Consumer behaviour assignment on designing products and services that attract consumer interest
Task: how can businesses use Consumer behaviour assignment research methods to determine consumer preferences based on which products and services can be designed?
The Consumer behaviour assignmentprimarily reflects the various propositions of consumer behaviour according to the preferences and choices of products, goods, and services. The priorities of consumers are considered an important factor for various organizations and therefore they manufacture goods and products according to their choices. The essay consists of a critical review of various journal articles related to various consumption practices which are determined by the cultural background and collective identity. Consumer culture is one of the main practices that have been identified in the essay which primarily deals with the ways and patterns of consumer behaviour. A Consumer behaviour assignmentcritical reflection of the various aspects of consumer culture has been provided in the essay which helps in gaining a proper understanding of the personal gains from cultural concepts.
The self-consumption practices are considered to be of great importance for the behavioural aspects of consumer behaviour. I have a consumption practice of buying essential goods at cheaper and competitive prices which displays my consumption practice and behaviour. My consumption pattern is associated with essential buying habits and practices that are relatively value added. I prefer to spend less on luxury items and only purchase them in certain situations. Consumer behaviour assignment Research shows Cost cutting is one of the most important considerations that definemy consumption pattern, behaviour, and practice. The benefits of spending on essential items can help me enhance my savings habits which can benefit me in the future. It is considered one of the key elements of effective buying which has various sustainable benefits for me. Consumer culture is considered an aspect of great significance for me as it helps in demonstrating the various aspects of self-practices while displaying consumer purchasing attitudes (Bouchet, 2011). There are various benefits of effective buying or conscious spending as it can help me reduce the overall expenses in a monthly or yearly phase. It can also help me in enhancing the value of the suppliers depending on the overall base. There is also an element of reduced risk for the consumer proposition as it can significantly help me understand the cost variations and pricing aspects of essential and non-essential goods, products, and services. Improvement in the internal effectiveness of the buying prospects of the personal goods and products for daily usage is also considered an integral benefit of myconsumption pattern and habit. As per the Consumer behaviour assignment research, this particular habit of consumer spending or buying reflects my middle-class identity as I belong to the middle-income group.
The Consumer behaviour assignment findings show spending on essential items and reduction of expenses related to luxurious or non-essential items is a clear reflection of my overall economic viewpoint according to the social identity related to class and society. Cultural background also plays an important role in the choice of consumption practice and behaviour. My learned beliefs, values, and culture have helped me to evolve personally and develop strong reasoning and understanding of my personal consumer choices and preferences during making purchases. As per Consumer behaviour assignment guidelines this particular behaviour displayed by me during my buying preferences has significantly helped me develop the habit of buying essential items and goods at affordable rates. It has also helped me evolve personally and gain a cost-effective status in my financial and economic aspects. I share my beliefs and self-interests with the other people of the middle-class income group and society as we can share common interests and perceptions in buying behaviours (Bouchet, 2011).There can also be common interests seen by the groups that carry a collective identity of typical spending and purchasing habits if middle-class consumers are mostly attracted to essential buying at cheap and competitive rates. These collective identities related to the cultural and behavioural similarities in the aspects of buying have made me understand my position in the consumer market as in the case of various types of consumer behavioural aspects. The new age consumers are conscious of the value-added services and value-for-money aspects of buying essential commodities at reduced and competitive prices. The advent of the pandemic has created the need to buy essential resources for the daily needs and requirements of consumers. Therefore, it is integral from the point of view of various customers to maintain the requirement of necessary items for buying during crises and the abstinence from buying luxury goods and items. This type of consumption has been beneficial for me in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the priorities in consumer behaviour and the essential items which need to be bought by the consumers in times of crisis. The consumption of necessary items can be helpful for consumers who want to evaluate and assess their spending habits and make required changes in their overall buying or purchasing habits. Therefore the Consumer behaviourassignment supports the notion Building consumer culture is therefore important according to the wants and requirements of the societies which can further be explained by various other explanations from the literature articles and journals related to consumer behaviour aspects.
Consumer culture is an important aspect of the behavioural aspects of the customers that are integral to the development of various social forces that push towards the fragmentation of identity. The three different strategies used for this particular aspect are usually demarcating, compromising, and synthesizing which are considered suitable for the creation of a coherent self-narrative. The findings of this particular literature have been compared with the article by Belk which primarily creates a supportive environment for the various claims that have been mentioned in the literature. However, the notion of extended self versus the core is considered a potentially confusing metaphor that can help in exploring the structure of social relationships and the overall well-being of consumers (Ahuvia, 2005).Strategic communication with the consumers forms the main areas of a Consumer behaviour assignment project which are constitutive towards the creation of a culture within the human aspects of consumer strategies. The external representations of human thoughts, behaviours, and perceptions produce a clear strategy aligned with the various features of consumerism and its growing culture within society. The human aesthetics of consumerism has a distinct relationship that can help in shaping the needs and requirements according to the creative concepts and aspects of the different cultures of the consumers (Bouchet, 2011). The strategic and tactical implementation of these four factors can help in understanding the ethical aspects of the consumers which can significantly help the overall development of the perception of organizations towards the behaviour of consumers. Therefore, it has been implied that closing the overall gap of ethical consumption patterns of the consumers can significantly help in generating a positive outcome for the future sustainability aspects of the cultural elements of the consumers in the society. The prioritization of ethical consumerism creates a direct effect on the intention behaviour gap and the overall ethnographic aspects of the consumers (Carrington, Whitwell, and Neville, 2014). The Consumer behaviourassignment research also shows consumer culture has also a deep-rooted connection with the aspects of lifestyle. Eating, drinking, outing and home, car and holiday-related factors and aspects of lifestyle can indicate the value of consumer choices ad preferences in societies. Upscale societies with a higher rate of economically stable citizens are more prone to luxurious lifestyles which reflect on their buying patterns and habits basedon individual characteristics and behaviours. However, the lifestyle-based post-modern culture and approach towards the consumer culture need to be stabilized towards a uniform system dealing with a blend of various priorities according to the choices and preferences of all types of consumers (Featherstone, 1987). The Consumer behaviour assignmenttheory related to cultural capital and consumption patterns can be related to the innovative characteristics of theory formulation. The theory should however be reformulated to focus on the prices of consumption and the associated practice of the consumer according to the overall behaviours.
Six distinctive consumer tastes identified on this Consumer behaviour assignmentare responsible for the different types of behaviour related to the purchase of products, goods, and services. The distinction between high and low cultural competencies is considered the most integral element apart from the consumer tastes explained earlier. Material versus formal aesthetics, critical versus referential interpretations, materialism versus idealism, cosmopolitan versus local tastes, and individual versus communal forms of consumer subjectivity along with self-actualization versus auto telic leisure activities are considered the six important aspects (Holt, 1998). These six Consumer behaviour assignmentvariants of consumer behaviour according to taste, culture, status, and ethical considerations are considered the required criteria for the classification of aesthetic and ethical implications of consumer and buyer behaviour. The concept of symbolic exchange is associated with the representation of the various understanding perspectives of Jean Baudrillard regarding the collapse of capitalism. The concepts related to the value and exchange value in the modern perspective of consumerism is an important aspect that needs to be explored. Objects that are manufactured purely for symbolic value are being sold as a fetish which is associated with the luxurious aspects of the products (Koch and Elmore, 2006).
Consumerism is guided by the culture of the various societies associated with the purchase and buying behaviour according to distinctions in the social and economical status of the consumers. Cultural importance in the aspects of consumerism is mostly dependent on the factors like changes in locations and trajectories depending on the geographical locations. The transportation of the consumer goods to the individual consumers is dependent on various aspects like advertisements, fashion statements, consumption rituals, and the overall preferences of the buyers in the localized areas. The particular literature is dependent on the various aspects of cultural theories and concepts in the consumer system of the North American region where the instances of consumer society transfers are very common sights. Consumerism has provided society with various uses, but the communities have sometimes misused the transitional aspects of consumerism (McCracken, 1986).
The Consumer behaviourassignment research also shows Consumerism contains an important aspect named brand community which has been made popular by the large global brands that operate in a multi-cultural environment. They usually manufacture products that are intended to target a specific set of audiences and consumers who are associated with building a special community for their specific choice or preferences of products related to the brands. Brand communities are mostly based on a set of social structural relations with the specific products of the specialized brands which carry a universal or global value or approach. Ethnographic and computer-mediated environmental data is widely used to classify the features of consumer behaviour according to their regional or loyal brand preferences (Muniz and O’Guinn, 2001).The exploration of the process, particulars, and features of the brand are integral elements that help in determining the identity of the brand community within the set industry or organization that is based on a particular set of locations. The brand community however can be further subdivided and classified under three elements namely ritual and tradition, shared consciousness, and moral responsibilities.
Brand community carries significance in the overall development of consumer attitudes and perceptions as it can provide the organizations with a simple way of answering the queries and doubts of the consumersalong with enhancing the consumer interaction features which can increase the future potential customers for the brand (Muniz and O’Guinn, 2001). Another important aspect identified on this Consumer behaviour assignment is Gender-based branding, consumption aspects of the market behaviour is an important aspect of consumerism which is related to the differentiation of products, goods, and services according to the choices and preferences of both men and women but through a differential diagnosis. Consumer perception differs according to the differences in gender perspectives. The various aspects of socialization and upbringing elements are indicative of a separate or differential diagnosis of consumer behaviour. The study of consumers based on the differences between the gender-based aspects helps in choosing the appropriate processes needed to use the products and services which are considered as the determinants and markers of consumer behaviour based on the indicators like emotional, behavioural, and mental responses.
The various Consumer behaviour assignmentarticles used in the essay provide a clear overview of the features of consumer behaviour and their determinants which play an important role in the consumption procedures of societies globally. The practice related to consumption help in identifying the cultural, economic, and social background of the consumers which reflects on their overall behavioural aspects. The cultural aspects of consumerism are the main focus of the essay which helps in determining the community aspects of branding along with the various markers of structural consumption. The integration and interrelation of all the articles have been instrumental in defining the specific links in consumer behaviour which is based on the attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs of societies. It can be concluded on this Consumer behaviour assignmentthat Gender-based consumption is also an important determinant of classified consumer approach towards the branding propositions of various global organizations.
Ahuvia, Aaron C. (2005). Beyond the Extended Self: Loved Objects and Consumers’ Identity Narratives. Journal of Consumer Research, [online]Consumer behaviour assignment 32(1), pp.171–184. doi:10.1086/429607.
Belk, R. (1988). Possessions and the Extended Self. [online] Consumer behaviour assignmentAvailable at: [Accessed 29 Sep. 2022].
Bouchet, D. (2011). The specificity of human aesthetics.Knowledge Cultures, [online] 3(3), pp.16–16. Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep. 2022].Consumer behaviour assignment
Carrington, M., Whitwell, G.J. and Neville, B. (2014).Lost in translation: Exploring the ethical consumer intention-behavior gap. [online] Available at:
publication/260908214_Lost_in_translation_Exploring_the_ethical_consumer_intention-behavior_gap [Accessed 29 Sep. 2022].
Featherstone, M. (1987).Lifestyle and Consumer Culture.Theory, Culture & Society, [online] Consumer behaviour assignment4(1), pp.55–70.doi:10.1177/026327687004001003.
Holt, Douglas B. (1998). Does Cultural Capital Structure American Consumption? Journal of Consumer Research, [online] 25(1), pp.1–25.doi:10.1086/209523.
Koch, A. and Elmore, R. (2006). Simulation and Symbolic Exchange: Jean Baudrillard’s Augmentation of Marx’s Theory of Value. Simulation and Symbolic Exchange: Jean Baudrillard’s Augmentation of Marx’s Theory of Value,Consumer behaviour assignment [online] 34(3). doi:10.1111/j.1747-.
McCracken, G. (1986). Culture and Consumption: A Theoretical Account of the Structure and Movement of the Cultural Meaning of Consumer Goods. Journal of Consumer Research, [online] 13(1), pp.71–84.doi:10.1086/209048.Consumer behaviour assignment
Muniz, A.M. and O’Guinn, T.C. (2001). Brand Community. Journal of Consumer Research, [online] 27(4), pp.412–432. Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep. 2022].Consumer behaviour assignment