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Improving Customer Satisfaction assignment: Addressing Check-in and Checkout Delays at ABC Hotel


Task: What are the primary causes of Customer Satisfaction assignment dissatisfaction at ABC Hotel during check-in and checkout, and what strategies can be implemented to resolve these issues?


First place of contact and up gradation

Hotel check-in and check-out are notorious for causing delays to clients at certain hotels and this is linked to multiple reasons. It’s important to remember that visitors checking in to your hotel will most properly have been traveling and be quite tired. This makes it important to have a simplified check-in system which allows the client to get to their room, freshen up and rest in the shortest possible time (Vallen 2009).

At the same time when it’s time to leave, the Customer Satisfaction assignment will in most situations be in a hurry and delayed check out will again result in frustrating the Customer Satisfaction assignment. This makes it important for ABC Hotel to put in place certain measures which would help address this concern and help the business regain Customer Satisfaction assignment confidence.

Experienced and Well-coordinated Staff Members

The reception and checking counters are the first points of contact ABC Hotel have with its Customer Satisfaction assignments making it important for the staff manning this position to be experienced and have good knowledge regarding the process. The Customer Satisfaction assignment should be welcomed and asked regarding his requirement. In many situations, a Customer Satisfaction assignment would want to know the room price ranges and size after which they are likely to ask to see the rooms (O'Fallon & Rutherford 2011).

There should be an attendant to walk the Customer Satisfaction assignment directly to the closest available rooms keeping in mind they are tied so multiple rooms falling under different price ranges can be shown to the Customer Satisfaction assignment to make a choice. Once decided the receptionist of checking agent should request for the required ID documents for checking purpose. This has become mandatory at most hotels globally due to security concerns but rather than keep the Customer Satisfaction assignment waiting the checking process should begin.

The reception and checking counter should have a copier, scanner, and printer ready to use and the document should be quickly scanned and printed. If the Customer Satisfaction assignment is willing to leave their ID while they checking they should be given the opportunity to check in while the receptionist completed the check in form.

The check-in form can be taken to the Customer Satisfaction assignment’s room for verification and sign as well as handing over of the Customer Satisfaction assignment's ID documents. The reception and check in count should not only have one individual and all staff should be able to manage this counter thus allowing ABC Hotel to cater to multiple Customer Satisfaction assignments at the same time.

Usage of Advanced Technologies and Software

ABC Hotel must also consider using computers, software programs, and the internet to speed up the operations. The Hotel currently relies on traditional paper work and filing which results in serious delays. It is critical for ABC Hotel to invest on computers and also purchase hotel management software designed to manage hotel operations which would help reduce the paper work logistics and speed up the process (Jiuguang 2015).

The software must be designed to include all hotel operations starting from the booking to checking, check out, room service, catering, and laundry. The software system should be able to include each operation gradually so as to prevent ABC Hotel hampering its operations with the change. ABC Hotel’s staffs also require being trained regarding the use of the system which would take some time for them to master.

The system should also be versatile and not be limited to computers since this limits certain staff members from utilizing it and should be accessible and usable on smart phones in form of an application. This would allow each staff member to log in to the system once at work and remain connected to the network. Each of their tasks should be input to the system which would help deliver a smooth flow of all operations


ABC Hotel has recorded an increase in Customer Satisfaction assignment complaints and frustration related to delays while checking in to the hotel. The first operation to be developed on the software should, therefore, be linked to resolving booking and check-in glitches that are causing delay (Maniar 2017). Most people own smartphones which are connected to the internet which makes it important for ABC Hotel to connect with their Customer Satisfaction assignments online and begin the booking and checking process.

75% of hotel Customer Satisfaction assignment will return to use the same hotel is satisfied on a previous occasion making it important to remain connected with the Customer Satisfaction assignment. This can be done via social media, websites and more importantly through the ABC Hotels mobile application which would allow the business to remain connected to the hotel and allow them to make bookings before or while traveling.

Similar to most online portal accounts the Customer Satisfaction assignment would have a well-developed web account on the hotel website which would have all their details entered which would speed up the check in process since the Customer Satisfaction assignment doesn’t need to furnish their document each time they visit the hotel. For ABC Hotel which has multiple branches across the different nations across the globe, the process would be considerably easier for clients as they don’t need to worry regarding document validity while checking in to each hotel thus speeding up the process.

All details should be entered while filling the online booking thus allowing the hotel staff to prepare the rooms and facilities well before the Customer Satisfaction assignment arrives thus eliminating the need to spend long periods checking in to the hotels.

Network Accounting of Hotel Charges

Another major benefit linked to digitalizing ABC Hotels operations would be the speed at which a Customer Satisfaction assignment’s check-out the bill would be prepared. The software would connect all departments of the hotels which would require entering the details related to the Customer Satisfaction assignment thus automatically registering and reflecting on this account (Bandy 2014).

These details can also be directly accessed by the Customer Satisfaction assignment by logging on to their portal account or via the mobile application thus allowing the Customer Satisfaction assignment to be more managing their account in a better manner. ABC Hotel has also been experiencing serious delays during check out due to Customer Satisfaction assignments denying or doubting the charges for services, food, and beverages they may have considered at the hotel during their stay.

By having a live network which is updated immediately the Customer Satisfaction assignment utilizes services or places an order for food or drinks both the staff and the Customer Satisfaction assignment would be updated instantly thus eliminating doubt related to billing during checkout. This will help speed up the process and help reduce Customer Satisfaction assignment frustration related to checking and check out delays.

Offering Online Booking

Most major businesses have gone digital making it important for ABC Hotel to also invest on a well-developed portal and smartphone application which would help deliver Customer Satisfaction assignments with direct access to the hotel's services (Kozak & Kozak 2016). The portal should provide check availability, book room, payment and access to other hotel services through the portal or via the application. This would eliminate the requirement to use the phone or approach the hotel blindly to book a room since all the information would be available on the website.

Allows the Availability to be checked

Digitalization of hotel bookings is very beneficial as it allows the Customer Satisfaction assignment to check for viability at the hotel by a clock of a button. Digitalization has helped speed up processing in many industries and businesses due to the Customer Satisfaction assignment being able to access the information in a matter of seconds which allows them to make to make the final decision.

If available the portal would also allow for the Customer Satisfaction assignment to book the preferred room immediately which would help eliminate the chances of double booking. Double bookings have been a major concern and frustrations among hotel Customer Satisfaction assignments in the past due to different receptionist booking the same room for two Customer Satisfaction assignments leading to a serious public relations concern

Speed Up Room and Service Booking

Once the booking has been placed the Customer Satisfaction assignment would be requested to confirm their booking by paying a deposited to confirm the booking. This deposit would be considered as part payment for the room but would also act as a security token offered by the Customer Satisfaction assignment towards booking the room. Either way, the deposited would allow for the rooms booking to be confirmed thus allowing the Customer Satisfaction assignment to relax knowing they have got the room.

Instigates Competitive Room and Services Rates

Online room comparison and booking services also allow the Customer Satisfaction assignment to compare different hotel rooms and services which allow them to select the most suitable hotel. This may sound negative for ABC Hotel but it actually triggers competition which forces the business to adopt new business strategies based on Customer Satisfaction assignment expectations. This is likely to see the business improve its service delivery considerably and also offer current services at a completive price so as to retain Customer Satisfaction assignment interest.

Offering Unique Customer Satisfaction assignment ID

Another strategy ABC Hotel can implement to reduce Customer Satisfaction assignment check-in and check-out times is by either offering unique permanent or temporary Customer Satisfaction assignment swipe cards to the Customer Satisfaction assignment at checking. For regular Customer Satisfaction assignments, the details could be entered once and the Customer Satisfaction assignment is given the card to remain with always.

The swipe card would have all the Customer Satisfaction assignment details entered on to it which would reduce the check in time for regular Customer Satisfaction assignments (Schrage 2014). Passing Customer Satisfaction assignments would need to spend a few minutes checking in and having their details entered on the card but the card would help slash the checkout time considerably. The Customer Satisfaction assignment who has checked in would require providing their card to order any food, drinks, and services at the hotel which would have the details entered to the card.

The information would also be simultaneously being shared to a cloud network allowing the Customer Satisfaction assignment and hotel staff to counter check the information. This would deliver instant accountability allowing the Customer Satisfaction assignment to present the card to the cashier at checkout and have their entire check out bill revealed in a few seconds. This would help reduce check-in and check-out times which would help the business address the concerns and complaints being raised by Customer Satisfaction assignments in recent weeks.

Why Customer Satisfaction assignments are Growing Restless and Complaining

The past decade has seen an increase in the number of complaints Customer Satisfaction assignment and the public, in general, are launching on businesses and even the government. This is due to digital technology delivering considerable transparency which allows the Customer Satisfaction assignment to know his rights today. All information and details are also publicly displayed which forced businesses and he government perform their responsibilities by the book.

The same applies for hotels and most other service providers and businesses since Customer Satisfaction assignments not have access to the information and will not hesitate to pressurize the business or organization to deliver better services (Madjid 2017). Businesses like ABC Hotel which have not put in place and implemented digital platform are not facing serious complications from their Customer Satisfaction assignments. Many Customer Satisfaction assignments are used to getting their work done in minutes if not seconds and will lash out at individuals, businesses, and organizations which have not adopted modern technologies.

Proposed Resolution

ABC Hotel may be facing concerns linked to lack of staff training and experience handling the reception check in and checkout counters but the hotel is facing a bigger problem linked to failing to adopt digital technology to its operations. To overcome the Customer Satisfaction assignment negative sentiment and complaints ABC Hotel will have to implement a radical change to its operations and infuse as well as use computer and other digital technologies interlinked by a network. This would keep the Customer Satisfaction assignments, staff, and management on the same page thus helping eliminate conflict and confusion which is leading to rising frustration and complaints by client visiting ABC Hotel.


Bandy, G 2014, Financial Management and Accounting in the Public Sector, 2nd edn, Routledge, London.

Jiuguang, F 2015, Educational Strategies for the Next Generation Leaders in Hotel Management, IGI Global, Hershey.

Kozak, M & Kozak, N 2016, Tourist Behaviour: An International Perspective, CABI, Oxfordshire.

Madjid, T 2017, Enterprise Information Systems and the Digitalization of Business Functions, IGI Global, Hershey.

Maniar, R 2017, Hotel Booking Trends in South East Asia: Online hotel booking trends in South East Asia, Laurance Bradford.

O'Fallon, M & Rutherford, D 2011, Hotel Management and Operations, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.

Schrage, M 2014, The Innovator's Hypothesis: How Cheap Experiments Are Worth More Than Good Ideas, MIT Press.

Vallen 2009, Check-In Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations, 8/E, 8th edn, Pearson Education India, New Delhi. Customer Satisfaction assignment


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