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Information systems assignment on the potential engagement at Margaret River Smart City


Task: You are required to prepare an internal discussion document outlining your firm’s capabilities (choose any 3), the engagement type and role. You will also examine in your information systems assignment the team requirements, risks and issues involved in the engagement.


1. Overview of the firm in the information systems assignmentand industry experience
• Boston Consulting Group considered in the information systems assignmentis an international consulting firm that helps companies and governments seize opportunities and overcome challenges. Their success is dependent on a culture of intense cooperation and a worldwide network of people from all walks of life who are committed to bettering themselves and the world every day. When it was established in 1963, BCG was a frontrunner among companies focused on corporate strategy. Hence they have experience of this industry from 1963-2022. It is found in this information systems assignmentthat according to Forbes, Boston Consulting Group is one of the largest private companies in the United States with over 22,000 employees working across more than 90 offices in over 50 countries and regions. Today, they partner with customers to adopt a transformational strategy that benefits everyone involved, allowing businesses to expand their operations, strengthen their competitive position, and make a positive impact in the world. Using cutting-edge management consulting, technological and design innovation, and corporate and digital ventures, their diverse, international teams are dedicated to unlocking potential and facilitating change (Myeonget al.,2018). They shed light on complex issues by questioning the status quo and suggesting novel approaches. It is found in the information systems assignmentby focusing on the next decade instead of the next deadline and by working closely with the clients to enable and energise their organisations, they are able to make an inspired impact. They offer a complete service for any business or organisation looking to fulfil their mission. All people, regardless of their gender, race, education, socioeconomic status, or location, should have the same chance to live healthy, productive lives, and BCG is working with global health organisations to make that a reality. They argue that the global health community needs a strategy based on collaboration and innovation in order to improve health equity and accelerate progress toward the UN's health-related Sustainable Development Goals (Davydovaet al.,2021).

• BCG BrightHouse considered in theinformation systems assignment, a global creative consultancy, was a forerunner in business purpose consulting long before the term "corporate purpose" was even coined. Previously it is found in this information systems assignmentthat they have used the energy of an organization's mission to boost client efficiency and income. If and when the skies once again fill with passengers, airline network teams will face unprecedented challenges. In this case, the Zero-Based Scaling tool developed by BCG can be useful for MRSC.Airline companies, in planning for the future, will have to make demand forecasts without the benefit of historical data and create operational plans that will likely require significant revisions prior to implementation (Praharaj and Han, 2019). In addition to theinformation systems assignment, they will need to rethink networks in the face of extreme uncertainty and volatility, all while trying to anticipate the moves of rival firms. In essence, airlines will need to completely reimagine themselves in order to succeed in the new reality, and this process must begin immediately. BCG has also released Zero-Based Scaling (ZBS) to aid network teams in acquiring the required capabilities, as only digital tools would be adequate for this task.

2. Overview of smart technology for MRSC in the information systems assignment
• The Smart Cities Council defines a smart city as "one that makes use of information and communications technology (ICT) to improve the quality of life for its residents, the efficiency of its businesses, and the sustainability of the city itself." It is clear from the information systems assignmentthat technology has permeated every community, no matter how small, and this is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future (Haque et al.,2022). In this setting, governments must invest in technology not because it is progressive or novel but because it is essential to maintain citizens' interest in and participation in the community. If residents of MRSC do not have a simple way to report potholes, they might not bother to do so, increasing the likelihood that the problems will go unreported and unfixed. If they cannot find a convenient way to pay for parking without coins, they may choose to shop elsewhere, undermining efforts to revitalise the area's commercial core. The conveniences and time-saving services made possible by smart city technology inspire greater participation from the local populace (Lee et al.,2022). As per the information systems assignmentmany citizens of so-called "smart cities" can quickly and easily reach their local government to share their ideas for improving their community.

Smart city technology as per the information systems assignmentoffers some solutions to the problem of traffic, a major annoyance for MRSC. Traffic lights that can adapt to changing traffic conditions are just one example of how public transportation can be made more efficient through the use of such technology. Additionally, residents can be prompted to take advantage of public transportation at off-peak times by means of smart technology (Zhu and Zhu, 2019). It is possible in the information systems assignmentto monitor the whereabouts of one's bus or train in many modern cities. The increasing demand for natural resources from urban areas is a growing problem. Cities now have the means to effectively conserve water and electricity thanks to smart technologies. Now with smart sensors, MRSC can locate pipe leaks and repair damaged areas more quickly. LED streetlights can be dimmed or altered in response to current conditions. Smart energy metres in homes incentivize users to reduce their energy consumption (Elejaldeet al., 2020).

Roads, bridges, and buildings all age and need significant investment to keep functioning. Predictive analytics and other forms of smart city technology can pinpoint problem spots in advance of a catastrophic breakdown. Changes in building or bridge structure, such as tilts or cracks, as per the information systems assignmentcan be detected by smart sensors. The sensors then communicate when there is a need for checks or fixes. When there is an emergency, geospatial technology can help get people where they need to go faster and safer (Bhuniyaet al.,2020). In addition, it has the potential to aid in the improvement of public health. To monitor the spread of a disease like COVID-19, geospatial technology can create a map of the affected area.

Internet of Things technology mentioned in the information systems assignmenthas the potential to enhance the quality of interactions with customers. Customers today are interacting with more IoT devices than ever before. Businesses can use the information gleaned from these gadgets to develop more meaningful connections with customers and deliver a more satisfying digital experience. The Internet of Things (IoT) mentioned in the information systems assignmentcan boost customer satisfaction through rapid diagnosis and correction of operational errors; keep an eye on what customers are saying, where they are going, and what they are buying to tweak the offerings accordingly and use coupons, event reminders, and other forms of communication to nudge consumers toward making a purchase or participating in a brand's service, and push for more seamless integration of customers' offline and online lives (Galanopoulos et al.,2021).

3. Engagement type and role
• System implementation should always be at the forefront of a company's attention, alongside strategy development. Implementing systems and processes in a company is crucial for two main reasons: efficiency and accuracy. Because of this mentioned in the information systems assignment, businesses can keep tabs on their staff and run according to their strategic plans. Including them in daily operations will boost productivity for the business as a whole. Successful system implementation is crucial to the growth of any business (Firdaus et al., 2021). They are the bedrock upon which the expansion of the company rests. The efficiency of a company as a whole can be improved with the help of systems. A business system can handle all of those boring and routine tasks for their healthcare security engagement. Since the business team will be spending less time on these menial tasks, it is found in this information systems assignmentthat they will have more time to focus on other, more fruitful endeavours.
• Security engagements will benefit from the expert guidance and willingness to work with others. It is found in this information systems assignmentthat professionals with specialised knowledge in the fields of healthcare and security are referred to as "experts." With the help of a "pair of hands," a client can assess the situation and figure out what needs to be done (Lee and Seo, 2018). However, the client might not be able to put the strategy into action because of a lack of resources or time. Because of this, the client will have to hire a set of expert hands to carry out the plan on their behalf. Collaborative refers to the process of working with another person on a project. There is a misunderstanding between the pair of hands role and the collaborative role because in the former, the client will diadonize a problem and have a solution on their own, but they will need help carrying out their solution. In contrast, in a collaborative role, both the client and the partner will be privy to the full scope of the problem (AlMamaryet al.,2021). The Collaborator mentioned in the information systems assignmentworks alongside the client throughout the problem identification, solution development, and rollout phases. The client's dedication to actually implementing the recommendations is just as crucial as the recommendations' accuracy. According to information systems assignmentstudies, this level of dedication is achieved when people accept and implement recommendations. That, in turn, results from their actively working together with the consultant to assess the current state of affairs and determine the best course of action. The likelihood of achieving the necessary levels of organisational support, momentum, and learning through collaboration is greatly increased, making it the preferred method for bringing about change in healthcare engagement (Moeiniet al.,2019). Technical consultants addressed in the information systems assignment, in addition to organisational consultants, can benefit from a collaborative approach, especially if the project centres on a complex technical system and the consultant must make sure it can be adapted to the client's unique work environment and culture. The importance of teamwork in helping fields like therapy, social work, and education has been recognised by many.

4. Supporting frameworks, tools, and data
• Consulting frameworks are what unlock the doors that lead to successfully resolved business cases. Consulting frameworks are methods or tools developed with the purpose of resolving a business issue. Businessas per the information systems assignmentcan either use them as ready-made cheat sheets to work with a variety of businesses in a variety of industries, or they can customise them to apply to more specific cases. The consulting sessions can then proceed from there using the templates and suggestions that were provided by the consulting framework. They provide a road map to follow in order to obtain clarity regarding any aspect of a business, regardless of its size (Asnaaniet al.,2022). They are able to immediately make a complex issue more understandable and bring to light aspects of the situation that may be ignored during client interviews.

3Cs Framework
Kenichi Ohmae, a Japanese organisational theorist, is the person responsible for developing the 3Cs framework. It focuses on the three most important factors that contribute to a company's overall success. Customers, competitors, and the business itself are referred to as the "three Cs," and each of these can be deconstructed into the following information systems assignment:
Customers: consumer demographics, consumer needs, size and development rate of customer divisions, price compassion
Competition: the value proposition besides brand of challengers, their market share and development, and their economic health
Company: product contribution, profitability, core capabilities, unique selling facts, financial performance besides resources

Pricing Case Framework
When determining the pricing strategy for products in the Engagement and Community categories in the information systems assignment, the pricing case framework is utilised so that all relevant aspects can be taken into consideration. A pricing decision that is supported by data can be made by analysing the costs of the product, the value that is delivered by the product, and the pricing strategies that are utilised by competitors (Redmond et al.,2018). The following components can be followed in order to dissect these quantitative and qualitative data points into their component parts:

Cost-Based Pricing: stable costs of all goods, variable costs besides number of components produced, success targets
Value-Based Pricing: product structures, financial, and other value these structures bring to consumers
Competitor- pricing plans of challengers, available substitute goods, value comparison
• These components can be combined to form an overarching pricing strategy that can be applied to any and all product variations, including upsells and special deals (Zheng and Pee, 2022). The fundamental business strategy of increasing either profitability or market share can also have an effect on the choice that is made in the end.

3Cs Frameworkmentioned in the information systems assignmentoffers a comprehensive summary of the MRSC’s advantages and disadvantages, making it an excellent place to begin the analysis required for healthcare engagement. It is helpful to gain perspective on the healthcare business engagement at a more general level in order to uncover additional potential problems beyond those that are initially visible.

5. Team and skill requirements
Healthcare- Skills relevant to a career in healthcare. Effective communication between co-workers necessitates a range of skills, including active listening. Good communication skills as per the information systems assignmentare useful when explaining test results to customers or fielding inquiries about making an appointment. Thus, the importance of good communication skills. Positivity is a valuable asset in the workplace because of its potential positive effect on relationships with co-workers.
Security-To be effective in the field of security of MRSC, one must be able to maintain a constant vigilance and focus on the task at hand. Their extensive training allows them to spot any employees or guests acting suspiciously (Moeiniet al.,2019). Maintaining peace and order as per the information systems assignmentin the region depends heavily on open lines of communication. They need to keep a close eye on the employees working there. They make sure that everything is running smoothly and safely, and that there is no danger of any kind.
Engagement and Community- Understanding mediation and interest-based problem-solving is a necessary skill for community engagement. It is found in the information systems assignmentthat even though many people mistake the two, facilitation and mediation are two distinct skillsets. Facilitation skills of ensuring equal voice and participation are very different from the ability to disentangle interests and needs and impartially structure a process that mediates differences. Creating shared understandings and settling disagreements are cornerstones of trustworthy institutions. A thorough comprehension of empowerment educational theories is also necessary for information systems assignmentand effective community involvement (Galanopoulos et al.,2021). In order to foster trust, respect, and a sense of community among participants, a truly facilitative process must be designed in MRSC.

6. Risks
In the business world it is found in the information systems assignment that, ethical dilemmas arise whenever a course of action is taken that runs counter to the values of the company or the community at large. Organizations and people alike can find themselves in the middle of ethical debates when their actions are questioned from a moral perspective. Diversity, compliance, governance, and empathetic decision-making that upholds the organization's values are all examples of complex ethical issues.
It is found in the information systems assignmentthat discrimination and harassment are two of the most serious ethical challenges faced by human resources (HR) professionals and managers of MRSC. The financial and public standing of a company can take a hit if discrimination and harassment occur there (Haque et al.,2022). There are anti-discrimination laws in place to safeguard workers in many nations.
The widespread adoption of social media as per the information systems assignmenthas made users' online behaviour a major factor in determining whether or not to retain an employee. It is still morally questionable to discipline workers for content they posted on social media, and how that post affects them on the job could be affected by the backlash they receive online. It is possible to terminate an employee whose online comments cause financial harm to the company or damage its reputation. As per the discussion in theinformation systems assignmentMRSCmust comply with regulations that call for precise bookkeeping. When it comes to publicly traded companies, unethical accounting practises are especially problematic (Lee et al., 2022). The law establishes reporting standards for financial statements that are meant to safeguard investors and consumers. No matter how big or small a business is, it must keep honest books and pay its taxes if it wants to attract investors and reliable partners.

Employees and customers alike may have privacy concerns as a company's technological security measures improve. They can keep tabs on what workers are up to on company-issued computers and mobile devices. If a manager or HR professional can ensure that their employees' privacy is protected, then they can use electronic surveillance to increase output and efficiency (Myeonget al.,2018).
Besides, ethical issues mentioned in the information systems assignmentthere are also key risks that the organization has faced. The healthcare industry is particularly vulnerable to cybercrime because it collects more personal data than any other sector. Both ransomware and phishing attacks are frequently used to steal information, engage in cyber extortion, and disrupt networks. It has been known for a long time that cross-contamination of pathogens is a major issue in any healthcare engagement.
Viral infections as per the information systems assignmentcan also spread via electronic communication channels like email, text message, intranet, and other networked resources, leading to system overload and machine failure. The fact that they can record one's keystrokes raises security concerns because this could reveal one's passwords and financial information. Viruses pose serious security risks and can trigger a domino effect of problems for an organisation. Last but not least, the dangers of community engagement mentioned in theinformation systems assignmentconsist of the following: the spread of disrespectful, malicious, inflammatory, obscene, intolerant, or illegal speech; the spread of community confusion; and the lack of or insufficient availability or cost of necessary resources. Many of these problems can be solved or addressed with the help of a community engagement platform.

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