Human Resource Management Assignment On Manufacturing Industry Practices
Assessment Task
You are required to compile an Annotated bibliography of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles
Step 1. Select an industry sector
Read the Assessment 3 Essay task and identify which sector you will study for Assessments 2 and 3 (e.g. agriculture; construction; financial services; health care; hospitality; manufacturing; mining; retail; transport).
Step 2. Undertake research of the recent academic literature since 2013
Identify five (5) academic peer reviewed journal articles relevant to the Assessment 3 Essay topic. It is suggested that you align your selected articles with the unit themes from Weeks 3 to 5 (e.g. job design, HR planning, recruitment and selection). It is recommended that you undertake your research via the online ‘search’ of CQUniversity Library.
Step 3. Write 2 paragraphs on each article (400 words)
For each journal article, you are to write approximately 400 words in two paragraphs. The first paragraph will summarise the main ideas of the article, identifying the hypothesis, purpose, research methodology and conclusions. The second paragraph will identify how you will use that article in relation to the Assessment 3 Essay.
Step 4. Use an appropriate format
Present your Annotated bibliography in a format similar to that provided below. For more information, see the library guide for writing an annotated bibliography.
This Human Resource management assignment investigates the importance of HRM for business industry. HRM is responsible to ensure that the workforce balance of the company is maintained in the most efficient manner. It is evident that HRM department of manufacturing industry have a number of functions in order to enhance the performance of the employees. For this study, the researcher will be reviewing five peer-reviewed journals in order to gain detailed information regarding the practice of HR in the manufacturing firms. The journals will highlight the different strategies and policies adopted by the HR professional in order to motivate and encourage their employees.
Article 1: Hitka, M., Lorincová, S., Ližbetinová, L., Bartáková, G. P., & Merková, M. (2017). Cluster Analysis Used as the Strategic Advantage of Human Resource Management in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Wood-Processing Industry. Bioresources, 12(4), 7884-7897. doi:10.15376/biores.12.4.7884-7897
Keywords: Motivational program; Employee motivation; Turkey's HSD test; CLUA; SMEs
Para 1: This Human Resource management assignment paper evaluates regarding the effectiveness of a well-developed employee motivational plan. The management of SMEs believes that most of the motivational plan that is developed do not consider all the important factors and aspects of employee motivation and thus, are not successful. In order to develop as a successful motivation plan, the HRM of the wood processing industry is focused on using the honest significant difference test of Turkey. The participants have been categorised with the help of cluster analysis under three motivational oriented groups under the managers and similar three groups under the workers. The result of the analysis will help in developing the motivational plan. It is expected that the performance of the firm will increase, as the requirements of most of the employees will be satisfied.
Hypothesis 1: Cluster analysis is an effective way and will serve as an advantage for the human resource departments functioning in the wood processing industry
Hypothesis 2: Cluster analysis will not be beneficial for the human resource departments of the wood processing industry.
Purpose: The main purpose of this Human Resource management assignment is to develop the most suitable motivational program that will enhance the performance of the employees working in the wood processing sector.
Research methodology: The wood processing industry of Slovakia was selected for this study. The researcher has conducted primary research with the help of 15 managers and 69 employees from a specific enterprise operating within the wood processing industry of Slovakia. The questioner was developed in order to understand the present level of motivation within the firm and gain information regarding the preferences of different motivation factors as per the current timeline. The survey was based on a total of 30 questions, and all the motivational factors were organised in alphabetical order so as to avoid influencing the respondents.
Conclusion: It is observed that if employees are aware regarding the fact that the achievement of organisational objectives will be beneficial for their self-evaluation, then the individual will be able to identify with work. If the employee’s identifications with business objectives are coupled with their work assignments, then their work performance will be cost-effective, long lasting, creative, active and responsible. The Human Resource management assignment was able to develop an effective motivational program. In order to develop an accurate program for specific individuals and enhance their performance groups of similar motivational oriented employees were created with the help of cluster analysis.
Para 2: The findings of this article are useful for my study as it helps in understanding that if manufacturing firms ensure to develop proper motivational strategies, then they will be able to enhance the performance of their employees and the productivity of the firm will increase. It will help in the growth and development of the industrial sector.
Article 2: Tomer, S. (2016). A Study on Recruitment and Selection Process. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 6(3), 401-405.
Keywords: Recruitment Manual, Onboarding and sourcing
Para 1: This Human Resource management assignment discusses the importance of business organisation is to enhance their profit and market revenue with the help of enhanced productivity. It is evident that the productivity of a firm can be enhanced by managing the skills and efficiencies of the employees of that firm. In this study, the researcher has focused on elaborating regarding the practices and methods used by human resource officers in order to recruit skilled and qualified employees so that they are able to contribute towards enhancing the business of the organisation. The roles played by the managers in providing their employees with effective training have been mentioned in this article. The significance of employee motivation and employee engagement has been illustrated in a detailed manner.
Hypotheses 1: Employee motivation and engagement is necessary to improve the business performance of the organization
Hypotheses 2: Employee motivation and engagement are not so vital part of that plays a significant role in enhancing the business of the organisations.
Purpose: The main purpose of the study is to analyse the various activities involved in the recruitment process and to determine the responsibilities of a manager in the selection of suitable candidates.
Research methodology: The Human Resource management assignment is paper is based on observations. Observational studies involve laboratory observations or naturalistic observations. The observational study in this article reveals that the manufacturing industry is recruiting candidates based on anticipated workforce planning to ensure that organisations are recruiting the most skilled and right candidate for the job role. The researcher has observed five different manufacturing industries to collect information for the study. As per the observation of the researcher it is reveals that recruitment and selection of the most suitable candidate according to the job description is a time consuming process.
Conclusion: This project based on the Recruitment and selection process of manufacturing industry helps in concluding that the recruitment of candidates is a time-consuming process in which the management is required to complete all the different activities in minute detail. There is no fixed timeline or schedules. They keep on changing as per the availability of the candidates for the required designation. The recruitment process is important and plays a significant role in increasing the productivity of the organisation.
Para 2:The findings of this article are helpful for analysing the efforts and hard work of the HRM departments of manufacturing industries. It can be observed that there are a number of challenges associated with the recruitment of candidates and so the details of the challenges will help the HRM of the manufacturing industry to improve their selection process.
Article 3: Gamage, A. S. (2014). Recruitment and selection practices in manufacturing SMEs in Japan: An analysis of the link with business performance. Ruhuna Journal of Management and Finance, 1(1), 37-52
Keywords: HR outcomes; business performance; human resource management; small and medium enterprises; recruitment and selection;
Para 1:The article explores the significance of SMEs in the economic growth of Japan. In recent years, the exit rate of SMEs in Japan has increased while the entry rate is relatively low. This incident is having a severe impact on the economy of the country. As per the critiques, the falling rate of SMEs is due to lack of proper human resource policies and tactics. Thus, this paper analyses the different human resources practices of the SMEs highlighting their selection process and their impact on the performance of the business.
Hypotheses 1: Policies and strategies of human resource management can influence the business of SMEs
Hypotheses 2: Policies and strategies of human resource do not influence the business performance of SMEs.
Purpose: The main aim of this paper is to analyse the practices of HR department of SMEs and their effect on the business performance of the organisations.
Research methodology: The Human Resource management assignment researcher has conducted primary research in order to gather appropriate data for the study. A survey was conducted, and the questionnaire for the survey covered three main aspects of the human resource department- organisational development, career development and training and development. 136 SME operating in the manufacturing industry were considered for the data collection method.
Conclusion: As per the survey, it was observed that the success and stability of the business are dependent upon fair and satisfactory HR practices. It is important for the HRM to enhance employee motivation and job satisfaction. Healthy work environment, adequate wages, employee loyalty, career growth were certain aspects that required the attention of the HR department.
Para 2: As per the article, I have understood that it is important to evaluate the HRM practices of an organisation. I will use the findings of this article to understand regarding the HRM practices prevailing in the manufacturing industry. The weaknesses in the HRM practices will help improving the practices and policies so that employee satisfaction can be improved that will help in increasing the business of the manufacturing sector.
Article 4: Sinclair, M., Siemieniuch, C., & Henshaw, M. (2015, April). Job design for manufacturing in an era of sustainability. In Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ergonomics & Human Factors. Taylor and Francis, Daventry (pp. 338-345).
Keywords: Sustainability, Job design, Human resource practices
Para 1: This Human Resource management assignment paper explores the possible changes that can be implemented within the job designs of manufacturing industry in order to increase the performance of the sector. In the present era, the trend of sustainability is gaining a lot of popularity and significance. It is important for the business sector to incorporate sustainable practices so that they are socially more responsible towards their environment and their consumers. With the advancement in technology, the business firms are able to improve their job designs towards a more sustainable method.
Hypotheses 1: Job design as per the present trends is necessary for the success of an organisation.
Hypotheses 2: Job design does not play any significant role in the performance of business firms.
Purpose: The Human Resource management assignment is focused n providing suggestions regarding the changes in the job designs of manufacturing firms.
Research methodology: The researcher has made use of secondary data collection method so that details regarding the manufacturing industry and their requirements can be highlighted. The researcher has made use of a relevant journal to gather the most suitable and appropriate data that helped in shaping the study in the most positive and meaningful direction.
Conclusion: The study does not clearly indicate how the human factors engineer will be able to design the jobs for the new networking model of the manufacturing industry by keeping the aspects of sustainability. The engineer will have to keep in mind different factors such a Cognitive Work Analysis, Situation Awareness and Hierarchical Task Analysis while developing the new design. The study had a lot of knowledge gap that required the attention of the researcher.
Para 2: The findings of this study helped me in understanding that sustainability is one of the crucial aspects of the developing world and I will try to use this information in order to explore the sustainable factors prevailing in the manufacturing industries. This aspect will help in making the industry more sustainable and socially responsible towards the environment. It is important for the manufacturing industry to cope up with the present trend prevailing in the market in order to gain the attention of their consumers.
Article 5: Cullinane, S. J., Bosak, J., Flood, P. C., & Demerouti, E. (2014). Job design under lean manufacturing and the quality of working life: a job demands and resources perspective. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(21), 2996-3015.
Keywords: Lean Manufacturing, Job design
Para 1: Job satisfaction is one of the most important criteria that help in enhancing the performance of the employees. This article reflects on the importance of appropriate job design. The research is focused on developing a job design and will test the socio-technical nature in the context. The model of job design is tested with the help of lean manufacturing making use of job demand resource framework so that the requirements and health factors of the employee motivation is covered in the model.
Hypothesis 1: Lean specific job resources will be associated with motivational outcome in a positive manner
Hypothesis 2: Lean specific job resources will be negative with different negative health-related outcomes.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to access and identify a model of job design under lean manufacturing so that its effectiveness can be understood.
Research methodology: The researcher has made us of statistical package Mplus in study 3 and 2 that helps in facilitating the testing of the stated hypotheses. Specifically structural equation modelling is a moderate system that uses latent variables, multi-level SEM and cross-level interactions within the ML-SEM was used. The SEM analysis helps measuring the errors, specifies error and estimates the entire theory simultaneously. The developed model was tested with the help of 200 employees in the manufacturing unit of the Pharmaceutical Company.
Conclusion: The Human Resource management assignment examines the quality of working life with the help of lean manufacturing using the framework that helps in capturing both the health impairment potentials and the motivational levels of the employees. The researcher made use of the JD-R model. The outcome of the study proves that the model helps in enhancing the work quality of the employees.
Para 2:The findings of this study help me in understanding the concept of lean manufacturing. I will utilise the findings of this Human Resource management assignment to understand whether the concept of lean manufacturing can help in improving the business environment for the workers of a manufacturing firm.
This assignment helps in understanding regarding the different variables that have been considered by a different author in order to explore the human resources management of the manufacturing industry. The concept of different authors helps in gaining detailed information regarding the manufacturing industry.
Reference list
Cullinane, S. J., Bosak, J., Flood, P. C., & Demerouti, E. (2014). Job design under lean manufacturing and the quality of working life: a job demands and resources perspective. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(21), 2996-3015.
Cullinane, S. J., Bosak, J., Flood, P. C., & Demerouti, E. (2014). Job design under lean manufacturing and the quality of working life: a job demands and resources perspective. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(21), 2996-3015.
Hitka, M., Lorincová, S., Ližbetinová, L., Bartáková, G. P., & Merková, M. (2017). Cluster Analysis Used as the Strategic Advantage of Human Resource Management in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Wood-Processing Industry. Bioresources, 12(4), 7884-7897. doi:10.15376/biores.12.4.7884-7897
Sinclair, M., Siemieniuch, C., & Henshaw, M. (2015, April). Job design for manufacturing in an era of sustainability. In Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ergonomics & Human Factors. Taylor and Francis, Daventry (pp. 338-345).
Tomer, S. (2016). A Study on Recruitment and Selection Process. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 6(3), 401-405.