Company Culture Requires a movement, not a mandate. Harvard Business Review
Task: Walker, B., & Soule, A. (2017). Changing company culture requires a movement, not a mandate. Harvard Business Review, 2-6. Retrieved from
- In your own words*, identify and discuss the main argument (also known as a thesis or line of reasoning) presented in this article
- In your own words, identify and discuss the assumptions and limitations that readers of this article need to be aware of when they read it
- In your own words, identify and discuss the research methodology and research methods the authors uses to examine the main issue(s) in this article
- In your own words, identify and discuss the main findings and/or conclusions of this article .
- In your own words, identify and discuss the main ideas in this article relevant to the themes and/or concepts taught in MGT100
- In your own words, discuss (a) the practical applications of the ideas in this article for real life managers, (b) how these ideas could be used to analyse real management dilemmas or problems, and (c) provide recommendations to managers for action
- Find two peer reviewed journal articles that may be relevant to further examine the theory discussed in this article. Present these articles using APA6th referencing style and briefly explain why you believe these are relevant articles
- Provide two sentences and appropriate citations. In the first sentence, provide one indirect (paraphrased) quote from one of the peer reviewed journal article shown in Q7 (directly above). In the second sentence, provide one direct quote from the other peer reviewed journal article shown in Q7 (directly above
1. Identify and discuss the main argument presented in the article
The article's main theme is centered on the fact that changing of company culture is to accumulate different wavelength in a proper frequency so that it can be felt at the heart of the organization. This part is challenging because gaining a collective consensus to change a running culture requires compliance, trust, optimism, and conviction. The article furthermore argued that change in culture cannot be brought following a hierarchical position or maintaining the top-down approach as mandatory. Cultural change in a company requires for two basic reasons; the slowed process of a company must be revised again and the culture made the organization innovative, action-oriented and aligned with objectives (Walker & Soule, 2017). However, for changing the culture in organization, it has also been necessary for the leadership to guide the change. The article focuses on that every change must come up with a cause and purpose of prior leadership. Moreover, a cultural change in the company needs to be assimilated throughout the organization and the status must be restored in terms of organizational efficiency. Rather than talking about the change, leadership should take the initiative to start it so that problem could be eradicated easily.
2. Identify and discuss assumptions and limitations in the article content server
The article assumed a discrepancy between enterprise leader and authoritative movement maker. In an organization, sometimes, they are same and in large organization, HR shows the greatest efficiency in managing a cultural change. An entire must stand up with a single purpose to make that change happen. During a cultural change, the authority must do it sparingly because it is easy to overuse the authority as an accelerating transformation (Walker & Soule, 2017). Harmony between the different states of function actually requires shying away from organizational friction. The article also assumed moderate friction as a positive outcome for the organization considering the dialect as a growth factor for the organization.
The limitation associated with this article is its focus on leadership extensively to accelerate the cultural change. The author portrays leadership as the most crucial factor to initiate a cultural change but employees, suppliers or even consumers too play the an important role in initiating cultural change. The article mentioned positivity of having a friction but it never mentions the reasons for the positivity as well what happens if there is no friction during the change process. The author also did not focus on the key players to harness change and innovation in the organization.
3. Identify and discuss research methodology and research method used in the article by the researcher
The article followed a case study observation technology that is primarily secondary in nature. It followed the trail of a secondary research methodology that is associated with passive themes and contents. The article is created with focus on content analysis and by creating themes the research is articulated. Research design followed in the article is explanatory in nature with no particular importance given on mathematical and expressive findings. Rather the article tried to explain cultural changes, leadership incorporation and management decision making in a single thread. Secondary case study nature of the research incorporates example from a single firm and evaluates it with the help of categorizing into different codes. However, this is also a limitation for the research because it does not provide a detailed account of real-life scenario and in different organization, the nature and drivers for change are different.
4. Identify and discuss main findings of the research
Findings from the research can be delved into two categories; it particularly shows nature or the environment that is necessary to facilitate the change and approaches required by management to initiate change. The first set of findings suggested that an organization requires bringing out every element of motivation, trust and apprehension to manage the changes along with support from decision-makers and leaders in the organization (Walker & Soule, 2017). The environment should entail the reason for incorporating the changes rather than mentioning the changes so that it can create the sense of urgency among the staffs. The second line of finding incorporates organizational .leadership and management into account claiming their responsibilities and professionalism during the change process. The article shows the way in which management should bring the change by initiating the actions into our line as well their positive intention is the main driver to gear up the need for change among the employees (Walker & Soule, 2017).
5. Identify and discuss main ideas and concepts relevant to the themes taught on MGT100
The relevant themes correlated with MGT100 are resource management during the change, environmental focus and dependence on organizational culture during the change process. A change is always facilitated by allocating resources to different groups for better results and positive outcomes. The resources here refer to available human strength, technical features, monetary allocations and support from external and internal stakeholders. However, scarcity of can reduce the chances of facilitating change along with an effect on productivity and price. It is directly related with environmental complexity; a high degree of uncertainty in internal and external environment can result in bringing resource scarcity.
Environmental, both internal and external, certainty can increase the chances for a good operation management and one can predict or forecast the threats in near future. Environmental certainty across the organization can also affect the management of change in culture because a positive reinforcement in the organizational culture can create a positive vibe. The external environment such as competition, advocacy group and customers’ attention on the industry attainment also accelerates change in organization. A growth in the economy in the industry also facilitates the change across the organization.
A team with strong organizational culture and resources can handle crisis and change management in easier ways. Strong organizational refers to where the leadership being an exemplary guides employees to a goal and other members of his teams collaborate to the cause. As seen in the case of Dr. Reddy's the culture turned into nimble, innovative and patient-centered after the change management and the leadership also started to believe guide by their own decisions.
6. a) Discuss practical application of the ideas in the real world for the managers
In a situation where change management is necessary, communication and trust will be biggest two factors for achieving the purpose. It is recommended for the leadership in real life that to facilitate cultural change in the organization, they have to be the part of it. They should bring change in own attitudes and working process. The change in organizational culture does not always mean it will be dominated or new rules will be there, but one should opt to look at the greater outcome facilitated by this change. However, to implement change in culture in real life, a manager has to face real hurdles such as employee attitude, resource scarcity, stereotypes and most importantly negative vibes from the subordinates. These frictions are quite natural while implementing a change in the organization that means he has to be prepared for the negative outcomes as far results are concerned.
b) How these ideas could be used to analyse real management dilemmas
Basic dilemma faced by management is that whether it is necessary to make the changes by creating employee unrest. The decisions are tough because it can hamper workforce productivity as well authoritative ideas can be dislodged if employees get placid in such situation. So, basically, to cover up the dilemma while facilitating change, one must persuade the others towards the highest cause or purpose of the organization wants to achieve. This is management's responsibility to get the employees out from small meanings to a situation where they can think collectively. And if needed, sometimes, harsh decisions need to be taken. It depends upon the negotiation and persuasive style of the leaders through which he can activate a positive response from concerned persons associated with the change. Setting up real-life examples from the other cultural changes can also motivate the employees to think positively about the project. Nevertheless, cultural change cannot be brought in the organization, unless the roles and responsibilities of the job are clear enough.
c) Provide recommendations to manager for action
Here, two particular recommendations can be given to managers to facilitate change in the organization;
- A solid HR team:
- Resource management is critical
Managers or leaders from sales, marketing or R&D teams cannot probably make things going for the cultural change. As the change is more associated with changing mindset of the people rather than measuring up their performance, HR professionals need to play the biggest role in delivering change process.
Either it is technical or monetary or human resource, the management needs to consider best possible options before deploying the strategies. One cannot simply look forward to change without a proper ideation in his armory. No having enough back up in terms of resources can lead to poor and disintegrated cultural transformation.
7) Briefly explain two more articles associated with the following mentioned article
- Organizational Culture: What it is and How to Change it
- Relations between organizational culture, identity, and image
This write up identifies organizational culture as a set of group norms and bounded systems that allows working in a productive way. Change in organizational culture according to it is to break boundaries and protocols for greater good, which pertains to system thinking also (Schein, 1990). This is a way, where a system evolves rather than any change. So, the concept behind cultural change is to adopt a new working system to mitigate the shortcomings of earlier one.
This writes up focused on identifying the way in which change in organizational culture is reflected in its brand image and identity in market (Jo Hatch & Schultz, 1997). A change in the work culture will obviously make the brand more productive to the market. The change in culture should assimilate both internal and external functionary bodies of the organization.
8) Direct quote from the 1st supporting article
Cultural change in the oragnisation does not always require bringing out a whole new technology rather one must be clear enough about goals and concepts so that the cause of the movement is never blurred out; it requires support from the staffs whole-heartedly so that the barriers can be moved.
Direct quote from 2nd supporting article
The study of organizational culture, change and brand are intertwined and this process is symbolic to maintain the flow of a devised organization; one has to cross traditional boundaries of hierarchies to get things worked in favor of change management and a top down approach for a changing work culture is not mandate.
Reference List
Schein, E. H. (1990). Organizational Culture: What it is and How to Change it. In Human resource management in international firms (pp. 56-82). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Jo Hatch, M., & Schultz, M. (1997). Relations between organizational culture, identity, and image. European Journal of marketing, 31(5/6), 356-365. Walker, B., & Soule, S. (2017). Changing company culture requires a movement, not a mandate. Harvard Business Review, 2-6.