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Leadership Assignment; Critical Evaluation of Two Articles


Task: purpose of this task is for you to demonstrate your ability to critically analyze, synthesize and evaluate information and present that information in a written format. You are expected to analyse the arguments used by the author(s), the quality of the evidence provided and the application of the content to management practice .
A list of articles will be available on the unit’s Moodle site for you to choose from. You will then write a critical article review based around your responses to the following questions.


The research paper on leadership assignmentfocuses on the leadership roles to handle clever people in the organization and build up innovation. In the first article, the case study has been taken on “Swiss Pharmaceutical Giant Roche” and the contribution of clever employees has been discussed. They spend around $4 billion on research and development annually and thus motivate clever employees (Goffee & Jones, 2007). In the second article, it has critically analyzed that the humble leaders have a positive relationship with altruism that helps in promoting innovativeness on the organization (Mallén Broch, Domínguez Escrig, Lapiedra Alcamí, & Chiva, 2019). The second article explored in the leadership assignment has not focused on the single organization and thus, they have taken data from various Spanish organizations. The overall research objective identified herein leadership assignment in both the articles states that leadership skills should be efficient leaders for making growth in the organization. The particular objectives in the first article focus on saving clever people from political distractions and motivating them to make them effective (Goffee & Jones, 2007). The second article examined in the segments of leadership assignment focuses on extracting the advantages by analyzing the relationship between leader humility and innovativeness on the organization (Mallén Broch, Domínguez Escrig, Lapiedra Alcamí, & Chiva, 2019).

The research question considered to develop this leadership assignment is mainly based on suggesting ways to improve leadership skills for protecting clever employees on “swiss Pharmaceutical Giant Roiche” (Goffee & Jones, 2007). On the other hand, the second article focused on developing and analyzing the relationship between leader humility and innovativeness (Mallén Broch, Domínguez Escrig, Lapiedra Alcamí, & Chiva, 2019). It critically evaluates that mainly the articles are based on leadership skills and modifying them to build innovativeness on the organization.

Both the article used in the present leadership assignmenthas conducted a qualitative study. The first article has restricted the research on a particular organization whereas the second article has focused on sample frames of 11,594 “Spanish” companies. The second article has been conducted through 568 "valid questionnaires" and the participants' counts were 284 (Mallén Broch, Domínguez Escrig, Lapiedra Alcamí, & Chiva, 2019). The bulk of data has been retrieved through questionnaires to study the research critically and helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the paper. Like in the first paper, the strengths of the study are to develop methods for protecting the values of clever employees and involve in the company's research and development (Goffee & Jones, 2007). The weakness is safeguarding the clever employees and overlooking their cruelness on other employees. It will fell an overall positive effect on the organization and helps them in research.

The second article used to prepare this leadership assignmentbuilds hypotheses from the results and thus, modifying the existing theories of leadership for making innovation on the organization. It can be an effective strength for the Company (Mallén Broch, Domínguez Escrig, Lapiedra Alcamí, & Chiva, 2019). The weakness can be determined that they have not analyzed all the aspects of leadership theory properly and thus, create a gap within the literature. If both the articles have been conducted through the quantitative method then it can be presented differently. The results can be determined in numeric value and a piece of deep practical knowledge can also be acquired by the researchers (Kassab, Mutz, & Daniel, 2020). They can also append more time on analyzing the research and its effectiveness on the real scenario. The quantitative method helps to conduct the primary research smoothly and apply distinct approach (Robertson, et al., 2017). Like in the first article used in the leadership assignment, no data or surveys have been collected from the clever people who are the main point of view in this article.

The pieces of evidence that have been presented on the articles fully depend on leadership ideas that can be modified to improve the organizational performance. The skills can be modified according to the market trend for providing high value to the organization. Thus, pieces of evidence involve set of data in the second article that mainly emphasizes on building proper methods to improve the organizational performance on the competitive market (Mallén Broch, Domínguez Escrig, Lapiedra Alcamí, & Chiva, 2019). It will extract the overall contribution of the research on a real scenario. The first article involves methods or pieces of evidence related to the protection of clever employees on a particular organization (Goffee & Jones, 2007). Through the example, it provides an overview of leadership skills to protect the employees in research and development.

The pieces of evidence presented in the leadership assignment have an authentic vision for improving the organizational performance in future. It can be augmented with relevant examples. In the first article, it denotes that the protection of clever people on organizations is needed for enhancing the research and development process (Goffee & Jones, 2007). For example, according to Thompson, Schwatka, Tenney, & Newman (2018), leadership skills are needed for worker safety and must be implemented effectively. It helps in maintaining sustainability within the organization. The organization can make a significant stand in the competitive market. Moreover, according to Ugaddan & Park (2019), equilibrium in the organization can be maintained through employee safety policies and thus, helps in improving the research works for the organization.

In the second article utilized in this leadership assignment, a positive relationship between leader humility and innovativeness helps in covering many flaws of leadership. It results in improving the organizational performance on the competitive market and thus, serving an improved workplace condition. For example, according to Chen, Liu, Zhang, & Qian (2018), leader “humility” helps in sparking the “employee proactivity” and thus, improve the workplace conditions. It fell a good effect on improving organizational performance. Moreover, according to Zhong, Zhang, Li, & Zhang (2019), "leader humility" helps in enhancing the "employee wellbeing". The workplace conditions get improved while the well being of the employees gets enhanced on the organization.

The study developed in the leadership assignment reveals that the leadership strategy always has a positive influence on pharmaceutical industries. The leadership strategies always enhance the productivity and performance of the pharmaceutical industries. It has been considered that there is a requirement of allocating proper resources so that the cost could be minimized and that will improve the organizational performance. As leadership is considered as the "key determinant" for improving performance in the industry, the other stakeholders should focus on the allocation of adequate resources. This allocation will implement the cost reduction strategy within the organizations (Hhary & Mboma). Job satisfaction is considered as a significant factor that retains the employees and improves the performance of the organization. It is important for the organization that the stress over the employees is less so that the job satisfaction level could be increased. Leadership plays a significant role in the job satisfaction of the employees (Scioli, 2017). Along with that, the management of the organization should focus on the mechanisms to ensure improved attributes of the leadership regarding the team of management (Feller, Doucette, & Witry, 2016). It has been noticed in the leadership assignment that the interaction between employee's characteristics and the leadership identifies several outcomes for the organization. It includes transparency in relationship, self-awareness, and perspective of the moral. Authentic leadership highlights more over the transactional and transformational leadership style which improves the PSYCAP ("psychological capital") of the employees regarding better job satisfaction and minimum stress (Sultana, Darun, & Yao, 2018). The leadership expects to highlight the higher level of integrity with a deeper sense of focusing on the commitment and the purpose related to the "core value" of the organization.

The study focuses on several factors that are significant for future research. It explains and compares the experience of the leadership theories across the pharmaceutical industry that is informative. Future studies include mentoring as both responsibility and requirement across the industry that represents the opportunity for leadership theories (Bonaparte, 2016). The studies are required to involve several evaluation criteria like reactions and results. These programs could ensure more accuracy for the investigations that include the training methodology and implementing the characteristics of other outcomes (Reyes, Dinh, Lacerenza, Marlow, Joseph, & Salas, 2019). Unlike the other industries, pharmaceuticals include a higher technical and economic field that is directly related to the health issues for humans. For the leaders, also, to gain knowledge, the experience is a crucial factor that is coupled with effective self-awareness when working in the practical field proactively. It has been considered that transformational leaders can set specific objectives and goals for the other employees. The other factors include encouraging the employees with inspiring their vision. The leadership also includes consideration for the individual employees and definitely "inspirational motivation" that is referred to as the fourth factor. It has been noticed that, in a complex type of jobs, rewards may minimize the work performed when the goals are different (Nguyen, Mai, & Huynh, 2019). The leaders need to develop a stronger relationship with the employees with flexibility and transparency to achieve organizational goals.

The study developed in the leadership assignment discusses the role of leaders to operate the employees of the organization that leads to building the innovation. Several case studies have been briefed in this discussion on leadership assignment about the role of leaders to encourage or motivate employees. Moreover, the different characteristics of the leaders have been evaluated that play a crucial role to retain or motivate employees towards job satisfaction and minimizing stress to improve overall productivity and performance. ?

Bonaparte, Y. (2016). Leaning in: A phenomenological study of African American women leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. Leadership assignmentAdvancing Women in Leadership Journal, 36, 11-16.

Chen, Y., Liu, B., Zhang, L., & Qian, S. (2018). Can leader “humility” spark employee “proactivity”? The mediating role of psychological empowerment. Leadership & Organization Development Journal .

Feller, T., Doucette, W., & Witry, M. (2016). Assessing opportunities for student pharmacist leadership development at schools of pharmacy in the United States. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 80 (5). Goffee, R., & Jones, G. (2007). Leading clever people. Harvard business review, 85 (3), 72.

Hhary, E., & Mboma, L. (n.d.). The Effects of Cost Leadership Strategy on Performance of Pharmaceutical Industry: A Case of Zenufa Laboratories (T) Limited.

Kassab, O., Mutz, R., & Daniel, H.-D. (2020). Introducing and testing an advanced quantitative methodological approach for the evaluation of research centers: a case study on sustainability science. Research Evaluation, 29 (2), 135-149.

Mallén Broch, F., Domínguez Escrig, E., Lapiedra Alcamí, R., & Chiva, R. (2019). Does leader humility matter? Effects on altruism and innovation.

Nguyen, H., Mai, L., & Huynh, T. (2019). The role of transformational leadership toward work performance through intrinsic motivation: A study in the Pharmaceutical field in Vietnam. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 6 (4), 201-212.

Reyes, D., Dinh, J., Lacerenza, C., Marlow, S., Joseph, D., & Salas, E. (2019). The state of higher education leadership development program evaluation: A meta-analysis, critical review, and recommendations.Leadership assignmentThe Leadership Quarterly, 30 (5), 101311.

Robertson, E., O'Grady, Á., Barton, J., Galloway, S., Emmanuel-Yusuf, D., Leach, M., et al. (2017). Reconciling qualitative storylines and quantitative descriptions: an iterative approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 118, 293-306.

Scioli, A. (2017). Leadership Strategies for Addressing US Pharmaceutical Drug Shortages and Supply Chain Disruptions.

Sultana, U., Darun, M., & Yao, L. (2018). Authentic leadership and psychological capital: A mingle effort to increase job satisfaction and lessen job stress. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 11 (5), 1-13.

Thompson, J., Schwatka, N., Tenney, L., & Newman, L. (2018). Total worker health: a small business leader perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15 (11), 2416.

Ugaddan, R., & Park, S. (2019). Do trustful leadership, organizational justice, and motivation influence whistle-blowing intention? Evidence from federal employees. Public Personnel Management, 48 (1), 56-81.

Zhong, J., Zhang, L., Li, P., & Zhang, D. (2019). Can leader humility enhance employee wellbeing? The mediating role of employee humility. Leadership assignmentLeadership & Organization Development Journal .


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