYA Atherosclerosis, 13(1), 29–34.

ISSN: 1735-3955, EISSN: 2251-6638
A research conducted by Mirdamadi and Etebariexplains blood pressure measurement as a concern in a clinical setting. The study sampled 117 patients from the ICU, CCU as well as the emergency department where cardio set heart monitoring device was applied for measuring the blood pressure. For the manual method, the researchers used mercury sphygmomanometer with appropriate cuffs and then compared the blood pressure differences of the two methods while putting into consideration the difference in age, sex as well as the age health complications of the patience involved. The conclusion from the study indicates that manual measurement of blood pressure has a tendency of showing a higher blood pressure especially among the patients admitted in hospitals. It reveals that the use of mercury manometer is a significant method of getting accurate measurement while applying the manual method. Mirdamadi and Etebari states that accuracy of the technique used in measuring blood pressure can be observed after approximately 14 minutes. The study also elaborates on the use of new techniques as replacements of the manual techniques due to toxicity of the mercury. Understanding these techniques enable the practitioners to make the right choices in measuring blood pressure

Vischer, A. S., & Burkard, T. (2016). Principles of Blood Pressure Measurement–Current Techniques, Office vs. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement. Hypertension: from basic research to clinical practice, 85-96.

Vischer and Burkard discuss various techniques used in measuring the pressure of blood. According to the study, manual technique that involves mercury sphygmomanometer and stethoscope is the famous method used to measure blood pressure. Despite the technique being largely applied in clinical medicine, the study reveals that it is demanding and is subjected to errors. The emergence of automatic devices has assisted in handling some of the challenges experienced in manual measurement.

Although the technique has brought some changes in the blood pressure measurement, the standard procedure of obtaining comparable measurements is still a significant challenge. This has limited the validity of the clinical practice. These blood pressure measurement techniques have given health practitioners clear insights into the problems affecting patients, such as unrecognized or overestimated arterial hypertension. Furthermore, these techniques are capable of yielding a significant prognostic value. Understanding these blood pressure measurement techniques is essential to medical practitioners and students because they reduce the chances of marking simple errors in the measurement process.

Brief Introduction
Measurement of blood pressure is one of the standard recordings in clinical practice. Most of the methods applied in measuring BP are prone to inaccuracies.

Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence: BP measurement has been a challenge facing the health sector.

Evidence: Most of the devices used to measure blood pressure are prone to errors (Fallon, 2015).

Body paragraph 2
Topic Sentences: The rise of technology has led to the introduction of new methods of measuring BP.

Evidence: Noninvasive continuous blood pressure measurement technique has been proved to be providing a spontaneous value of both the systolic and the diastolic BP (Mirdamadi& Etebari, 2017)

Body paragraph 3:
Topic Sentence: Quality training is one of the strategies that can be used to implement findings into nursing practice. Evidence: Providing students with adequate knowledge on BP measurement also helps in reducing the cases of misdiagnosis of various complications (Vischer& Burkard, 2016).

Body paragraph 4:
Topic Sentences: Patients' responses to services are among the methods to determine if the findings are implemented to improve nursing practice or patients' outcomes.

Evidence: Positive feedback from the patients can be proof of successful strategies (Rowe et al., 2018).

Coping with the techniques of measuring BP has been a challenge facing medical practitioners for several decades. Therefore, nurses need to be trained on ways of measuring BP to reduce inaccuracies.

Fallon, N. (2015). The challenge of measuring blood pressure accurately. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 10(3), 132–139.

Mirdamadi, A., & Etebari, M. (2017). Comparison of manual versus automated blood pressure measurement in intensive care unit, coronary care unit, and emergency room. ARYA Atherosclerosis, 13(1), 29–34. ISSN: 1735-3955, EISSN: 2251-6638

Rowe, A. K., Rowe, S. Y., Peters, D. H., Holloway, K. A., Chalker, J., & Ross-Degnan, D. (2018). Effectiveness of strategies to improve health-care provider practices in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Nursing assignmentThe Lancet Global Health, 6(11), e1163-e1175.

Vischer, A. S., & Burkard, T. (2016). Principles of Blood Pressure Measurement–Current Techniques, Office vs. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement. Hypertension: from basic research to clinical practice, 85-96.


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