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customer acquisition assignment demonstrating marketing research methods and planning processes.


Task: how to use customer acquisition assignment research methods to design effective marketing plans?


Chapter 3: Methodology
2.1 Introduction

In order to do detailed research on the selected research topic, it is important to select a proper research method that is able to provide major aspects of research. Research method is mainly identified based on the task objective and requirement. In this customer acquisition assignment, a brief research methodology will be identified on the selected research topic. Main research strategy and approach will be illustrated in this section. On the other hand, the main research philosophy will be illustrated in this section. In order to complete the research, a time horizon will also be included.At the same time, the data collection method and analysis technique will be discussed. Moreover, few ethical consideration will also be identified that are essential for the research work. Finally, a chapter summary will also be included in this paper. Based on the customer acquisition assignmentrequirement, all the crucial information and data will be extracted from different resources. In this paper, Big data implementation for customer acquisition has been selected as key topic. Now, all the resourced findings will be topic centered.

2.2 customer acquisition assignmentResearch philosophy
Research philosophy is the key concept that must be defined before conducting any customer acquisition assignmentresearch. It includes an overview on the problem identification, data collection, analysis, and information extraction. The entire research method is prepared based on the task requirement. There are two major type of customer acquisition assignmentresearch philosophy that arepositivist and interpretivist. In this research, positivist research philosophy has been selected for doing research. In this method, each evidence or data are collected in a scientific method which is considered as positivist approach (Kaur 2020). The complete research is guided with the identified research philosophy. When used, the academic positivist research methodology is a technique that enabled to transform theories into knowledge during study. The positivist research thought, adopted for this research philosophy, pragmatic research approach, and practical questionnaire design are the four main themes of research approach that are differentiated and covered in the literature of many scholars. However, the primary opinion and thought against the data collection and information extraction approach is defined in the customer acquisition assignmentresearch philosophy.

In this customer acquisition assignmentresearch work, big data implementation is considered as a research topic and there are several quantitate research have already been done by the research on the selected topic. This is the main philosophy as it can give huge number of statistical observation for this research paper. At the same time, charts and graphs can also be considered for the data collection for time series analysis. Based on the customer acquisition assignmentrequirement, the research philosophy has been identified.

2.3 Research Approach
There several type of customer acquisition assignmentresearch approach are available that could be considered for data collection and analysis in the research work. In this research work, a mixed research approach has been adopted which is the combination of both qualitative and quantitative research approach. In this method, secondary data sources including research papers, journals, company websites and other platforms have been analyzed (Dufour and Richard 2019).No such primary data collection method has been applied during the customer acquisition assignmentresearch work. Based on the external qualitative and quantitative data, some vital information have been extracted for this research paper.

The content of the customer acquisition assignmentarticle were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods as part of the research methodology. The four-step mixed-methods methodology has been chosen, which is explained below, enables a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the practice and permits users to suggest a roadmap for the future. Getting a selection of pertinent publications and their quantitative information for analysis was the main goal of the first stage (Ruggiano and Perry 2019). In the second process, the collected data underwent literature review, which was carried out by examining descriptive and inferential statistics, published academic coupling, effectiveness, and due to the measurement of the research work.

2.4 customer acquisition assignmentResearch Strategy
A customer acquisition assignmentresearch strategy is a clear implementation of plan that provides direction for ideas and efforts into the research work. It instructs users on how to do research in a professional and timely manner in order to offer high-quality results and thorough documentation. This allows you to keep focus, reduce confusion, increase quality, and save time and resources. The cornerstone of the approach is the investigation plan, which explains the justification for the study and the processes that will be followed to achieve the objectives.The strategy consist of few phases that are identification of research papers, data collection, data exploration, extract vital data from resources. Firstly, the most relevant academic sources have been identified from different online portals. At this point, a keyword search has been done to find relevant customer acquisition assignmentpapers. Big data implementation in business organization has been considered for the research paper development. Then, the information provided by the researchers have been analyzed and reviewed to get useful data for the research paper. After doing a critical information of data, all the major changes have been done in the collected data (Ellram and Tate 2016).The field of information management is defined by ongoing technical advancement. Therefore, IS researchers frequently find themselves falling behind professionals while making adjustments or assessing strategies for creating new customer acquisition assignmentresearch strategies. Instead of supplying the original insight for these innovative features, researchers frequently learn through examining the improvements implemented by professionals.

2.5 Research Method Choice
There are several types of customer acquisition assignmentresearch methods are available that could be considered for the data collection and analysis. In this project, a qualitative data analysis has been selected as major research method. No such, statistical or mathematical data have been collected or analyzed in this project. Most of the relevant information have been collected and explored to get suitable observations on the identified research topic. During the research method, a controlled data collection and analysis has been conducted to minimize unnecessary data acquisition. A systematic research method has been implemented from the initial stage of data collection to the end of discussion (Han, Xu and Chen 2018). Each steps of research have been performed in a proper sequence. The basis of the research concept and data validation has been checked before concluding into the customer acquisition assignmentresearch paper. In scientific research, concepts and propositions are developed and tested that provide unique stimulation to the investigator but may or may not have immediate or long-term practical applications. In order to expand the repertoire of research techniques, the knowledge generated during academic research is desired after. Thiscustomer acquisition assignment research paper consist of a descriptive research approach that helps to describe the actual position of big data implementation by the business organization to acquire customer. On the other hand, each of the quantitative findings gives some vital information on the current market position. With the help of selected customer acquisition assignmentresearch approach, most of the vital information regarding big data implementation has been achieved.

2.6Research Time Horizon
The customer acquisition assignmentresearcher's focus may be on the population at a certain time or over a prolonged period of time. A cross-sectional descriptive research was used in this study since data was collected at a specified point in time. Cross-sectional research, as the name implies, collects data from a representative sample only once, at a certain point in time (Goyal and Jegadeesh 2018).The time span pertinent to the research is known as the time horizon in research onion which is a major concept of research approach. The is interested in investigating the population during this time. Depending on the goals of the study and its design, the chosen time horizon is applied throughout the project work. In a cross-sectional study, knowledge from participants is gathered only once. The characteristics of the employment at a given time are relevant to the investigation. Data collecting from communities is not maintained in cross-sectional customer acquisition assignmentresearch. Cross-sectional assessment is used to look into specific qualities or behaviours at a specific point in time.The community may be the subject of the researcher's attention at a specific time or over an extended period of time. In this research work, a cross sectional research work has been applied as the data collection is made at a specific point of time. As the names indicate, cross-sectional investigation collects information from a sample just a single time, at a particular point in time

2.7Research Technique and Procedure
In order to get a complete overview on the big data implementation in business organization, a number of external sources and research papers have been analyzed by using mixed research approach. In this customer acquisition assignmentsection, the data collection and analysis technique have been illustrated that has been adopted during the research work. Based on the task requirement, all the necessary steps have been performed during the project work. However, the quantitative analysis on the available sources has given a better understanding on current situation on big data implementation.

a. Data collection method
In order to collect data for this customer acquisition assignmentresearch paper, a secondary data sources have been used. A number of research papers have been reviewed to collect data. On the other hand, some of the external sources have been analyzed. There are no mathematical computations involved during the data collection approach. This approach has a strong connection to non-quantifiable characteristics. This qualitative collection of information methodology employs observational, journal articles, and other procedures. There are several methods for gathering this type of information. Knowledge obtained from sources other than the intended user is referred to as quantitative information. It means that the information has been historically evaluated and is presently published. Magazines, journals, magazines, and other secondary information sources are covered (Lawton 2016). Either method can be used to acquire main data. Secondary research is a study that has previously been documented in scientific reports and other comparable studies. These information may be made publicly available through learning websites, academic libraries, formerly conducted customer acquisition assignment, and so on. A few official and non-governmental organisations also integration of information that can be downloaded and used for research purposes.

b. customer acquisition assignmentData analysis method
But technology advancements in recent years, a lot of historical data is now easily accessible and usable by scholars and data analysts electronically. A transformation in data analysis and data science is being driven by this kind of information, called as secondary information. One of the numerous benefits of secondary data analysis is that it saves consumers time and money by allowing them to access data without conducting their own research.Secondary data analysis employs information obtained from a third source. In contrast, primary research methodology involves acustomer acquisition assignment researcher acquiring predetermined data in order to answer to a certain topic.On the other hand, some of the graphical representation and charts have been considered to check the quantitative data on big data implementation.

2.8Ethical consideration
In order to conduct a brief research on the selected topic, it is important to consider some ethical issue throughout the customer acquisition assignmentresearch work. Furthermore, there are a few further flaws or issues with the data gathered for secondary sources. The intelligence obtained should be adequate, relevant, but not intrusive. Descriptive statistics analysis was utilized instead of gathering primary data to discuss the current study topic. As a result, the information should really be evaluated based on a variety of criteria, including the information's content, completeness, collection period, and sampling techniques methodology. It must only be kept for as long as necessary to achieve that purpose. It must be safeguarded against unauthorized access, unintended loss, and destruction (Brigham and Kharbach 2020). Backup incremental backups should be kept in safe, lockable enclosures, while organizational innovation should be recorded on desktops as encryption techniques. If the information is generally readily available through the Internet, journals, or another means, approval for expanded consumption and inquiry is apparent. Nonetheless, the authenticity of the source information must be acknowledged. Apart from maybe the previous customer acquisition assignmentresearch programme, the scientific community must provide an interpretation and documented certification for the use of the supporting documents if the independent inquiry is a constituent of another research project and the knowledge is not generally accessible, and this registration must be required to submit the with application for ethical clearance was acquired.

2.8 Chapter summary
An overview of thecustomer acquisition assignment research approach for the chosen study topic has been provided in this section. In this section, the primary research approach and strategy have been described. On the other hand, this section provide examples of the primary research philosophy. A time frame for finishing the research has also be provided. The customer acquisition assignmentprocess for gathering data and the technique for analysis has been covered simultaneously. Additionally, a few ethical issues that are crucial for the research have been recognized.

Kaur, D., 2020. Post-Positivist Approach to Factors That Influence K-12 Teachers' Use of iPads and Chromebooks. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science, 4(1), pp.26-36. acquisition assignment
Dufour, I.F. and Richard, M.C., 2019. Theorizing from secondary qualitative data: A comparison of two data analysis methods. Cogent Education, 6(1), p.1690265.
Ruggiano, N. and Perry, T.E., 2019. Conducting secondary analysis of qualitative data: Should we, can we, and how. Qualitative Social Work, 18(1), pp.81-97.
Ellram, L.M. and Tate, W.L., 2016. The use of secondary data in purchasing and supply management (P/SM) research. Journal of purchasing and supply management, 22(4), pp.250-254. acquisition assignment
Han, H., Xu, H. and Chen, H., 2018. Social commerce: A systematic review and data synthesis. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 30, pp.38-50.
Goyal, A. and Jegadeesh, N., 2018. Cross-sectional and time-series tests of return predictability: What is the difference. The Review of Financial Studies, 31(5), pp.1784-1824. acquisition assignment

Lawton, R., 2016. A critical integrated approach to language policy as discursive action: Strengths, challenges, and opportunities. Discursive approaches to language policy, pp.105-127.
Brigham, S.M. and Kharbach, M., 2020. Ethical Issues in a Participatory Photography Research Project Involving Youth with Refugee Experience. In Ethics and Integrity in Visual Research Methods. Emerald Publishing Limited.
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