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Enhancing Leadership and Management Strategies at Chesterfield Mayfair Hote


Task: What are the most suitable leadership and management approaches for addressing the challenges faced by Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel, and how can these approaches be implemented effectively?


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Aim of the Report

The following is a management report that outlines the leadership and management models that are required for the smooth functioning of an organisation within the independent boutique luxury hotel sector in the UK. The report discusses the viability of a psychodynamic leadership approach that would be an ideal fit within the Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel in the UK. Various models and styles associated with the Psychodynamic leadership approach have been identified within the report. The subsequent identification of the potential challenges faced within the organisation has been discussed along with how the implementation of the chosen leadership approach can mitigate the challenges. The report concludes by recording alternative models of leadership.

1.2 Overview of the Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel

The Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel is a classical British establishment which has been constructed from the historical Berkley House in 1660. The Hotel is located at 35 Charles Street at the center of the Myfiar region in London. The Hotel is ideally located from other unique spots of Bond Street and Piccadilly. The Dove sole is one of the major culinary attractions of the establishment which is well renowned all throughout London. Other items such as Afternoon teas, gin tasting, and Molecular Cocktails makeup for other attraction points of the hotel. The establishment aims to have excellent customer relationships by augmenting the customer experience and enabling an atmosphere for repeat customers.

2.0 Potential leadership and management approaches

2.1 Comprehending different leadership models

The trait model of leadership


The trait theory of leadership also known as Great man Theory of leadership states that leaders are born with a certain amount of characteristics making them adaptable under any circumstances and enable superior ability to encourage workforce. In the case of Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel, such a model of leadership and identification of such leaders can help to strengthen leadership under volatile circumstances (Hendri, 2019). This particular theory can also provide Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel with most appropriate indicators of leadership abilities it must find or develop within its leaders.


The leadership scenario inside Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel focuses on a collaborative approach which provides equal freedom to everyone and helps to integrate better communication, employee satisfaction and performance (AlHamad, et al., 2022). The trait model of leadership majorly focuses on the leaders and leaves others behind creating a sense of disbalance in terms of collaboration which can negatively impact the satisfaction rate of employees as their relevance will get reduced and a sense of autocratic and one dimensional leadership will be developed.

The Situational Model of Leadership


The situational model of leadership beliefs that adaptability is the biggest scale of a leader which lets them adjust under any unique circumstance. One of the major advantages of this leadership model from the perspective of Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel is that as the scenario around the hospitality industry is changing rapidly this leadership model will enable faster adoption and change in leadership approaches based on industry requirements (Werdhiastutie, Suhariadi and Partiwi, 2020).


The biggest limitation of this model of leadership is its strict focus towards short term goals. This could negatively impact the long term goals of Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel and cause creation of inappropriate strategies for the business which may not have any fruitful impact in the long run.

2.2 Analysing different management theories

Human Relations Management Theory


Interpersonal relationships, positive group dynamics and recognising the importance of employee attitude are the core elements connected to the human relations Management Theory. The biggest advantage of this theory from the perspective of Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel is that it can enable better management of employees inside the organisation and help to create stronger interpersonal relationships and collaborations improving organisational outcomes and service quality. Moreover, collaboration, Open communication and teamwork act as important factors already inside the organisation making this theory most appropriate and suitable.


There is a significant loss of subjectivity when it comes to the implementation of this Management Theory. This theory significantly improves satisfaction of employees reducing turnover of an organisation and can also positively impact decision making but its relevance in creation of impactful strategies to develop economic growth is not solid (Bag, et al., 2020). This is why from a business point of view this theory can have major cons for chesterfield Mayfair hotel.

Contingency Management Theory


The contingency Management Theory does not believe that there is only one concrete way of managing an organisation and believes Organisational Management must be based on requirements of an organisation (Ali and Anwar, 2021). Use of this Management theory will enable proper synchronisation with the situational model of leadership for Chesterfield Mayfair hotel and enable creation of Management strategies directly connected with the Vision and Mission of the organisation.


The biggest limitation of this Management Theory is that it does not have a strong theoretical base attached with it. Due to this reason the management of Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel may suffer from inability to create proper management strategies directly related with the contingency Management Theory (Setiawan and Julaeha, 2020). The inexperience of the management of this organisation may also act as a barrier towards implementing this strategy.

2.3 Differentiation between psychodynamic leadership & management

The psychodynamic approaches towards leadership mainly focus on various aspects related to human behaviour which increase the complexity of this approach. Different psychodynamic approaches towards leadership such as the trait model of leadership and the situational model of leadership have already been discussed in this study. There are also major differentiations which can be noted between psychodynamic leadership and management approaches. The differentiations in the concepts of trait leadership and situational leadership has been identified in this study with the situational leadership model providing more flexibility to Chesterfield Mayfair hotel to create leadership based around the most important requirements of the organisation (Douglas, et al., 2022). According to a survey it was identified that customer service skills and leadership as well as management skills are among the most important requisites of working in the hotel industry. The survey also identified the importance of sustainability in the hotel industry. From the perspective of Chesterfield Mayfair hotel sustainability is an extremely important aspect.

2.4 Argument discussion

It is crucial to take into account the distinctive features of the hotel sector and the unique qualities of the hotel in order to decide on the most appropriate psychodynamic leadership style and management method for improving the organisational performance of the Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel. Since the characteristic model of leadership places a strong emphasis on innate leadership abilities, it may not be the best fit for the hotel's cooperative and guest-focused culture. Chesterfield Mayfair's success is based on its dedication to providing outstanding client experiences and encouraging staff happiness, which calls for a leadership style that is more focused on cooperation and collaboration.

The Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel, on the other hand, seems to match the situational leadership paradigm better (Hendri, 2019). This strategy acknowledges the need of flexibility and responsiveness, two traits crucial in a fast-paced business like hospitality. Situational leadership may help with quick changes in leadership strategies since consumer preferences and market conditions are always changing. By doing this, the hotel can successfully adapt to changing client expectations, which will eventually increase customer happiness and loyalty. The goals of the hotel are well-aligned with the human relations management theory when it comes to management strategies.

The basic ideas of this theory, such as enhancing interpersonal interactions, encouraging favourable group dynamics, and emphasising employee attitudes, support the organisation's already-existing collaborative culture. These factors are essential for successfully managing staff, fostering collaboration, and providing exceptional service quality, all of which are crucial for the success of a boutique luxury hotel. In the final analysis, the Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel would benefit most from a psychodynamic leadership and management style that combines the ideas of human relations management theory with a situational leadership approach (Mansor, et al., 2023). It recognizes the particular difficulties faced by the hospitality sector, putting an emphasis on flexibility and employee satisfaction while making sure that organisational culture and performance remain consistent with the hotel's mission of delivering exceptional guest experiences and cultivating enduring relationships with guests.

3.0 Analysing potential warning signs of Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel’s management system

3.1 Analysing organisational culture-based metrics

The Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel puts a high value on its corporate culture and is aware of the crucial role it plays in assessing worker performance. The management of the hotel has developed a number of crucial organisational culture-based criteria to evaluate and improve the contributions of their workers. Guest satisfaction is one essential metric. In the hospitality sector, it is crucial to provide visitors unique experiences. The hotel tracks how much its staff members influence customer satisfaction. This comprises comments received in direct conversations, internet reviews, and consumer surveys.

Another crucial indicator is collaboration and teamwork. Chesterfield Mayfair encourages its staff to work together and in harmony. Evaluation of employee performance must take into account how successfully people cooperate in groups, exchange information, and assist one another (Ahmed, et al., 2019). The hotel places a high importance on staff members who can fit in naturally with the ethos of the group. Additionally important considerations in the hotel's evaluation of staff include innovation and creativity.

Employees must be able to provide original thinking and creative solutions if the boutique luxury hotel industry is to remain competitive. Employees that show ingenuity in enhancing procedures and services are valued by management. Engagement and Attitude of Employees are continuously watched. The hotel is aware that happy and motivated staff members are more likely to provide great service. When evaluating performance, factors including staff loyalty to the hotel's ideals, work happiness, and morale are taken into account (Hardcopf, Liu and Shah, 2021). Happy staff often result in happy customers. The Cultural Fit statistic measures how closely an employee adheres to the goal, vision, and fundamental values of the hotel. People who embody the hotel's culture often excel in their positions.

3.2 Discussion on how identified challenges can be mitigated by management approaches

Communication and assistance: The hotel's management may put in place frequent feedback sessions and open-door policies to lessen stress brought on by misunderstandings or a lack of assistance. These channels provide workers the chance to voice their issues and ask for support. The hotel can lessen stress caused by communication problems by developing an atmosphere where staff members feel heard and encouraged.

Work-Life Balance: By establishing flexible schedule alternatives, providing wellness programs, and encouraging staff to take frequent breaks, management may encourage work-life balance. The hotel can lessen stress and suffering brought on by long working hours and burnout by acknowledging the value of employee well-being and offering the tools to accomplish it (Otoo, 2019).

Training and Development: Through effective training and development programs, distress relating to insufficient skills or career progress may be addressed (van Assen, 2021). Giving workers the chance to upgrade their skills and careers not only gives them the tools they need but also increases their motivation and sense of fulfilment.

Recognition and Reward: Management should put in place an equitable and open system for praising and rewarding staff members who do exceptionally well in their jobs (Djoemadi, et al., 2019). This strategy may encourage workers and lessen stress brought on by emotions of undervaluation or underappreciation.

Resolution of Conflicts: The hotel may set up processes for resolving interpersonal disputes. Employees and management may both get conflict management training to help conflicts be settled quickly and peacefully (Onoriode and Samuel, 2022).

Initiatives for Health and Wellness: Starting health and wellness initiatives may aid in lowering emotional and social discomfort. Workshops on stress management, mindfulness exercises, or access to mental health services are a few examples of these programs.

Leadership Development: Effective leadership is essential to the welfare of workers. To guarantee that leaders foster a great workplace culture, provide clear instructions, and coach their people, management might invest in leadership training. This may lessen the stress brought on by bad leadership.

4.0 Competitive analysis of different leadership models for Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel in order to mitigate employee and organisational distress

Transformational Leadership: This leadership style focuses on encouraging and pushing workers to realise their maximum potential. Transformational leaders may increase engagement and morale among their workforce, which reduces stress. However, since it strongly depends on the charisma of the leader, it may not be appropriate in all circumstances.

Servant Leadership: In this leadership style, leaders put their team members' needs first. Distress within a business may be reduced via servant leadership by prioritising employee well-being (Abbas, et al., 2020). It calls for a lot of empathy, however, and could need to be modified to meet the particular requirements of the hotel.

Situational Leadership: This paradigm allows for flexibility in leadership strategies by adapting the leadership style to the particular circumstance or person (Pancasila, Haryono and Sulistyo, 2020). This flexibility may assist Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel, which works in a dynamic business, efficiently reduce organisational discomfort.

Distributed Leadership: This paradigm promotes team members' sharing of the leadership role. By including people in decision-making and problem-solving, it may lessen employee discomfort. But it needs a culture that promotes cooperation.

4.1 Justifying a suitable leadership approach to mitigate current organisational distress challenges faced by Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel

Utilisation of psycho dynamic leadership inside the Chesterfield Mayfair hotel could enable the enhancement of its productivity and efficiency. A situational leadership strategy is the best option for Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel to lessen the existing organisational hardship. This strategy gives the hotel the versatility needed to deal with its dynamic environment, guaranteeing that leaders can react to shifting market needs. The success of the hotel depends on a balanced emphasis on staff happiness and visitor experience, which can only be achieved by adapting leadership style to individual scenarios (Abasilim, Gberevbie and Osibanjo, 2019). A collaborative and responsive culture is fostered by situational leadership, which also encourages open communication and collaboration to reduce stress. The situational model of leadership has already been linked to the psycho dynamic leadership approach in this study and can provide better flexibility in operations to the hospitality organisation.

4.2 Justification of an alternative leadership model

The transformational leadership model can be suggested here as a perfect alternative to the psychodynamic approach and situational leadership strategy. The transformational leadership Theory can provide similar advantages when compared to the situational leadership Theory but has other additional advantages including enhancement of innovation inside the organisation through providing better flexibility to employees as well as keeping them motivated at all times to maintain highest level of productivity and efficiency inside the organisation. This leadership style can be essential for improving performance of the organisation as well as enhancing collaboration to enable the creation of better strategies for faster growth.

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Recommendation

In order to increase leadership effectiveness, Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel should give comprehensive training and development for leadership programs top attention. These courses will provide managers the skills they need to adapt to changing conditions, foster empathy, and inspire their workforce. A hotel that invests in leadership development will be able to build a more cohesive and motivated crew. Along with reducing organisational stress, this will ultimately improve worker satisfaction, tourist experiences, the hotel's general performance, and reputation.

The Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel must establish a strict system of regular performance feedback. This approach must include suggestions for growth as well as praise for both individual and group accomplishments. In order to reduce organisational stress, transparency as well as open communication are crucial. By cultivating an environment where staff members feel valued, informed, and motivated to achieve, the hotel can significantly improve overall job satisfaction, teamwork, and service quality. Eventually, this will lead to a more peaceful workplace and better organisational performance.

5.2 Conclusion

The Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel's leadership and management approaches are critical to improving organisational performance and lowering stress. The strategy that is advised incorporates aspects of dispersed leadership, servant leadership, and situational leadership. This flexible strategy places an emphasis on staff well-being, teamwork, and empowerment and is in line with the hotel's constantly changing atmosphere. The hotel should fund continuous leadership development, wellness initiatives, and conflict resolution techniques to reduce stress even more. The Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel can create a productive and healthy company culture by adopting this all-encompassing strategy, which will eventually lead to excellent customer experiences and long-term success.


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