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Healthcare Assignment Regarding Detention Centres In Australia


Task :My report topic is Health and wellbeing of pregnant women in the refugee camp/detention centre Australia. You have to follow the criteria which can get the mark sheet file.

You have to prepare one 300 word media narrative report and 1700 word main report. You can see the mark sheet report which marked as red.


The health status of people has grabbed considerable attention in both academic publications and well known publications. In this Healthcare assignment it is being noted that in Australia, as per the statistics, there were 1269 people held in immigration detention centres in January 2019. Overall number of people in detention facilities has increased by 252 to 1985 to 1734 at the end of January 20-18 (Australian Government:Department of Home Affairs, 2018).

Figure: Population in Immigration Detention

Population in Immigration Detention

Source: (UNHCR:The UN Refugee Agency, 2019)

Most importantly, the policy regarding detaining centre seeker in relation to mental health has been criticised globally and studies report a relation between mental health issues and detention. Palmr Inquiry has found serious errors in the health services to the people in immigration centre and procedure of Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). Further refugee women and their children are at increased risk especially if they have experienced gender based abuse, exploitation and violence ( UNHCR, 2013).

Vision:Improve health and wellbeing of pregnant women in the refugee camp /detention camp in Australia

Background: Detention has been found to have adverse impact on mental health by worsening impacts of previous trauma which also in itself an ongoing trauma. Factor such as increasing feelings of demoralisations, isolation from wider community, sense of injustice, hopelessness, deprived of freedom, and long lasting legal process have all lead to mental health issues and growing prevalence of depression and anxiety. Detention of pregnant women is a growing concern among the groups who deal with immigrants groups (Government, 2015). According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) there are about thirteen million of refugees globally while it is difficult to enumerate the exact number in Australia (Inter-agency working group on reproductive health in crises, 2019). Asylum seekers among the most disadvantaged groups of people, socially. They are likely to be at higher risk of infectious diseases, chronic diseases, mental health problems and gender based violence. Many but not all from the populations experience infectious diseases such as HIV and malaria, low nutritional conditions, and poor access to health care services. Increased vulnerability is reflected in the reproductive heath outcomes in the detention centres that includes asylum seekers and refugees who are at higher risk of adverse health consequences according to the report published by National Maternal Death Reporting (Johnson, Bonello, Hilder, & Sullivan, 2014). Hence, it is being noticed in this Healthcare assignment that the health consequences of pregnant women in the detention centres can be improved through community initiative of social movement where the participants will identify their needs, express their needs, understand their rights and seek equality.

Asylum seekers or refugees who strive in Australia without a visa are subjected to a number of punitive measures that affect their mental and physical health status (UNHCR:The UN Refugee Agency, 2019). According to Convention, a refugee is an individual who is outside their own nation and is reluctant or unable to return because of the fear of being persecuted

Policy issue for change: Within the detention centres, health care delivery of the asylum seekers or refugees are outsourced to the private health care settings through subsidiary of international agency. Further detention centres refuse any chances of settling in Australia although they are given with the refugee status. Failure of heath service standards are documented that includes instances of refugees or asylum seekers go through exhaustive health assessment, soiled clothing by faces and urine, dehydrated, and abnormal delay in patient transfer for immediate care (Sanggaran, Ferguson, & Haire, 2014). Pregnant women are addressed by boat number rather than their individual names, evidences of destruction medical records and medical devices also have been found (Farrell, P.;, October 2013). These unlawful care procedures result in negative impact on the pregnant women (The Guardian, 2014). This policy issue needs to be altered so that health care standard can be maintained while providing them with adequate mental support through multicultural professional care support professionals thus achieve improved quality of life or social conditions.

Design of community work initiative:
Foundations: Key foundations on which the community initiative of social movement will be taken are:

Inclusion and diversity, public good, health and wellbeing of pregnant women, safe birth and healthy infancy, interdependence between care providers and care users, minimising inequity and disadvantages that pregnant women experience in detention centre or refugee camps, empowering women and promoting needs and rights of the population (Berthold, 2016). Another key foundation of the community initiative of women movements is to ensure justice, rights and freedom of pregnant women in the detention centre are upheld. Engaging all citizens in the decision making process is another key foundations of the community initiative of women movements (Drabek, 2018). Respecting and accepting diversity based on gender, age, ability, culture and locality. Pregnant women in the refugee camps or detention centres will be educated and provided power of making choices, identifying their need, power to think and express, access and use resources and engage with the community. Through community work, strong association will be developed between individual and structural, personal and political and private and public . Focus groups will be chosen to carry out this community initiative of making them aware of their health needs and voice out their needs while addressing social issues such as inequality and discrimination.

Structures and processes: Developing community projects to improve health outcomes of pregnant women in refugee camps or detention centres through refugee support and action group, community health organization, community education on and aid projects for empowerment of the population, empower the disadvantaged and give power to people and groups. Community initiative of women movements can be taken through community mapping in order to identify the pregnant women in the detention centres. Key processes of the community initiative is to respond from social justice perspective to ensure peace, rights, non violence, empowerment and participatory democracy (Sharma, 2016). The community will be engaged in the program engagement by including the members in the project planning, implementation and evaluation. Community will be encouraged to participate in the community initiative in line with international humanitarian and development projects. Regular evaluation of the community program also will be conducted purpose can be assessed and find out whether those have been achieved through the community initiative or not. To link personal and political initiatives can simply be achieved by bringing people together which is the key aspect of community work that help people share their issues and concerns (Rubin & Babbie, 2016). Further, through community work in focus groups, pregnant women would be able to provide feedback on the health services that they are receiving, effectiveness of those services, whether those services meet their needs. In this manner, ways can be explored to improve their care services.

Four stages of community work are engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation to restructure social policy issue. In order to engage the community members, social worker need to identify individuals from community who can contribute to changing effort. In the engagement stage, community members must be allowed to voice out their contributions (Chenoweth & McAuliffe, 2017). In the development of plan assessment is very significant stage for change intervention which aids in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the plan and how those weaknesses can be addressed initially (Jarvis, 2015).

Paper or media narrative: Health and wellbeing of pregnant women in the refugee camp/detention centre work programme is a social movement initiative. This community initiative includes a large number of pregnant women in the detention centre or refugee camps face social challenges and substandard health care facilities resulting in increased risk of ill health and infections. The community initiative aims at facilitating policy change within public systems especially for pregnant women through a well-structured plan.

Source: Community Engagement

Community Engagement in healthcare assignment

Source: (Berthold, 2016)

The community initiative will be conducted to educate pregnant women, provide power of making choices, identifying their need, power to think and express access, use resources, and engage with the community. In order to assess the effectiveness of the health care provisions, the leaders must be able to think critically the current health status in terms of statistics available and take active steps in line with both national and international bodies for social justice (Bazemore & Schiff, 2015). The community initiative of encouraging social movements will organise a walking group to primary healthcare centres and engaging in social movements.

Community initiative described in this Healthcare assignment that aims at re-establishing social life and public health within the human community that includes knowledge, resources, expertise and the community itself. Through the community initiative, the people will be encouraged to generate and express their own thoughts and opinions to make their own life choices and others innovation to make the change movement more sustainable (Lovett, Clarke, & Kilmurray, 2018).

The specific community initiative for promoting health and wellbeing of pregnant women in detention centres or refugee camps will make society aware about the oppression happened to deprived communities through the education system, media, the market, the welfare state, advertising and organizational structures. Identified ways to resist this oppression and change the policy are strong action, equal opportunity to all, educating and conscious raising of the community members. The particular social movement initiative for improving pregnant women’s health and wellbeing is an approach to create their own vision through exchange conscious raising, action and educating aimed at helping people.

Positioning own leadership style: Relational leadership is the model or approach of leadership that focuses leadership quality is all about creating positive relationships within the organization. Hence in order to encourage pregnant women in the detention centre of Australia in identifying their needs and desires and express those and demand social justice against discrimination and inequality, relational leadership model is effective to make difference. With the application of leadership approach, community members can be empowered, with a sense of inclusiveness through purposeful, ethical and process oriented program (Díaz-Gibson, Zaragoza, Daly, Mayayo, & Romaní, 2017). Initiative in community education, action and change is the idea of socially constructed and distributed knowledge rather than accumulation of knowledge and it involves empowering deprived community members to contribute in a purposeful way to set and achieve the community program objectives inclusive, transparent, and ethical process.

Figure: Relational leadership model

Relational leadership model healthcare assignment

Source: (Parés, Ospina, & Subirats, 2017)

Challenges and opportunities: It is being perceived in this Healthcare assignment that there are opportunities of formal and informal association between professionals, organizations and community to achieve a mutual benefit. Thus, the common theme of carrying out such collaborative effort is to create sustainable community based initiatives. Different organizations, agencies, professionals and bodies work with different set of aims when all those bodies and professionals work together mutual effort is likely to generate improved outcomes (Aguiar & Schneider, 2016). Hence, coalition, alliance and network are the key themes of these collaborative initiatives. Improvement in theoretical knowledge and methods to measure community problems widens the possibility for policy makers to design effective public policy.

However, community norms and beliefs may prevent wider social inclusions for example private networks may less open to transparency. Therefore, different programs must support communities to reflect on their situations, identify and explain their options and perform within the reflections. Therefore, group must identify sources and forms of injustice affecting a group both as a part of the institutions and behaviours of the other members of the community. Once the group has demonstrated their actions, and own compositions, they can proceed with questions and the way they connect with broader areas of the society (Aguiar & Schneider, Researching amongst elites: Challenges and opportunities in studying up, 2016). Therefore power structures must be considered and analyse in order to address the social injustices for instance he group has to identify the power vested in the hands of community members. Further getting voices of all is a challenge within a community hence the group must work strategically to get collective voice of the community. Complex interplay that remains within the community members acts as community disadvantage such as low income, unemployment, lack of awareness and the effect of the social contexts such as ill health conditions, barriers to access health care, lack of opportunities. Economic factors again are the key causes of advantages and disadvantages (Bazemore & Schiff, 2015).

It can be concluded form the above Healthcare assignment that through well-structured planning, assessment, implementation, and evaluation, an effective program for improving health and wellbeing of pregnant women can be conducted. It is recommended in this Healthcare assignment that in order to encourage community embers take active part in the community-based programme, relational leadership approach must be implemented so that the community members are allowed to create innovating thoughts, apply those within an aim to improve their health status and gain social justice. Health care assignments are being prepared by our experts from top universities which let us to provide you a reliable assignment help Australia service.

UNHCR. (2013). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2012 Global Trends – Displacement: the new 21st century challenge. , . Geneva: UNHCR.

Aguiar, L. L., & Schneider, C. J. (2016). Researching amongst elites: Challenges and opportunities in studying up. Australia: Routledge.

Aguiar, L. L., & Schneider, C. J. (2016). Researching amongst elites: Challenges and opportunities in studying up. Australia: Routledge.

Australian Government:Department of Home Affairs. (2018, March 23). Immigration Detention and Community Statistics Summary. Retrieved from Australian Government:Department of Home Affairs:

Bazemore, G., & Schiff, M. (2015). Restorative community justice: Repairing harm and transforming communities. Australia: Routledge.

Berthold, T. (2016). Foundations for community health workers. Washington: John Wiley & Sons.

Chenoweth, L., & McAuliffe, D. (2017). The Road to Social Work and Human Service Practice with Student Resource Access 12 Months. . Australia: Cengage AU.

Díaz-Gibson, J., Zaragoza, M. C., Daly, A. J., Mayayo, J. L., & Romaní, J. R. (2017). Networked leadership in educational collaborative networks. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, , 1040-1059.

Drabek, T. E. (2018). Community processes: coordination. In Handbook of disaster research. Scotland: Springer.

Farrell, P.;. (October 2013). Officer disciplined for calling asylum seekers by numbers instead of names. Available at: Australia: The Guardian.


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