Effectiveness Of Organizational Communication Assignment
Task: This assignment involves preparing a reflective report on your learning development and preparation of continuous improvement portfolio of assembled work and reflections.
Prepare a written, reflective report that demonstrates your learning development across the module and prepare a continuous improvement portfolio of assembled work and reflections.
The task is split into two key parts:
- The submission of a critical research portfolio that reflects on some of the materials you will encounter on the module (1000 words)
- Drawing on the material in (1), submit a short reflective report outlining your key discoveries on the module, explaining how they have been useful to your (intellectual, practical, business) development.
You are required to submit a written report of 1500 words, broken into the two parts outlined above. The following offers some key guidance on approaching those parts.
PART 1 – Critical research portfolio
In preparation for each class, you will be asked to read (or otherwise access) a ‘research item’ – this might be a business case study, a journal article, a book chapter, an online essay or newspaper entry (for example). The task of the critical research portfolio is to get you used to good academic practice in terms of referencing and citation, developing a clear writing style and identifying key ideas from the materials you encounter.
Choosing three research items from the module, you should produce a critical research portfolio that:
- gives the full Harvard reference for each item
- reflectively outlines what you found interesting about the item, why, and how it was useful to your studies/development
- sets out, in your own words, three key points of information or argument that you consider critical to the item’s importance
- includes at least one direct citation and proper Harvard reference from the item to support points made in point (ii) and/or (iii)
This will result in three short paragraphs reflecting on what you have learnt from three key research items on the module, each beginning with a full academic reference for that item.
Each entry in the ‘critical bibliography’ should be between 300 – 350 words (so a total of 1000 words)
PART 2 – Reflective report (500 words)
Thinking back over your learning across the module, this part of the task asks you to think about what you have learnt from the module, why that learning might be important and how it is useful to you and your areas of interest. This is an opportunity to tease out, clearly and in plain English, the things most important to you.
The reflection should use citations and references from the research materials you have encountered on the module (either those contained in PART 1 and/or other items of research from the module and beyond).
In producing the report you might consider using these headings:
Introduction – briefly outline your particular area(s) of focus in this report, why you have chosen to focus on them and what you hope to demonstrate in the writing. (100 words approx.)
Analysis of development – This section of the work should be the core of the writing: what key things have emerged from the module for you and how have they helped you develop? You should try to give specific examples that show the relation of learning to its impact. That is: what have you learnt, why was that useful and how will you take that forward? (300 words approx.)
Conclusion – drawing on the reflections of the report, in a few sentences reflect on how and why academic research and/or writing practice is important in the business world. (100 words approx.)
You must reference all information used in the report, both primary and secondary, using the Harvard Referencing Guide.
Part 1- Critical Research Portfolio
Ramadanty, S. and Martinus, H., 2016. Organizational communication: Communication and motivation in the workplace. Humaniora, 7(1), pp.77-86. [Available at:]
The article by Ramadanty and Martinus (2016) analysed in this section of communication assignment is on organisational communication and motivation. It is seen from this article that motivation is generally gained by human activity. It acts as energy for the employees so that organisational goals can be achieved. The development in communication was taking place rapidly and it was considered one of the major activities. The purpose of this article was to understand how communication was happening in the organisation. The research issues were focused on the relationship of employee motivation and the communication factor-like nonverbal communication, the climate of communication and interpersonal communication.
The most interesting part of this article was the usage of a descriptive qualitative method for analysis. It showed that employees get motivated by different forms of communication. It included interpersonal and non-verbal communication. The positive motivation was received by employees through non-verbal communication. The method of qualitative analysis initiated in the communication assignment helped the authors to gain accurate information on the topic. It showed that body, facial and eye communication was important in the case of non-verbal discussions. This article helped me with personal development and motivation. It showed how management and employees should communicate with each other. The organisation can run smoothly when there is a proper level of satisfaction among the employees through the interpersonal communication (Ramadanty and Martinus 2016).
There are three key points of information which is needed for critical analysis of this article explored herein communication assignment. It is essential to have transparency in openness for downward communication. This will help in running a smooth conversation between the superiors and employees. The next one explains that climate communication is shaping employee motivation. A trusted role is getting created. Lastly, information can be gained by the leaders when it is presented in a precise and clear manner. This generally provides a high level of satisfaction to the organisations. Further workplace safety is depending on physiological motivating which leads to employee motivation.
Battiston, D., Blanes i Vidal, J. and Kirchmaier, T., 2017. Face-to-face communication in organisations. Tom, Face-to-Face Communication in Organisations (October 2, 2017). [Available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2934290]
The article by Battiston et al. (2017), clearly discusses face to face communication in the organisation. It is seen that team productivity in organisations is affected by communication. The article is trying to exploit the natural experiment in the organisation where the workers are transmitting complex electronic information to the teammates. In some cases, it is seen that employees have to communicate face-to-face. This happens in complex and urgent tasks at the time of high pressure. The opportunity of face-to-face communication is highlighted along with its dependence on the slack of the organisation.
This communication assignment is focusing on the issues of communication that is taking place within the organisation. It is making use of rich datasets and some natural experiment in a complex organisation. One of the most interesting things about this article was electronic communication was taking place between the employees of the team (Battiston et al., 2017). The article was identifying the value of face-to-face communication along with the electronic one. A link between team productivity and face-to-face communication was getting identified. These days’ people have forgotten the importance of communicating face-to-face. They are just making use of the electronic method. However, this study helped me to understand the needs of the organisation with different communication techniques.
There are three main things which are quite essential for the study prepared within the communication assignment. Firstly, the demographics of the teams were necessary to be understood as this would help in face-to-face conversations and the productivity of the team could increase. The second one knows the experiences of employees at the time of high pressure. The article showed that it was important to deal with information-intensive and urgent tasks. Thirdly it highlighted that face-to-face communication is costly. The article suggested the managers of various organisations find out the condition before making investments in the tasks, production environment and workers. The measurement of the operational costs of communication was vital. It showed that employees were slow in case of undertaking new tasks. Face-to-face communication is important for handling work pressure in the organisation. There is no such displacement of attention from other tasks that are managed by the workers.
Al-Alawneh, M.K., Hawamleh, M.S., Al-Jamal, D.A. and Sasa, G.S., 2019. Communication skills in practice. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(6), pp.1-19. [Available at: http://www.academia.edu/download/59997264/Communication_Skills_in_Practice20190713-27045-7ut4qv.pdf]
The article by Al-Alawneh et al. (2019) examined in this communication assignment, is discussing various communication skills that are needed by students. Personal and organisational goals can be achieved by the quality of communication skills. It mainly includes qualities that are both personal and interpersonal. Such skills are known as soft because it is being compared to the visions or sentiments which are enabling others to read. Soft skills are needed in the workplace for the purpose of interaction and engagement. The skills are quite crucial to human actions. It is seen that people are having the ability to communicate but efforts have to be applied.
In case of meaningful and effective interactions the needs of the organisations usually gets fulfilled. Some people need time to develop and understanding the features of communication. The most interesting thing that I got to know from the article was the incorporation of the 2-way process in case of communication. It means active sending and receiving messages. It is complex and lively. Communication is known as the give and takes a process for sharing feelings and ideas so that meanings can be constructed (Al-Alawneh et al. 2019). Some codes are needed by the sender and the receiver to understand the messages. The study analysed in the communication assignment made me realise the importance of feedback in case of communication. The continuation of the process is possible by encouragement or discouragement of messages. The process is irreversible in nature for both verbal and non-verbal communication.
There are three essential things that were learnt from this study and it’s quite important. Communication is having many functions which are changing and modifying behaviours. Firstly, people are getting connected with the process of communication. The main aim of the process is to inspire, motivate, educate and direct others. Secondly, in the case of effective communication, there is a need for both forms. It can be spoken, gestures and face-to-face. There is a need for consistency in case of verbal and non-verbal discussions. Thirdly students are being taught about effective communicative skills for their learning process. The capability of the process is explained and self-esteem is getting enhanced by these skills.
Part 2- Reflective Report
Communication at the workplace or organisation is quite an important aspect for better productivity and effective development (Mills and Cooren 2019). I have taken three articles to understand the importance of communication so that organisational goal can be achieved. For this communication assignment, my aim will be improving my personal learnings and gain knowledge on the skills of communication needed in the organisation. The three articles have different perceptions and various ways of communication are discussed out there. It made me realise that motivation can be gained in the workplace when someone has strong communication skills. It is also essential in handling high pressure in the organisation in an effective manner.
Analysis of Development
There are many things that helped me in personal development. The first article undertaken to develop this communication assignment helped me to develop my communication skills. It showed that employee motivation was possible through effective methods of communication. Further, the stress was given on increasing the productivity of the employees for achieving the goals of the organisation (Ramadanty and Martinus 2016). A completely new perspective of communication was seen by me. I understood that interpersonal and nonverbal communication had to be clear so that satisfaction could be gained for the information collected and discussed. It reflected the positivity for the employees and their future development. I will try to ensure that communication provides motivation to my team members.
The second article used to prepare this communication assignment focused on face-to-face communication along with the electronic one. I knew that an electronic form of communication was in trend all over the world. People didn’t want to sit and discuss the issues face-to-face (Battiston et al. 2017). However, for the smooth running of any organisation, it was crucial to solving the tasks by face-to-face discussions. At the time of high pressure, face-to-face communication was essential. I understood that crucial problems could be solved by exchanging ideas and facts. I came to know about the impact of this process on the team members. Such interactions increase coordination and work gets completed quite fast. I will try to have face-to-face communication so that issues can be solved easily together by the team.
In the third article, the main thing was to develop some communication skills for future needs like working in an organisation. A connection was being created in the process of communication (Al-Alawneh et al. 2019). It inspired me to work hard along with my team. I got to know about personal and interpersonal skills in this field. I found my self-esteem to be enhanced by the process of communication. It made me realise this 2-way process and how important it is in personal and professional lives.
By this communication assignment, I was focusing on the issues of communication and trying to learn about the usefulness of this process in the organisation. These days business is rapidly increasing and people are looking for various communication method. There were three articles discussed in the first part. This reflective report on communication assignment shows the importance of the articles. It highlighted the key learnings from the three articles. It was closely related to employee motivation through communication and various types of skills. I understood that all the issues could be solved by communicating with other employees and exchanging ideas.
Reference List
Al-Alawneh, M.K., Hawamleh, M.S., Al-Jamal, D.A. and Sasa, G.S., 2019. Communication skills in practice. Communication assignment International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(6), pp.1-19. [Available at: http://www.academia.edu/download/59997264/Communication_Skills_in_Practice20190713-27045-7ut4qv.pdf]
Battiston, D., Blanes i Vidal, J. and Kirchmaier, T., 2017. Face-to-face communication in organisations. Tom, Face-to-Face Communication in Organisations (October 2, 2017). [Available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2934290]
Mills, C.E. and Cooren, F. eds., 2019. Discursivity, relationality and materiality in the life of the organisation: Communication perspectives. Routledge. [Available at: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Hsm4DwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT7&dq=communication+role+in+organisation&ots=-xIKcF_M3I&sig=kPaWVKGnSQFHalPwtEQmPAiZx-M]
Ramadanty, S. and Martinus, H., 2016. Organizational communication: Communication and motivation in the workplace. Communication assignment Humaniora, 7(1), pp.77-86. [Available at:]