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Essential Leadership Traits and Actions for Success in Marketing and Banking


Task: What are the key leadership traits and actions that contribute to success in the competitive fields of marketing and banking?


In the fast-paced and competitive world of marketing and banking, good leadership traits is really important to do well. When thinking about what makes a good leader, I believe they should have the right mix of skills, qualities, and behaviours that fit with the Leader-Followers-Situation model.

Characteristics of a Leader:

A good leader should have a clear idea of what they want to achieve in the future. They should set goals and encourage others to work towards them. In banking and marketing, it's important to see into the future so you can keep up with changes in the market and stay ahead of new developments.

Talking effectively is super important in these jobs. Leaders need to communicate clearly, so the team knows what to do and can work together. Good communication helps to make good relationships with clients and people involved in a project.

Being able to change and adjust is really important in banking and marketing because things are always changing. Leaders should accept change, help their teams through changes, and take advantage of new opportunities.

Leadership traits actions:

A good leader helps their team feel like they own their work and are responsible for it. Empowered workers are more likely to come up with new ideas and achieve good results in the competitive finance and marketing industries.

In these businesses, collaboration is crucial. It is the responsibility of leaders to facilitate teamwork among followers so that diverse talents may be applied to tackle challenging issues and produce excellent results.

In addition to knowing and caring about others' feelings, leaders must be conscious of and in control of their own emotions. Recognise and control emotions are important while interacting with customers and co-workers.

The leaders and followers model

Competent leader should be capable of differentiating necessities for both customers and staff. This approach is critical for leaders to adapt to orient their leadership traits style as per their current context so as to understand and be prepared as well as be capable to manage customers, co-workers and teams.

I get motivated by leaders who exhibit the above traits and actions. Observing effective marketing manager at work helps transform the company's brand, for instance, addressing the need for a well-defined plan ad adopting change measures has a direct effect on the operations.

I’m focusing my career towards being finance or marketing managers and want to be someone who can lead teams, manage change and support my team towards achieving set goals and targets through direct involvement. I also want to lead in a way that promotes growth and teamwork by implementing strategies learned from my experiences as well as


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