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Federated Science Fund Funding Allocation Negotiation


Task: How can United Industries strategically negotiate for a fair share of funding in the Federated Science Fund consortium while highlighting its innovative potential and collaborative advantages?



My job as a United Industries representative is to promote our company's inventive potential in medical advancements Federated Science Fund. I want to draw attention to our cutting-edge research projects, especially those related to AIDS treatment, demonstrating United's dedication to forging new ground and stressing the vital need for financing to pursue these innovative projects.

Issues Important to You:

Funding Allocation: Ensuring United receives a fair share reflective of its potential contributions.

For United Industries, obtaining sufficient money is crucial. We work hard to guarantee that we secure significant funding for our creative research projects, especially those aimed at revolutionising AIDS therapy. Equitable distribution is essential, consistent with our pivotal function in driving innovations that have the potential to profoundly influence the medical field (Brazier et al., 2019).

Consortium Formation: Creating a consortium that benefits United's innovative research.

Establishing a partnership that maximises United's capacity for innovation is our top priority. Working together with like-minded partners will support our ground-breaking research projects. It's critical to partner with companies that share synergies, create an atmosphere that encourages creative breakthroughs, and use group knowledge to make significant progress (Hettich & Kreutzer, 2021).

Future Collaboration: Seeking opportunities for collaborative projects among the consortium members.

Encouraging future collaborative activities within the consortium is critical, even beyond short-term financing issues. Sustained innovation is ensured by laying the groundwork for continued collaborations (Vallance et al., 2020). United prioritises continuing collaboration since collaborative initiatives offer the possibility of sharing knowledge, resources, and innovations that might significantly benefit medical research.

BATNA ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT, Reservation Price, Target:

BATNA ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT: Partnering for Funding with Turbo or Stockman.

The formation of a cooperative collaboration with either Turbo or Stockman is United's Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT) in order to get crucial financing from the Federated Science Fund. By securing United's participation in a consortium, this alternate approach reduces the possibility of exclusion and assures a portion of the award.

Reservation Price: Minimum Vital Funding for United's Research.

The reservation fee is United's lowest offer and the bare minimum of money needed to advance our important research projects. This sum is essential to maintain the integrity of our research and development objectives while guaranteeing significant advancements towards ground-breaking medical discoveries and continuing new projects.

Target: Securing Significant Grant Share for Medical Breakthroughs.

Getting a sizable portion of the money from the Federated Science Fund is United's main goal. This objective outcome is in line with our goal of achieving great progress in medical innovation, which will allow us to lead the way in AIDS treatment breakthroughs and make a big contribution to the advancement of the medical community (Packalen & Bhattacharya, 2020).

Sources of Power:

Innovation Potential: United's Groundbreaking Research

The innovative potential of United Industries is a pillar, as demonstrated by continuous, ground-breaking research projects. Our dedication to breaking new ground in medicine, particularly in the treatment of AIDS, puts us at the forefront of creative discoveries. Establishing a reputation for making ground-breaking findings strengthens our influence and credibility among the scientific community.

Collaborative Potential: Effective Collaboration

Highlighting our ability to work together is essential. United's capacity to effectively collaborate and contribute inside consortia demonstrates our ability to work in concert. Our desire to cultivate genuine collaborations guarantees a cooperative atmosphere that maximises our combined capabilities.

Unique Expertise: Specialized AIDS Research

Specialised and critical research on AIDS therapy is United's area of unique competence. Our deep knowledge and proficiency in this field enable us to make a substantial contribution to the collaboration. This specialised expertise serves as the foundation for our unique and significant contributions (Yan et al., 2022).

Issues Important to Your Opponent:

Funding Allocation: Maximizing Grant Share

The opponents' main goal is to maximise their portion of the award. Their goal is to obtain a significant share of the funding that the Federated Science Fund is offering. This means planning to obtain a beneficial allocation while keeping the interests of all participating enterprises in check.

Consortium Synergy: Aligning Research Strengths

It is essential to form a consortium that complements their areas of expertise in research. Their top goal is to put together a cooperative team that maximises synergy, guarantees common goals, and complements the knowledge of the participating enterprises, all of which will increase the effectiveness of the consortium as a whole.

Competitive Advantage: Maintaining Significant Role

It is crucial to make sure their separate companies continue to play important roles in the consortium. This entails maintaining their competitive advantage inside the partnership in order to fully use their special talents and make a significant contribution to the consortium's success while furthering their own goals.

Opponent's BATNA ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT, Reservation Price, Target:

BATNA ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT: Alternative Funding Partnership

If they are not accepted into the desired consortium, their Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT) is to form a partnership with the other business. This other approach guarantees their participation in a consortium, lowering the possibility of being left out and ensuring a portion of the award (Joudyian et al., 2021).

Reservation Price: Satisfactory Funding Level

The minimal permissible financing level that validates their company's donations is indicated by their reservation fee. It is imperative that they obtain money commensurate with their estimated worth and the degree to which they are expected to contribute to the consortium's goals.

Target: Substantial Grant Share

Their main goal is to get a sizeable portion of the award while protecting their interests. In order to play a major role in the consortium and keep their competitive advantages and research contributions unaltered, they want to obtain a sizeable chunk of the award.

Opponent's Sources of Power:

Established Research: Stockman's Extensive Capabilities

Stockman's tremendous laboratory and research skills are its main sources of strength. Their significant edge comes from their established reputation in fundamental research, which is supported by a huge workforce of scientists and state-of-the-art facilities. Showcasing their extensive knowledge and strong infrastructure, Stockman is positioned as a pioneer in scientific innovation.

Longevity and Reputation: Turbo's Steady Output

The strength of Turbo comes from its established track record and longevity in the field of cancer-related technologies. Their trust in the scientific and medical sectors is strengthened by their track record of dependability and consistent progress in cancer research. Turbo's position in talks and consortium formations is strengthened by its duration and reputation, which act as a persuasive factor.

Opening Move/First Strategy:

Emphasize United's Innovative Potential

The first tactic is to start a conversation by showcasing United's innovative research and its significant contribution to medical progress. By highlighting our ability to lead important breakthroughs, we hope to build United's reputation as a key member of the consortium.

Propose an Aligned Consortium

The first step is to suggest a consortium that plays to both companies' objectives and seamlessly complements United's capabilities. Establishing a collaborative framework that is advantageous to all involved parties is essential for initiating fruitful discussions and promoting cooperative synergy.

Response to Opponent's Strategy:

Adaptation to Consortium Formations

It is important to maintain flexibility in response to the consortium formations offered by the opponents. United intends to modify its plan in order to conform to the consortium structures that have been discussed, guaranteeing a cooperative framework that takes into account the goals and strengths of all stakeholders (Martín et al., 2020).

Highlight United's Unique Contributions

It is nonetheless important to highlight the unique contributions that United makes to the coalition. We want to improve our negotiation position by highlighting United's specialised knowledge and potential for ground-breaking medical breakthroughs. This will serve to emphasise the value United contributes to the joint venture.

Relevant Concepts and Strategies:

Integrative Negotiation Strategies

It is essential to use integrative negotiating techniques, which centre on adding value via teamwork. A successful consortium agreement will depend on putting an emphasis on shared benefits and creating an atmosphere where everyone wins.


It is essential to carry out a thorough BATNA ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) examination. Knowing your options to reach a good deal enables you to make wise decisions and adopt a calculated stance during talks, protecting United's interests.

Outside Research Findings:

External studies support the effectiveness of using creative negotiation strategies that highlight shared benefits and cooperative synergies between companies in consortium formations. According to studies, integrative negotiating techniques, which centre on adding value for all parties, improve long-term connections and result in more advantageous agreements. Stressing a cooperative attitude helps to resolve any possible disagreements or deadlocks that may occur during talks, which in turn increases the likelihood of successful partnerships (Talevi & Bellera, 2020).

Furthermore, studies highlight how important equality and justice are when forming consortiums and allocating funds. Research indicates that fairness concerns are essential to maintaining fruitful partnerships because they guarantee that every participating company views the agreement as fair and unbiased. Fairness in financial allocation and consortium structure, as seen by businesses, encourages commitment and trust among consortium members, which improves collaboration and leads to better results.

Academic research indicates that agreements based on fairness principles are more likely to be enduring, which lowers the probability of disagreements and improves consortium performance as a whole. Fairness is a multifaceted concept that includes equitable resource distribution as well as taking into account the distinctive contributions of each business and matching financial allotments with expected value additions.

Based on these results, it is clear that introducing creative negotiating strategies that highlight reciprocal benefits and equity concepts in consortium talks is not only tactical but also helpful in building long-lasting and fruitful partnerships (Faivre et al., 2020). By putting these tactics into practise, the likelihood of forming prosperous alliances that capitalise on the combined capabilities of member companies and guarantee fair and advantageous results for all stakeholders may be greatly increased.

Excel Spread sheet Preparation

Fund distribution

Consortium Formation

Stockman's Share

Turbo's Share

United's Share

Stockman and Turbo




Stockman and United




Turbo and United




Stockman, Turbo, & United




Stockman, Turbo, and United share funding calculation

1. Stockman and Turbo Consortium ($440,000):

• Stockman's share = $440,000 - Turbo's share ($0) = $440,000

• Turbo's share = $440,000 - Stockman's share ($440,000) = $0

2. Stockman and United Consortium ($380,000):

• Stockman's share = $380,000 - United's share ($0) = $380,000

• United's share = $380,000 - Stockman's share ($380,000) = $0

3. Turbo and United Consortium ($300,000):

• Turbo's share = $300,000 - United's share ($0) = $300,000

• United's share = $300,000 - Turbo's share ($300,000) = $0

4. Stockman, Turbo, & United Consortium ($480,000):

• Stockman's share = $480,000 - (Turbo's share $0 + United's share $0) = $480,000

• Turbo's share = $480,000 - (Stockman's share $480,000 + United's share $0) = $0

• United's share = $480,000 - (Stockman's share $480,000 + Turbo's share $0) = $0


Brazier, E. et al., 2019. Implementation of “Treat?all” at adult HIV care and treatment sites in the Global Ie DEA Consortium: results from the Site Assessment Survey. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22(7), p.e25331. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22(7), pp.1-12 retrieved from

Faivre, S., Rimassa, L. & Finn, R.S., 2020. Molecular therapies for HCC: Looking outside the box. Journal of hepatology, 72(2), pp.342-352 retrieved from

Hettich, E. & Kreutzer, M., 2021. Strategy formation across organizational boundaries: An interorganizational process model. British Journal of Management, 32(1), pp.147-199 retrieved from

Joudyian, N. et al., 2021. Public-private partnerships in primary health care: a scoping review. BMC health services research, 21(1), pp.1-18 retrieved from

Martín, E.G. et al., 2020. Using a system thinking approach to assess the contribution of nature based solutions to sustainable development goals. Science of the Total Environment, 738, pp.retrieved from

Packalen, M. & Bhattacharya, J., 2020. NIH funding and the pursuit of edge science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(22), pp.12011-12016 retrieved from

Talevi, A. & Bellera, C.L., 2020. Challenges and opportunities with drug repurposing: finding strategies to find alternative uses of therapeutics. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 15(4), pp.397-401 retrieved from

Vallance, P., Tewdwr-Jones, M. & Kempton, L., 2020. Building collaborative platforms for urban innovation: Newcastle City Futures as a quadruple helix intermediary. European Urban and Regional Studies, 27(4), pp.325-341 retrieved from

Yan, X. et al., 2022. Refocus attention on HIV/AIDS: due to neglect during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 28(11), pp.1522-1524 retrieved from


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