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Marketing Assignment: Developing Creative Marketing Strategies


Watch the video and answer 3 following questions in 300 words total:
1. What is the message that P&G wants to send to its customers
2. According to your opinion what does the benefit P&G gain when they implemented the Thankyou Mom campaign’
3. What kind of emotions does this video evoke in you Explain what you felt and why. (there are no wrong answers here, just you thinking

Question 2:
Watch the video and answer 2 following questions in 200 words:
1. Who do you think is the target customer of this product
2. Do you think this product will be success, if yes, why and how If no, why not

Question 3:
Agatha's Inc. is about to introduce a new product in the market, but is not sure as to how it should price the product. The company is facing intense competition from five other companies. In such a situation, what should be Agatha’s Inc. pricing objective Provide an explanation for your answer. Question 4: Briefly explain in 300 words the 4 levels of marketing channels with example.

Question 5:
Focus on Technology: Tracking Customers

According to Nielsen, more than 50 percent of mobile phone consumers own smartphones. Many of them use free Wi-Fi when available for faster connections and to reduce data usage charges. But even when they don’t log on to Wi-Fi, the device continues to search, giving information on users’ locations. By using the signals emitted by shoppers’ smartphones, retailers can keep tabs on shoppers, knowing where they are and what they are searching for on their phones’ browsers. Retailers can learn on which aisles shoppers are most likely to check online prices at retailers such as and can send an alert to a sales representative. “Heat mapping” identifies traffic patterns and locations attracting the greatest number of shoppers checking the Internet. This gives retailers an idea of the products most vulnerable to “showrooming”—the practice of shoppers visiting stores to learn about and try products and later purchasing them for less online.
1. What is shopper marketing and how might retailers use Wi-Fi technology to implement it

2. What may be the likely response as more shoppers learn that retailers gather information without their knowledge


Introduction to the context of marketing assignment
Marketing management is considered as an organisational discipline that tends to focus within the practical application based on the orientation of marketing along with its methods and techniques within the organisations and the enterprise for the marketing activities and resources of an organisation. Hence, the present study emphasizes the context of marketing management within the organisation of P&G in United States of America. The organisation is known to be an American Multinational corporation of consumer goods. It mainly specialises in personal health and care along with the hygiene products.

Answer 1
Message that P&G wants to send to the customers

P&G is known to turn its corporate reputation within a competitive advantage through leveraging on a global scale along with uniting most of the brands in one voice ( 2020). The challenge of the organisation has been to create an authentic and global connection which has linked the brand purpose of Procter & Gamble while improving and touching lives towards the Olympics. P&G do not have any obvious connection with the Olympics. However, each and every Olympic athlete has a mother and the company loves mothers. This eventually has become the connection which has driven creation related to powerful ideas,which might play over a broader range of the experiences and content. This message has been to empower the customers through providing them with a way for participation, while exhibiting the love and care that the brand houses, for its customers and their moms.

Benefit gained by P&G after the implementation of Thank you Mom campaign
According to Ellram and Murfield, (2019, p. 40), the 'Thank You Mom' campaign has resulted in being the biggest success campaign all over the globe within the 175 year history of P&G. This enabled the organisation to drive $500 million within the global incremental of P&G sales; 76 billion impressions for global media over 74,000,000 of the global views along with 3, 70,000,000 interactions on Twitter.

Emotions evoked from this video
The Thank you mom campaign has acknowledged the rightful place of a mom within these athletic games. This campaign has evoked an emotional attachment that each and every athlete has with their mother as no one would have ever succeeded without the unconditional support of their mother. This allowed the customers to thank their mother through uploading any personalised content in a form of a video with captions. This has also made the organisation launch Thank You mom app to help the customers to join.

Answer 2
Target customer of the product

As per the views of Adams et al., (2019, p. 140), the respective product, Gululu is considered as a smart water bottle which mainly targets the children. It has an advanced technology for detecting the changes within the liquid level along with the temperature and can also detect the shakes and touches of the users. While touching the bottle, the creature within it responds and becomes a friend of the children. This is known to be a mild social network that works for children to consume more and more water which can also be tracked by their parents. Thus, the children, mainly between the ages of 3 to 10 years, are the target customers for Gululu, since the priduct has been designed complying to their needs.

How will the product succeed
The product is known to be waterproof and shatterproof along with another fancy addition of the wireless charging deck. There exists no pain or rather medal component that is exposed within the charging deck while making it easy along with safe for use for the kids (Iankovaet al., 2019, p. 170). After the bottle is connected with the mobile app, it helps the parents to track the daily water consumption of their children through putting the height, birthdate and weight of their child. This product can thus succeed as the gaming as well as befriending with the product is meant for engaging the users along with helping the children to form a better habit related to hydration.

Answer 3
Explanation for pricing objectives

Agatha’s Inc is considered as a leading strategic solutions provider towards the life sciences and healthcare industry (Agatha - Business Application for Life Sciences. 2020). Agatha is known to be dedicated to helping the Hospitals of the world along with the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and the organisations of contract research as well as medical device company to optimise the management for the clinical and quality processes and documentation. Thus, the organisation comprises 11-50 employees which is headquartered in Boston, MA. As stated by Cao et al., (2019, p. 80), in recent days, the company has initiated to introduce a new product within the market however, it is confused with the pricing of the product as it has been facing an intense competition through other five organisations of the similar industry.

Hence, as per the current situation, for deterring the competitors, the respective organisation must prevent the entry based on the competitors which might be one of the major objectives of pricing. For achieving the present objective, the organisation must keep the price of its new product as low as possible for minimising the attractiveness of the profit for the products. This emphasizes on three objectives which are mentioned below:

Maximising long run profit
This can be done at a later stage while slowly increasing the price of the product. Higher profit tends to enable the organisation to pay much higher wages being more dividends towards the shareholders along with surviving with an economic downturn.

Increasing sales volume
As opined by Wang et al., (2019, p. 160), this is performed at the first stage to increase the demand of the product and strengthen a good connection with the customers as well. This eventually helps in increasing the sales volume of the product.

Increasing market share
This can be considered through enabling effective ways such as building a referral program as it requires an effort for acquiring new customers along with increasing an engagement with the customers. Hence, this helps the company to develop a unique brand positioning and marketing for the niche audiences as well.

Answer 4
4 levels of marketing channel

There exist four channels of marketing such as direct selling; dual distribution; selling through the intermediaries and reverse channels as well. However, a channel might result in being a retail store; a catalogue of mail order; a website or rather direct and personal communications through an email; letter and text message (Lehtinenet al., 2019, p. 70).

All these channels are mentioned below:

Direct selling
Direct selling is known to be the selling and marketing of the products directly for the customers away through a fixed location. Peddling is considered as the oldest form related to direct selling. Direct selling in the modern days are made with one to one demonstrations; party plans and the arrangements of personal contact along with the internet sales. Direct selling is much more different as compared to direct marketing as it is related to individual agents of sales dealing and reaching directly with the clients. On the other hand, direct marketing is known to be regarding the business organisations to seek the relationship with the customers rather than going through any of the retail outlets.

Dual distribution
This tends to describe various arrangements of marketing through which the manufacturers can use above one channel simultaneously for reaching out to the end user (Kaleka and Morgan, 2019, p. 121). They can also be sold directly towards the end users along with selling to the other organisations for resale. For instance, it is a franchising of business format where all the franchisors tend to license the operation for some of the units towards franchises through owning along with operating some of the units themselves.

Selling through the intermediaries
A channel of marketing where the intermediaries like retailers and wholesalers have been utilised for making a product to be available for the customers in considered as an indirect channel. The indirect channel that is used for most of the small manufacturers along with an agent has been used for helping in coordinating a larger product supply.

Reverse channels
The reverse direction through the use of technology is known to go through the customers towards the intermediary to the beneficiary. This is mainly concerned with making money through reselling or rather recycling a product.

Answer 5
Description of shopper marketing and the use of Wi-Fi technology by the retailers
As per the views of Roehrichet al., (2019, p. 90), shopper marketing mainly emphasizes on the customers within the point of purchase while trying to make it an appeal at the last minute to the customers within the moment when they actually pay for the same. According to the retailers, shopper marketing is considered as the use of the marketing driven through insights as well as merchandising initiatives for the satisfaction of the needs related to targeted shoppers along with enhancing the shopping experience as well as improving the results of the business and the brand equity based on the manufacturers and retailers.

However, as argued by Lim, (2020, p. 345), as the shoppers tend to connect with in-store Wi-Fi along with collecting the contact information and building the profiles of the client which helps in understanding how often the customers visit within the store along with whatever they are interested in buying. This allows them for sending more targeted and personalized communications in their way.

Likely response gathered by the retailers
After the customers find out that the retailers gather their information, they expect the retailers to provide the personalised service for the customers (Rundle-Thiele et al., 2019, p. 180). The customers need in-person service which is not obtained by them through online ways. The customers also expect loyalty rewards for them by the retailers in both online and via in-person ways.

To conclude, the present study has highlighted the importance of marketing management along with outlining the objectives of pricing for the organisations within an intense competition and levels of marketing channels as well. On the hand, a brief knowledge related to tracking the customers through focussing on technology has also been considered in the present study.

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Ellram, L.M. and Murfield, M.L.U., 2019. Supply chain management in industrial marketing–Relationships matter. Industrial Marketing Management, 79, pp.36-45.

Iankova, S., Davies, I., Archer-Brown, C., Marder, B. and Yau, A., 2019.A comparison of social media marketing between B2B, B2C and mixed business models. Industrial Marketing Management, 81, pp.169-179.

Kaleka, A. and Morgan, N.A., 2019. How marketing capabilities and current performance drive strategic intentions in international markets.Marketing assignment Industrial Marketing Management, 78, pp.108-121.

Lehtinen, J., Aaltonen, K. and Rajala, R., 2019. Stakeholder management in complex product systems: Practices and rationales for engagement and disengagement. Industrial marketing management, 79, pp.58-70.

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Roehrich, J.K., Davies, A., Frederiksen, L. and Sergeeeva, N., 2019. Management innovation in complex products and systems: The case of integrated project teams. Industrial Marketing Management, 79, pp.84-93.

Rundle-Thiele, S., David, P., Willmott, T., Pang, B., Eagle, L. and Hay, R., 2019. Social marketing theory development goals: an agenda to drive change. Journal of Marketing Management, 35(1-2), pp.160-181.

Wang, W.L., Malthouse, E.C., Calder, B. and Uzunoglu, E., 2019. B2B content marketing for professional services: In-person versus digital contacts. Industrial marketing management, 81, pp.160-168.


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