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Navigating Government Regulations for ABC Aloe Gel business: Licenses, Legal Paperwork, and Government Collaboration


Task: What are the necessary licenses, legal requirements, and government collaborations needed for ABC Aloe Gel business to successfully operate in the natural resource management sector?



To register success on a start-up project, it is essential to have the support of the government and legal authorities. Sadly many the public has developed a bad reputation related to government departments and authorities due to rampant instances of corruption in the past but today many governments are changing their system of governance. The government actually offers many opportunities to entrepreneurs but to exploit them the individual or business must approach the government or department and pursue the projects.

ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS will be heavily dependent on the government and legal authorities to execute its business plan (Auerswald, 2012, p. 56). This is due to ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS having identified an area which the government is searching for investors and stakeholders from the private and corporate sector to invest towards and assist the government managing the resource.

Government Owned Natural Resource Requiring Private Intervention

One of the biggest mistakes young entrepreneurs do while planning to start up a new business is looking at what others are doing and attempting to follow the crowd. This is the wrong approach to business, and entrepreneurs should be able to research the market and identify products and services which offer high demand then research on ways they can be manufactured, produced and supplied to the consumer.

Business ideas which already have many entrepreneurs pursuing them are likely to fail due to low profits and limited customers. Instead one can research on areas which governments are seeking investors. Those areas and resources are usually ignored which makes it easier to establish a business and register higher success and profits as compared to conventional businesses (Sterner & Coria, 2013).

In ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS’s situation the main resource is wastelands which are abundantly available and most government and local authorities are willing to lease them out for free so as to get them rehabilitated and productive. Such resources require to be exploited as the number of investors in the field is limited thus reducing completion on the business and allowing for freedom to expand rapidly without the requirement to invest heavily on a project (Barbier, 2007, p. 300).

Aloe Vera is a drought resistant crop which makes it a versatile crop which can be cultivated on the arid land using minimal compost, manure, water and labour and still be able to register attractive harvests.

Licencing and Legal Paper Work

It’s important for all businesses to first register themselves and has all required paper work in order before starting up its operations. This makes the business a registered entity with the government and makes it legal of the business to approach the government and legal authorities regarding different projects and concerns (Steingold, 2017).

ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS intends to present a wasteland rehabilitation proposal to the government which shall be evaluated and reviewed before acceptance but this will only be possible f the business is legally registered. While the business may be able to gain access to wastelands for free under lease agreements with the concerned government ministry, taxation will still comply once income from the project begins being generated.

Business Registration

The first license ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS would require securing is the business registration certificate. This certificate is very easy to secure and purposely kept affordable for all businesses. In certain countries, it is free of charge and aimed at registering businesses so the government can census the number, type, and income generated by businesses in the economy.

Trade licence

ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS would then require securing a trade license which is important as it authorizes the business to trade in specified products and services. This license helps identify specific products and services which he business deals in thus allowing the government inspectors to monitor and inspect the businesses operation to determine if they are conducting business under their registered domain or are indulging in the trade or other products or services which may not be legal or authorizes. Trade licenses can always be revised but this will require the authorized government officer from the concerned department to undertake an inspection and approve the trade license application based on certain trade licensing criteria and guideline.

Horticultural Licence

ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS intends on cultivating Aloe Vera which falls under the horticultural farm produce and therefore requires the business to also apply and secure a horticultural license. This required for the concerned officer to visit and inspect the cultivated area and assess the approached used to cultivate. This is also important as this would be a wasteland rehabilitation project thus the officer would require preparing a progress report which shall be monitored by the wasteland management authority who will report the projects progress. The inspection also evolutions and monitors the use of harmful and toxic chemicals which may be harmful the flora and fauna in the surrounding areas as well as the underground waterbed.

Pollution Management Certification

Pollution has become a major concern in the 21st century and ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS will also have to comply with pollution management norms and guidelines. This requires for ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS to identify and manage different environmental pollutants that may be generated on the project and ensure they have been properly disposed of. Petroleum products, polythene bags, compost, and fertilizer is all pollutants which would all require proper management to avoid damaging the environment further.

Processing and Packaging Licencing

To maximize profits ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS would also be processing the aloe and packaging the gel for sale which would require the business to obtain the relevant processing and packaging licenses. Licencing certifies that ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS has authorized machinery and technologies to process and package the Aloe gel while maintaining high standards. It also helps deliver assurance that ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS is abiding by processing and packaging norms related to quality, measurement, storage, and labelling during the packaging process.

Health and Safety Licences

ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS must comply with health and safety norms which ensure their employees and customers safety while working with or using the products. Hazards and risk management, health awareness and safety guidelines must all be followed making it important for ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS to also get a Health and Safety inspection and license approvals so as to ensure smooth operations.

Transport Licencing

Once processed the finished aloe gel would also require being transported to the consumer, the transportation procedure can undertake by either ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS or the customer. In situations where ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS undertakes the transportation process, they would require having the relevant product movement permits and other applicable licenses to transport the gel.

Utilize Government Department, Facilities, and Utilities

Most governments have dedicated staff manning various departments scattering to different needs and operations (Georgopoulos, Hoekman, & Mavroidis, 2017). ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS must utilize and maintain communication and interactions with the entire department so as to improve their operations and performance.

Ministry of Land and Natural resources

One of the primary ministries and departments ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS would be dealing with is the Ministry of Land and Natural resources due to the project intending to utilize wastelands. This would require the Managing Director to prepare a proposal and meet the concerned officials related to the wasteland reclamation proposal.

ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS will need to make a proposal and approach the ministry as well as report to the concerned department and officials regarding the set project goals and achievement throughout the entire lease period. This would also include applications of additional wasteland lease to expand the businesses operations making it the most important government department ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS must retain communication and interactions with throughout the project

Ministry of Agriculture

The ministry of agriculture is another important department which ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS would require to maintain constant communication with throughout the project. This is due to the ministry needing to evaluate and provide important insight and advice related to the aloe Vela plantations. It also allows the officials to study, research and monitor the project thus developing new agricultural approaches which can be communicated to farmers with regard to wasteland management and Aloe Vera farming.

Revenue and Tax Department

ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS must also maintain close communication with the ministry of revenue and taxation. ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS must be able to be accountable for income generated from the project and pay the relevant taxes.

Other Government Departments and Facilities

ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS must be able to communicate and interact with all concerned department as each will have some connection to the business and project. All formalities and paperwork must be completed which would ensure ABC ALOE GEL BUSINESS operations are known and recognized by most government departments and officials.


For any business to achieve success and smooth operations it is critical that the business maintain a close relationship with government authorities and legal requirements. Governments institutions remain the cornerstone for every business thus it is vital that government ministries and department are directly involved in every project. It is also critical to ensure all government norms are addressed which makes the business legal and protected from nepotism which allows the business to operate and function freely and grow rapidly.


Auerswald, P. (2012). The Coming Prosperity: How Entrepreneurs Are Transforming the Global Economy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Barbier, E. (2007). Natural Resources and Economic Development. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Georgopoulos, A., Hoekman, B., & Mavroidis, P. (2017). The Internationalization of Government Procurement Regulation. New York: Oxford University Press.

Steingold, F. (2017). Legal Guide for Starting & Running a Small Business. Nolo.

Sterner, T., & Coria, J. (2013). Policy Instruments for Environmental and Natural Resource Management. Oxon: Routledge.

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