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Exploring Leadership assignment Styles: Charismatic, Transformational, Contingency, and Situational Approaches


Task: How do different Leadership assignment styles, such as charismatic, transformational, contingency, and situational Leadership, influence team dynamics and organizational success?


Charismatic Leadership assignment: a leader’s ability to inspire their team motivates their team to achieve high performance (DuBrin, 2015). Inspirations involved the leader involving them and placing full dedication towards their work to wind them member confidence. Charismatic leaders do not shy away from working or setting an example and will quickly step in and get involved in a process which may not be flowing correction and assist the team member to understand the process and how to do the work. This is one of my strongest skills as I always prepared to share my knowledge and understanding related to a topic. This helps me attract follower who are inspired to learn from my experience and knowledge which helps makes them simplify the career.

Transformational Leadership assignment: a transformational leader is one who involves the team towards decision making and change implementation. These leaders understand the importance of their team members and understand how change can affect the business negatively. This is another trait I have since I also tend to consult my team and colleagues regarding different points which help me gain a wider perspective regarding the decision. I usually proposals ideas and consult with the team for their feedback and review before finalizing my decision. Colleague feedback and insight is very important towards team development and I always involve the team before making any major decision

Contingency Leadership assignment: this form of Leadership assignment does not influence decision making or review staff recommendations and focuses on allowing the business to operate based on internal and external factors. This makes the internal and external factors a major factor which influences the businesses operations and all stake holders are dependent on these factors. Internal and external factors do have a direct effect on the business or decision thus evolution the internal and external forces is something which I also do while evaluating team spirit and setting performance goals

Situational Leadership assignment:situational Leadership assignment involved leaders adjusting their Leadership assignment skills based on the follower's needs. In most scenarios today new managers on a team will adopt the situational Leadership assignment approach which would allow them to flow along with the team’s trends.

I do no belief a good leader should exploit their team and instead should begin expressing their knowledge and approaches from the first day. This may not be taken well by the team at first but gradually the team will begin understanding the approaches and begin adopting them. Adopting a situation approach then imposing alternatives approaches later can result in losing team interest and confidence.


DuBrin, A. J. (2015). Leadership assignment: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills (8th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.


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