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(MBA661) Environment assignment on gendered workplace environments referring to Bronfenbrenner’s Bio-Ecological Framework


Task: Write an environment assignment specifically referring to the two video case studies made available on the WIL Hub and addressing how women’s gender identities were defined during the early 1900s in Australia. What did the differences between the nature of women’s, versus men’s work, mean for the status and place of women in society at that time?The first wave of feminism, WW1 and suffrage were significant historical events in the early 1900s in Australia. Discuss how these events influenced women’s gender identities at that time.


This environment assignmentwill describe the two videos, which are mainly related to evaluating the position of women's gender identity in the past Australian culture. Women have a very tough journey from the traditional aspect to the new area, but still, women need to use an advanced way of learning and developing to compete with the men. The two videos that will be discussed in the environment assignment are about the position of women and mainly related to how women are required to create their children prominently and how the social impact has a significant role in developing a child's career. Another video will discuss the inequality between women's and men's work in society in this current phase (Currie and Morgan, 2020). The environment assignmentwill also highlight the wave of feminism that is impacting and influencing women's careers effectively. The environment assignment’s first section will discuss the bioecological framework where women's genders have been identified in different phases. Next, it will evaluate the difference between the nature of words between men and women in modern society. Lastly, environment assignmentwill determine the impact of feminism on women's lifestyles.

Discussion of bio-ecological framework in the environment assignment


Figure 1: Bio-ecological framework
(Source: Paquette and Ryan, 2001)

The above picture in the environment assignmentdescribes Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological framework, where it stated the relationship between the environment and the children from its worth. In this theory, there are many complex layers of the environment, each having and showing a proper effect on the child's development in the various phases. Emphasising more critically is a primary way of sustaining the environment. The introduction of several factors between the child maturing biology and his family relationship with the other community members impacts the development of the children's societal and practical development. Thus the constant changes are a part of the environment, but this theory has provided much emphasis on how women's gender was identified during early 1900 in Australia (Murphy, 2020). As a woman is regarded as the principal guardian of every child, it becomes the woman's responsibility to address the various environmental changes and keep the child secure from all the negatives. The overall structure of the framework used in the environment assignment has been divided into five central systems, along which it describes the various ways women are interrelated with each of the phases of the framework.

Microsystem: under the Microsystem layer, it is the closest to the child, and it contains the structure in which the child has to contact its family and interact with their family members. Under this system in the environment assignment, women who are an integral part of the system play an essential role in managing interaction within the layers and enable the child to understand and evaluate the environment of the family. At the Microsystem level, directional influences are mostly the strongest. They have the most significant impact on the child, so it has a considerable role upon the women to maintain a stable relationship with the family members so that it could not affect the child's health.

• Mesosystem: under this layer, it helps to establish a connection between the structure of the child Microsystem, that is, the relationship is developed between the teachers and the parents; where helps to identify the role of women as they are mainly entitled to interact with the teacher as well as plays an important role in the development of the child's future

• Exosystem: Exo system mentioned in the environment assignmentdescribes the layer under the most powerful social system in which the child does not have to function directly. It is necessary for women in the early 90s of Australia to be responsible for the proper development of the children who form the basis of society (Currie, 2020). It has often been observed that under this layer, parents are placed, and community-based family members significantly impact the child's mindset.

• Macrosystem: This layer in the environment assignmentis considered the outermost layer of child development while having cultural values, customs and loss. Under this layer, the women are entitled to stay home and look after their children without acknowledging and understanding the future environment. This system affects the structure prominently where it discusses the parent's ability and disability to develop practical implications with their children. Under this face, Women are responsible for creating promising careers for their children. But the culture of Australia in 1900 stated that overs were not fortunate enough to take decisions on their own.

• Chronosystem: It is the last layer of the system mentioned in the environment assignmentthat deals with the dimension of time where it relates the child's environment directly with the external and the timing of death (Biggeri and Cuesta, 2021). On this face, the children get older and react differently to the environment. This layer of the flame work identifies that women do not have many countermeasures to elevate their position in Australia and have no right to the proper development of their children.

Difference between women vs men in respect to society
Even in a well-established country in the 1900 century men and women are not seen as equal. The two genders have separate spheres, and these differences of opinion and segregation in work have continued in the 21st century. In the early era as per the research of environment assignment, women tended to stay home, look after their children, and provide other homemade services. Only women could have the opportunity to go out and work in those days. Concerning society, women working out is not regarded as a good act by the community as the whole organisation believes that women are made to be at home and look after the people of the house (McQuilliam et al., 2022). From the traditional aspect, women are always considered physically weaker and morally superior to men, which means they are best suited for the domestic sphere. As per the environment assignment women are regarded as inferior to men in jobs or other activities. In most companies, women could not get a job even if they had the same qualifications as their primary counterparts. Because women had fluence in the home, there is a constant argument about how well the women could also work outside the home. In 1900 in Australia, most women were asked to stay in their homes and were not privileged enough to showcase their ideas and opinions about any family matter (Alon et al., 2020). Even if, in some cases, women ask to work outside to support their families, they would get a job either in the factories or in the domestic service of any person. In a few sections of Australia as mentioned in the environment assignment, women's legal standing was governed by their marital status, and they had very few rights. It could be effectively discussed that from the traditional time to this modern world, there has been inequality in the operational structure of men and women even if the process has the same qualification. Not only is the work equally distributed, but the wages of this sex are also provided with unequal wages, and women are always treated inferior to their men counterparts.

Infleunce of feminism
Feminism as per the environment assignmentis relative to the belief in social, political and economic equality among all the sex. Western culture has influenced that feminism is manifested in the global world and have represented various institution so that women’s position in society could be more elated and they should be regarded as superior to their male counterparts (Mukhtar, 2020). Throughout western history, women's wear was confined to the domestic sphere, but public life was for men. As per the environment assignment women have started increasing the overall cultural prospectus and have late to the concept of feminism. Feminism arrived in the renaissance period, which led to an enlightened movement for women as there has been a vast impact on women's life after feminism. The new concept of feminism has incurred more power and affectability among the women as they are now very open about their demands and rights, which they need to lead a good life. Under the provocation of feminism, most women have understood their actual position and how they should demand their legal rights in society so that they could impress the different prospectus and elevate their status as equal to their male counterparts. Feminism has impacted many modern women where they have understood their roles and responsibilities, both domestic and outside the domestic sphere and how they could also be able to full fill their dreams and ideologist (Dassler, 2021). The concept of feminism as per the environment assignmenthas helped to grow women more rebellious and has effectively ensured that they could understand various fears of life and develop their position in society.

From the above environment assignment, it can be concluded that women have been treated as inferior to women from the traditional time, and it has continued in the modern era until and unless the feminist concept of the renaissance has come forth. Concerning the bio-ecological framework, it has effectively helped to understand how women have a part in developing the child's background and environment properly, why they constantly influence the different prospectus of understanding different faces and leading towards proper development of the child so that they could and just with every environment and faces. Additionally, the difference between the men's and women's working systems has demonstrated that earlier, if the women worked outside, they were not treated equally to their male counterparts. The salary dimensions mentioned in the environment assignmentare also very negligible concerning their male counterparts. But in the modern era, the idea of feminism has impacted a lot in changing the women's position, and the women know that they also can gain the right on a legal stand.

References List
Alon, T., Doepke, M., Olmstead-Rumsey, J. and Tertilt, M., (2020). This time it's different: The role of women's employment in a pandemic recession (No. w27660). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Biggeri, M. and Cuesta, J.A., (2021). An integrated framework for child poverty and well-being measurement: Reconciling theories. Child Indicators Research, 14(2), pp.821-846.
Currie, C. and Morgan, A., (2020). A bio-ecological framing of evidence on the determinants of adolescent mental health-a scoping review of the international Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) Study 1983–2020. SSM-population health, 12, p.100697.
Currie, C.,( 2020.) A bio-ecological approach to understanding adolescent sexual and reproductive health determinants and their application.
Dassler, J., (2021). Women in Literature: The Impact of Feminism on Fantasy Literature, 1950–1990. International Social Science Review (Online), 97(4), pp.0_1-20.
McQuilliam, S.J., Clark, D.R., Erskine, R.M. and Brownlee, T.E., (2022). Mind the gap! A survey compares current strength training methods used in men's versus women's first team and academy soccer. Science and Medicine in Football, (just-accepted).
Mukhtar, S., (2020). Feminism and the gendered impact of COVID 19: Perspective of a counselling psychologist. Gender, Work & Organisation, 27(5), pp.827-832.
Murphy, M.C., (2020). Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model: a theoretical framework to explore the forest school approach. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 23(2), pp.191-205.
Paquette, D. and Ryan, J. (2001). Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. [online] Available at:


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