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Managing Social media management challenges: Challenges and Strategies for Effective Communication and Public Relations


Task: What are the effective strategies for managing Social media management challenges challenges and improving labour productivity in businesses?



The Social media management challenges has changed the way humanity communicates and socializes resulting in some major changes in communication, social affair, and marketing being registered during the past decade. Today lots of work is done on the internet and practically every internet user has a Social media management challenges account which they use to communicate, connect with family and friends or as an effective business marketing tool (Wilson, 2016). But the Social media management challenges has also brought along some serious challenges linked to socializing and management of the Social media management challenges websites and accounts which require close management and intervention. There are many challenges linked to management Social media management challenges thus two areas of that attract the most concern shall be discussed in this report and an effective solution proposed.

Constant Social media management challenges Monitoring and Management

Effective Social media management challenges marketing is not as simple as traditional marketing medium and requires constant management to retain the effectiveness. This is due to the constantly changing updates and also due to how the Social media management challenges has empowered the consumer thus allowing them to monitor and report on the brands performance directly (Zhang & Vos, 2014). This has resulted in creating a downing Social media management challenges management challenge as described below. The article is interesting as it discusses the different challenges businesses need to consider and implement so as to maintain a competitive edge while using Social media management challenges to market. It also discusses the risks businesses face with regard to consumer reviews and other aspects which could influence the brands name and affect its sales.

Constant update required

The Social media management challenges is a different form of communication which relies on communicating live feeds from the different group members on a common dashboard. This results in the need for the account holder to constantly update their profile and make new publications so as to publish them on the front page. Unlike the traditional website in which articles could be optimized using keywords to rank pages, which would remain highly ranked for some weeks, the Social media management challenges requires constant management (O'Leary, Sheehan, & Lentz, 2011). It may be cheaper and more effective for businesses to communicate their message to a larger and more targeted customer, but it also requires the organization or firm to dedicate one individual to only managing the Social media management challenges account.

Risk of negative publicity

The Social media management challenges also depends on publications which are made on live feeds to people how may have subscribed to the channel or account but this also exposes the Social media management challenges accounts to being attacked by negative publicity. This has attracted different views from the different stakeholders with consumers benefiting from the move due to the Social media management challenges helping improve a quality of services and goods delivered by the businesses. For businesses which use the Social media management challenges to market the risk has become very real and effective since aggravated and frustrated customers can easily log on to their Social media management challenges account and publish negative information on the feed.

This would be viewed by all people linked to the page and result in seriously affecting the businesses reputations which are a major concern. There is also a major concern linked to the publication of negative reviews on businesses reviewing websites which many customers are turning to collect an overall view of the businesses performance and reputation. Businesses using the Social media management challenges as a marketing platform require to constantly monitoring what the members and public are publishing with regard to their brand name and reputation and be capable of responding and intervening immediately any information is published (Singh, 2016). Responses should not be limited to negative information but also respond to positive information since both published expect and want to be recognized and answered and their concern acknowledged.

Need for Public Relations Officer

More than ever before businesses today need to involve public relations officers to manage the Social media management challenges since one major problem many businesses have experienced has been over emphasizing on marketing rather than public relations. This has resulted in bad publicity being ignored or overlooked which has resulted in a bad reputation being accumulated by certain brands out of ignorance or lack of knowledge. The consumer and Social media management challenges user today views these points very closely since it helps them collect an overall perspective of the public’s overall view and reputation of the brand. This information can be used by the customer to make a more informed decision regarding selecting the right businesses to work with or purchase from.

Delivering Quality over Quantity

With the constant need to publish new content on a daily or hourly basis on the Social media management challenges, many Social media management challenges marketing managers are forced to publish content in bulk which results in affecting their quality. With content uniqueness tools not in use by search engines to check uniqueness many Social media management challenges marketing businesses only deliver uniqueness but focus less on the quality of the content. This is a major concern since the message being sent to the individual is unclear and not effective which results in affecting the businesses performance.

Addressing and Managing Social media management challenges Addiction

Businesses have utilized the Social media management challenges to their benefit by using the Social media management challenges platforms to market their businesses and reach out to specific customer groups. This has helped businesses increase their sales, turnover, and reputation in the market but the Social media management challenges has also created a new form addiction among the public and users (Kuss & Griffiths, 2011). Social media management challenges addiction is a relatively new term but for working professionals and parents, the miss use and inability of certain individuals to manage the Social media management challenges is very apparent to business operations. All age groups have been trapped by this vice and it is affecting the businesses performance directly due to the inability of many users to control the use of Social media management challenges. The article is very informative as it helps point out important social challenges such as Social media management challenges addiction which are being experienced by communities and businesses in recent years. This helps the researcher identify important social concerns that can be expected in the future thus allowing individual reconsider and relook at how the Social media management challenges is used today.

Affected age groups

Studies show that Social media management challenges addiction is affecting teenagers and young adults more than children and mature adults. This age group tends to be the most venerable due to some psychological changes occurring in the brain in which they focus on wanting to know more regarding others thus resulting in the constant need to check on social circle updates. As a result, teenagers and young adults are commonly seen looking into their phone every few minutes to read the next update without them considering other real life factors which need to be considered.

Negligence towards work, profession, and ethics

The Social media management challenges has developed to be a major addiction which has resulted in many businesses today banning access to Social media management challenges websites and the use of smartphones at the office. This is due to many users lacking the self-control to manage the use of smartphones and Social media management challenges which affects the businesses performance and productivity directly. Teenager no longer wants to go out and meet friends or socialize since they are connected to them at all time which reduced the need to meet promoting laziness and physical immobility among teenagers and young adults.

Health concerns are also raising from the lack of proper Social media management challenges and smart device management which is leading to serious concerns related to future generation health. Lack of Social media management challenges ethics has resulted in many addicted individuals also showing negligence towards their duty and lack work ethics simply due to their desire and need to look into the phone and respond or comment. These results in the individuals attending work just for attendance with their mind-set actually focusing on responding to Social media management challenges rather than focusing on their responsibility at the workplace.

Promoted Antisocial Among Individuals

Social media management challenges addicts have also found themselves developing serious psychological issues where they are unable to relate or communicate with people in a normal manner. The individual gradually loses their ability to socialize and develop a serious social phobia which affects their ability to go out and meet people or search for work as they grow old. With the Social media management challenges just over a decade old, effects are already clearly visible among young adults and teenagers expected to demonstrate serious social problems in future (Fuchs & Sandoval, 2013). This is likely to result in businesses experiencing a serious shortage of functional and effective working professionals in the future due to the teenagers simply losing all their social skills resulting in fear to go out and meet people or search for employment. Lack of social skills is likely to gravely affect business performance in future due to the lack of professional capable of handling work thus resulting in a serious human resource management concern among businesses in the future.

Addressing Social media management challenges Challenges

The Social media management challenges has been identified to being among the most effective communication and marketing tools used throughout business history but the platform requires proper management. To overcome the concerns it is important to first identify the challenges thus allowing stakeholders to address the concerns. While the Social media management challenges has had a major effect on the public during the past decade, overcoming the challenges of Social media management challenges are expected to be seen for many decades to come (Sulaiman & Naqshbandi, 2014). The main concern is linked to the psychological dis-functionality which the Social media management challenges is creating among the younger generations. This is likely to have long-term effects on the individuals which will affect business performance severely in the future.

Business-related challenges are not so concerning since the individuals managing Social media management challenges marketing campaigns have learned to use the platform and a professional marketing medium. This has resulted in most of them have mastered the limit themselves from indulging in the Social media management challenges and only using it as a tool to promote the businesses performance. There is no doubt that the Social media management challenges has delivered important benefits to every business using the platform as it allows for well-organized and focused marketing plans to be developed which deliver more effective and profitable campaigns. It’s the responsibility of parents, individuals, and the public, in general, to manage and educate affected individuals on the dangers linked to over indulging in the Social media management challenges.


The Social media management challenges has helped many brands boost their popularity on a global scale which has allowed them to achieve popularity and growth which they would have never achieved while using traditional marketing medium. The Social media management challenges has effectively made marketing equal for all stakeholders and businesses thus resulting in each business being able to tap into the market and offer its services to the consumer. It has also allowed people to socialize at a scale never achieved before but it’s the responsibility of all stakeholders to understand the risks and challenges linked to the Social media management challenges.

Only by understanding the risk will individuals be able to manage the concerns and avoid them when possible. The inability for people to show interest towards challenges of Social media management challenges is a growing concern but it’s also important to understand the Social media management challenges has helped regulate how business is done. Unlike the past today the public and consumer have more control over their decision as they are capable of researching and understanding a business’s reputation thus allowing them to make the informed decision before dealing with the brand.


Fuchs, C., & Sandoval, M. (2013). Critique, Social media management challenges and the Information Society. New York: Routledge.

Kuss, D., & Griffiths, M. (2011). Online Social Networking and Addiction. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health.

O'Leary, S., Sheehan, K., & Lentz, S. (2011). Small Business Smarts: Building Buzz with Social media management challenges: Building Buzz with Social media management challenges. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.

Singh, A. (2016). Managing Public Relations and Brand Image through Social media management challenges. Hershey: IGI Global.

Sulaiman, A., & Naqshbandi, M. (2014). Social media management challenges: Dynamism, Issues, and Challenges. Singapore: Partridge Publishing.

Wilson, O. (2016). Competitive Social media management challenges Marketing Strategies. Hershey: IGI Global.

Zhang, B., & Vos, M. (2014). Social media management challenges monitoring: aims, methods, and challenges for international companies. Corporate Communications: An International Journal.


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