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Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program for Princess Margaret Hospital


Task: How can a Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program improve patient care and expand services for Princess Margaret Hospital?


Project Relevance and Need

Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases have registered a constant rise over the past 5 decades due to lifestyle influences as well as the constantly increase level of pollution. Cities are also growing more crowded which is making it easier for Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases to be spread from one individual to the other. According to medical studies, Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases were ranked the fifth highest cause of death in 2002. By 2030 is projected that Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases will be the third highest cause of deaths making is a serious concern that requires being addressed immediately (WHO 2007).

Sadly most people are leaving this responsibility on medical professionals but for proper rehabilitation and care to be provided to patients suffering from PD, it is critical that the medical professionals, patient, and their family also be involved in the rehabilitation and care process. Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases are expected to increase in the future due to lifestyle habits, pollution and increasing congestion among the public, making it critical for Princess Margaret Hospital develop the effective mobile outpatient Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program rehabilitation program. This will allow the hospital retain control over the care of all its Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases patients thus allowing it to deliver better lifestyle as well as care to patients who may be suffering from the PD (Blackler, Jones & Mooney 2007).

Project Description

The Project is aimed at expanding Princess Margaret Hospital Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases care to our patients which will serve as an alternative source of income as well as deliver the much-needed care to the patients. To undertake this project and register success it is critical for the project to address three main areas namely Patient Exercise, Education, and counseling. Each of these plays an important role in proper Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases rehabilitation and care. In addition to delivering higher-quality patient care, this project will also allow Princess Margaret Hospital to start up the new unit which will have huge potential to expand due to the lack of the project requiring investment on infrastructure and equipment.

Princess Margaret Hospital will only need to invest on medical professional personnel who will take on the role on visiting the patient as opposed to the patients visiting the hospital. Offering door to door healthcare services is an increasing requirement among outpatients who find it easier and more convenient for the medical professionals to visit them as opposed to them visiting the medical facilities for treatment, care, and rehabilitation (Prieto 2008). But to this possible, it’s important to organize outpatients in batched on 3 to 6 individuals who can be provided with the required rehabilitation and care at the same time making it more economical on the patient and their families.


Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases are on the rise and one of the main aspects associated with the rising level of deterioration among patients is the lack of proper lung and breathing exercises. This results in weakening the lung diaphragm which further complicates the rehabilitation and care of patients suffering from different lung diseases. This is especially being observed among city dwellers that have to adopt unhealthy lifestyles and experiencing additional pressures on health due to their professional life. With more jobs today restricting employees to a desk and computer, the need to manage overall exercise has become critical.

The proposed project will help patients develop and manage full body and breathing exercises based on their medical history to help them build muscle as well as strengthen their lung diaphragm which will ultimately result in the patient's lung strengthening and building resistance (Bellamy & Booker 2011). This will ultimately result in the decrease in the need for constant care and rehabilitation among outpatients but to execute these patients will require daily guidance and assistance from a medical representative from Princess Margaret Hospital. Having the medical representative plan and visit the patients on a daily or weekly basis will ensure patients are maintaining the recommended amount of exercise that helps strengthen their overall body and especially their lung cavity.


Successful management and care of patients suffering from different medical conditions are also greatly influenced by their knowledge and understanding of the medical condition. This makes educating the outpatients regarding their specific medical conditions, its immediate care, and future management a very important part of the Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases outpatient care. Similar to the exercise unity, a there outpatient rehabilitation program should also have an education unit which visits the same patient groups and provide valuable information and tips related to avoiding Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program disease attack triggers or allergies which may instigate the attacks on the patients (Heidelbaugh 2015).

Another important aspect linked to patient education is related to collecting individual patient information related to their allergies and factors which may be triggering or worsening attacks. This is achieved by assisting the outpatients to maintain a daily record of all the food and liquids they consume as well as their daily activity records which may help identify exposure to triggers. This information can then be used to better manage the patients care as well as assist identify factors which may be influencing other patient’s attacks. Education also helps involve the patients towards treatment, care and management of Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases which helps keep them active and physiologically stable which is also a major factor associated with successful patient rehabilitation and care.


Medical care research into chronic and terminal disease have helped identify that diagnosis without proper counseling results in psychological pressure and strain on patients which further worsens the medical condition. This makes it very important for proper care and follows up counseling to be given to patients so as to nurture a stable psychological state among the diagnosed patients. Counseling also helps involve the patients in activities as well as assists patients experiencing additional complication related to the disease such as smoking and tobacco consumption overcome the habit (Kon, Hansel & Barnes 2009). Pollution is also growing to be a major concern among Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program disease patients and with pollution affecting more cities, the patients will need to receive proper guidance on how to avoid over exposure to pollution which may trigger the attacks.

Expected Results

The Project proposal aims at delivering benefits to both the Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program disease outpatients and Princess Margaret Hospital. Each of the stakeholders associated with the patient and Princess Margaret Hospital is also expected to benefit from the proposed project which will benefit each of the stakeholders in some way or another.

Convenient Door to Door Patients Care

The first and main aim of the proposed project is to deliver high-quality healthcare to the Princess Margaret Hospital Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program disease outpatients. This is a major concern due to the hospital experiencing an increasing number of Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program disease patient registrations which is resulting in the medical facilities inability to cope with handling all its patients (Healthcare 2014). To help ease the pressure on the patient and the hospital, the proposed project aims at offering door to door patient care services which will benefit the patient as well as help Princess Margaret Hospital expand expressively. Outpatients will no longer need to stand in long queue and they will be receiving the rehabilitation and care at a location of their preference or at their homes.

Instant and Unlimited Hospital Patient Care Expansion

Princess Margaret Hospital is currently experiencing an expansion crunch due to the overwhelming number of a patient being diagnosed with Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases. This is resulting in many being provided with outpatient care but visiting the hospital again result in the patients experience unpleasant stress related to waiting for long to get medical care due to limited infrastructure and medical equipment to cater to all patients at the same time (Eren & Webster 2015). By developing an outpatient care program the hospital will be able to reach out to a larger number of the patient thus allowing the hospital generate considerably more revenue which can be focused towards further expansions.

Stakeholders Benefits

Besides from the patients and hospital benefits from the outpatient care program, third party stakeholders will also benefit from the proposed project (Eren & Webster 2015). Patient family and caregivers will get some relief from their constant care requirement as well as the proposed program helping generate employment among young medical professionals.

Out-Patient caregiver assistance

Outpatient family and caregivers also tend to experience major complication and stress related to caring for patients diagnosed with Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases. This constant need to care for the patient results in placing serious physiological stress on the care given and having a medical professional assist with caregiving and rehabilitation gives them a chance to also get some time to themselves (Acello 2004). This helps improve their focus and also helps improve the quality of care they give the patient.

Increases employment opportunities

The proposed outpatient care program is also expected to generate employment. This is very important towards curbing the increasing rate of unemployment. This is achieved by Princess Margaret Hospital being able to hire more health care professionals who will add to the door to door rehabilitation and care units (Damp 2006).

Sustainability Plan

The demand for Mobile outpatient facilities is projected to increase in the future as hospital grown more congested and patients prefer to get the care at home or at designated places if provided at affordable costs (Silvius et al. 2017). Being outpatients that are likely to already have the medical condition under control thus formal mobile checkups are rehabilitation care can be offered to the patients to make it more convenient for them as well as allow the Princess Margaret Hospital expand into a new field of mobile healthcare which sees medical professionals visiting the patient as opposed to the patient visiting the medical facility for their weekly or monthly appointment. This also allows for Princess Margaret Hospital to expand their operations considerably without needing to invest in heavy infrastructure and equipment to cater to the mobile outdoor patient's care unit (Phiri & Chen 2013).

Evaluation Plan

Due to high competition, most service providers have changed their strategy from waiting for clients to come to going out and servicing the customer at their convenience. The same can also be implemented with Princess Margaret Hospital’s Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases mobile unit which can target visiting the patients at their homes or other venues. The only change would be the setup but this would also allow the medical staff evaluates the patients daily surrounding to help them better care for and rehabilitate patients suffering from Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases (Block 2006).

This will deliver better patient evolution due to being in the patients daily surrounding which would help identify issues which may be causing or triggering Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program disease attacks. The proposed project will begin with three units which can help make an evolution of the feasibility of the proposed mobile health delivery unit’s success. The mobile units will also be responsible for collecting all patient and day to day operations data which can use to evaluate the proposed project and help improve the plan before additional mobile healthcare units can be added (Blobel, Pharow & Nerlich 2008).


The mobile healthcare unit budget will require for Princess Margaret Hospital to invest on Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases equipped ambulances which can be used to visit the patients. The ambulances should be stocked with daily patient care needs but also be capable of catering to Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases patients who may require urgent emergency care and transportation back to the hospital. In addition to the equipment and ambulances, the hospital will also need to hire Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases health professionals who are capable of rehabilitation and caring for patients suffering from the Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program diseases (Callahan, Stetz & Brooks 2011).


Acello, B 2004, Nursing Assisting: Essentials for Long Term Care, 2nd edn, Cengage Learning, New York.

Bellamy, D & Booker, R 2011, Chronic Obstructive Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Disease in Primary Care: All You Need to Know to Manage COPD in Your Practice, 4th edn, Class Publishing Ltd, Bridgewater.

Blackler, L, Jones, C & Mooney, C 2007, Managing Chronic Obstructive Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Disease, John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex.

Blobel, B, Pharow, P & Nerlich, M 2008, EHealth: Combining Health Telematics, Telemedicine, Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics to the Edge : Global Experts Summit Textbook, IOS Press, Ansterdam.

Block, D 2006, Healthcare Outcomes Management: Strategies for Planning and Evaluation, Jones & Bartlett Learning, London.

Callahan, K, Stetz, G & Brooks, L 2011, Project Management Accounting: Budgeting, Tracking, and Reporting Costs and Profitability, 2nd edn, John Wiley & Sons.

Damp, D 2006, Health Care Job Explosion!: High Growth Health Care Careers and Job Locator, 4th edn, Bookhaven Press, Mc Kee Rocks.

Eren, H & Webster, J 2015, Telehealth and Mobile Health, CRC Press, Boca Rotan.

Eren, H & Webster, J 2015, Telemedicine and Electronic Medicine, CRC Press, Natick.

Healthcare, MM 2014, Mobile Integrated Healthcare: Approach to Implementation, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Berglington.

Heidelbaugh, J 2015, Chronic Obstructive Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Disease: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Elsevier Health Sciences.

Kon, O, Hansel, T & Barnes, P 2009, Chronic Obstructive Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Disease (COPD), Oxford University Press, New York.

Phiri, M & Chen, B 2013, Sustainability and Evidence-Based Design in the Healthcare Estate, Springer Science & Business Media, Sheffield.

Prieto, E 2008, Home Health Care Provider: A Guide to Essential Skills, Springer Publishing Company, New York.

Silvius, G, Schipper, R, Planko, J & Brink, J 2017, Sustainability in Project Management, Routledge, Oxon.

WHO 2007, Global Surveillance, Prevention and Control of Chronic Respiratory Diseases: A Comprehensive Approach, World Health Organization. Mobile Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program


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