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Comparative Analysis of Ryanair Organizational Structures and Stakeholder Influence in Ryanair and Impact College


Task: How do different Ryanair Organizational Structures and stakeholder influences affect the operations and strategic planning of Ryanair and Impact College?


Fact Sheet


Business 1 (Ryan Air)

Business 2 (Impact College)

Description of business (facts, background, main product/service

Ryan Air specializes in delivering low cost air travel services within Europe. The company is head quartered in Swards Durbin Ireland.

Size and Scale (e.g. local, national, international, number of employees or branches

Ryan Air has over 11,000 employeeswith a fleet of over 370 Boeing 737 and 700 aircraft.Ryan Air focuses on delivering low cost air travel in Europe

Establised in 2001 Impact collage has since grown to expand its operations to offer education services for over 33 regional spoken language. The collage only has 2 branches both located in Manchester but serves students from across the globe

Ownership (e.g. public, private, charity), sole trader, partnership, private or public

Ryan air is owned by Michael O'Leary who took majority shareholding in 2006 after Aer Lingus rejected the takeover of Ryan Air.

The collage is owned by the Awaaze Learning Centre which specializes in offering educational services in Manchester.

Business Backgrounds

Impact College

Impact College offers education services to student looking to expand their education and specialize in a field. Education is today classified as a primary need every individual requires thus business in the Education industry like Impact College is registering a constant and Rapid Growth. Being an Ryanair Organizational Structures which depending on personnel specializing in specific subject areas the business follows the Matrix Ryanair Organizational Structures structure which sees the individual staff members each specializing in a specific subject.

This allows for them to focus their knowledge towards educating students but also directly intact among other specializes which greatly improves efficiency (Collage, 2017). This is especially important in the Education industry due to educators needing to follow a strict timetable to cover the entire curriculum within the specific timeframe.

Ryan Air

Ryan Air specializes in the delivery of budget low-cost air travel to passengers across Europe and North Africa. Budget air travel has been an area which has also registered considerable growth and expansion after globalization due to too more people needing to travel globally on business. With a few modifications to seating space and limiting baggage weight and other extra facilities passengers are capable of availing low-cost air travel across the globe (Air, 2017).

Ryan Air follows the hierarchy Ryanair Organizational Structures structure where each level of employees reports to its superiors but also have a directly linked to senior managing if required. This allows for operation managers to better organza their operation but allows staff with freedom to focus on areas of specialization.

Explain how the style of Ryanair Organizational Structures helps your tow businesses fulfill their purpose

Ryanair Organizational Structures Structuring is very important towards developing an Ryanair Organizational Structures's strategic planning process targeting Ryanair Organizational Structures smooth operation and growth targets. The type of Ryanair Organizational Structures structure adopted and used by a business will directly link to the business size and personnel expertise. Small businesses can utilize the Flat Ryanair Organizational Structures structure which allows for all employees to report to a single senior manager and chief executive.

Larger Ryanair Organizational Structures need to use hierarchy Ryanair Organizational Structures structures which are broken into several levels each reporting to the higher authority. This form of Ryanair Organizational Structures structure may also have individuals who specialize in certain tasks thus allowing them to be consulted a placed in charge of those tasks when needed (Iqbal, 2011).

In many cases, larger origination utilizing hierarchy Ryanair Organizational Structures structure will also have and utilize the matrix Ryanair Organizational Structures structure. This allows for the Ryanair Organizational Structures to assign certain individuals specializing in certain processes to tasks which may require their expertise while still performing their day to day duties within the hierarchy structure. Once involved to the matrix structure there are no superior to report to thus placing each specialist reparable for handling and reporting on the given task.

The matrix structure usually strategic planning process involving individual specialists had direct communication with collogue on the structure after which a finding report is presented to the management (R.N.Gupta, 2007). On competition of the project, all metric structure representatives fall back n to their respective positions of the hierarchy operations student in an Ryanair Organizational Structures.

Explain the points of view of different stakeholders seeking to influence the aims and objectives of two contrasting Ryanair Organizational Structuress.

Stakeholder views and input plays a huge role towards any businesses successful operation and growth and it’s important to review all stakeholders’ views so as to develop an effective Ryanair Organizational Structures structure of operations (Cheung-Judge, 2015). Every business is heavily dependent on manpower and this complies with both Ryne air as well as Impact College which both depend on a human resource to execute their operations.

Internal stakeholders involving the permanent employees working for the company are directly responsible for handling Ryanair Organizational Structures operation and must be able to report on their finding or requirement once identified. They should also have a direct link to the highest authority in case a senior manager may not be addressing their needs. External stakeholders also play an important role in Ryanair Organizational Structures success since the Ryanair Organizational Structures depends on their contribution to function.

Suppliers and distributes are a perfect example of external stakeholders who influence the Ryanair Organizational Structures operation and they should also have a direct linked to the chief executive to highlight issues which may be of concern. This allows for open communication among all stakeholders with the goal so enhancing Ryanair Organizational Structures growth.

Both Ryne air and Impact collage depend on consumers to purchase their services thus it’s critical for the business to develop a positive reputation among its customers so as to retain their confidence in dealing with the company.

Explain the points of view of each stakeholder with Regard to Maximizing profit and reducing the business carbon footprint

A positive business environment also requires being able to understand each stakeholder's views and goals. A Business must be able to evaluate and identify their own goals and objectives but at the same time, the business must also be able to understand their stake holder’s needs. Each stakeholder will have their expectation which the business must also be able to understand and be open to delivering so as to nurture a positive relationship between the business and its stakeholders (Donegan, 2002).

Simply focusing on the businesses objectives and goals will result in severing internal and external stakeholder needs which will result in the business losing its stakeholder confident.It’s important for the business to understand and promote stakeholder interest as well as clearly mention as well as show interest towards sharing benefits and profits made by the Ryanair Organizational Structures with its stakeholders. Increased profits and income should be reflected and transferred to the employee's stakeholders I form of incentives and other financial benefits.

This will help them understand that working harder will help generate more profits and benefits to the individual thus prompt the stakeholders to work-in-hand. The same should also be focused on aspects such as carbon emissions which need to be managed by the business as well as its stakeholders who each must participate towards making the different.

Evaluate the influence different stakeholder exert in one Ryanair Organizational Structures

Stakeholder confident and corporation is critical towards the Ryanair Organizational Structures continued growth and development. This makes it important for the Ryanair Organizational Structures to maintain stakeholder confidence as the stakeholders will have a direct influence on the Ryanair Organizational Structures's growth and development. Internal stakeholders namely the employee play an important role in the daily operations of the business at both Ryne Air and Impact collage which rely heavily on its staff to operate daily operations.

It’s important that staff their input towards Ryanair Organizational Structures growth is acknowledged and promoted as thus helps the business improve operation b identifying areas which may have been missed or not understood by the management. This makes involving line workers and executives to the operation management as it helps them present their concerns which will help improve the Ryanair Organizational Structures's operation.

The Ryanair Organizational Structures should also deliver a flexible rewarding system due to different individuals expecting different forms of rewards with many not only expecting financial rewards but instead expect other types of reward such as acknowledgment, added responsibility or promotion (Dhar, 2008).

For external stakeholders offering factors such as stability and increase raw materials prices, which will encourage the external stakeholders to remain with the company and producing and supplying them with the products or services required by the business to function.

Stability is a critical element linked to winning external stakeholders confidence but at the same time, it's important to understand that every stakeholder has growth and development goals which must also be considered thus financial gain and growth must also be included to each stakeholder yearly goals and expectation to ensure sustainability.

Explain the influence of two different legal, social and political environments on the business activities of the Ryanair Organizational Structures(s)

Regional influences also require being taken into close consideration so as to ensure the business addresses regional, cultural, religious and social aspects. This affects both Ryne air as well as Impact college due to both the businesses dealing with international clients who following different cultural aspects which must all be understood and respected to avoid hurting consumer confidence (Wetherly & Otter, 2014).

Culture and Religious –

Both business handle international clients one being the travel customer while the other being the student thus it's critical that both Ryanair Organizational Structuress promote a neutral view towards each culture and not limit any form of reservation towards one culture or religion. This can quickly result in developing a negative sentiment among certain customer groups which will result in the business losing that group of customers. Cultural and religious reservations also tend to affect much larger groups of consumer falling under the same category thus it's critical to ensure a universal approach view and respect is given to each.

Social aspects

Similar to cultural aspects, social aspects will also differ for each religion which makes it critical for both Ryne Air as well as Impact collage to understand each of the customer's social needs. Some communities tend to be very social among both genders while others will tend to have major reservation dividing the community genders, age groups and based on other aspects which also need to be understood and respected.

Evaluate how future changes in economic political, legal and social factors, may impact on the strategy of a specified Ryanair Organizational Structures.

Business success is linked to strategic planning thus it's critical for both businesses to observe and understand certain factors linked to political, social and social factors which may influence the business customers in future (Hahn, N.D). Understanding these factors will allow for future planning which is critical towards the Ryanair Organizational Structures's future growth and this need to be carefully understood since they have a direct influence on the Ryanair Organizational Structures.

Political factors

An economy politics plays an important role towards the economies stability thus its critical to make sure teach of the business considers expanding to a politically stable economy to avoid investing in an economy which may experience policies turmoil which could result in the business losing its investment in the economy.

Economic factors

New markets must also be evaluated based on the economic strength of the customers in the economy should be capable of purchasing the goods of services. In a case of Ryne air, the Travel destinations need to have both business investor or tourist attraction and also be able to support the local markets travelers so as to allow the business to maximize funds generated by the business once expanded to the market. For Impact college, an international client market must choose where customers can afford to pay for the college.


Developing a positive Business environment is directly linked to the business being able to evaluate and plan ahead for its expansions. Only through planning can a business be able to identify important areas which need to be focused on which will allow the business to expand its operations to new markets in a better and more stable manner.


Air, R. (2017). About Us.

Cheung-Judge, H. H. (2015). Ryanair Organizational Structures Development: A Practitioner's Guide for OD and HR. New Delhi: Kogan Page Publishers.

Collage, I. (2017). About Us.

Dhar, R. (2008). Strategic Human Resource Management. New Delhi: Excel Books India,.

Donegan, M. (2002). Growth and Profitability: Optimizing the Finance Function for Small and Emerging Businesses. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons,.

Hahn, V. (N.D). Creating Sustainable Shareholder Value with Lean Six Sigma: Evaluation and Portfolio Selection of Lean Six Sigma Projects. Books on Demand.

Iqbal, T. (2011). The Impact of Leadership Styles on Ryanair Organizational Structuresal Effectiveness. Karachi: GRIN Verlag.

R.N.Gupta. (2007). Business Organisation & Management. New Delhi: S. Chand Publishing.

Wetherly, P., & Otter, D. (2014). The Business Environment: Themes and Issues in a Globalizing World. Oxford: OUP Oxford.

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