Can managers use humanistic management assignment research methods to develop effective HRM policies?
Task: How managers can use humanistic management assignment research techniques to develop effect human resource management strategies?
Thishumanistic management assignment paper explores the role of motivation towards enhancing employee retentions at a company. Motivation theory refers to the study which involves the understanding of what directs an individual to work towards the achievement of a specific goal (Saracho, 2019). The motivation theory is relevant to the entire society. However, it has special significance to the management and business field. The motivation theory aims at keeping the employees motivated, which suggests that they would be more productive at work. The motivated and productive employees are expected to be profitable for the business. The motivation theory is important because it provides a deeper insight into what motivates, drives or directs an employee to give a better performance. The motivation theory provides the tool to the managers of organisations enabling them to motivate their employees. This further facilitates better management of workforce. As per Mea& Sims (2019), the human dignity centred framework is a concept that has covered the gaps between the time-tested Christian interrogations based on the norms which are extensive. These norms are of the firm leaders who are concrete. The interrogation is facilitated through the inauguration of the dignity for future in a formal manner. This entire process takes place in an interactive and affordable manner. The interrogation has also taken place for the social networks. The authoritative criteria conducts the interrogation of the social media in the environment which is human serving. This is done through the functional as well as the advanced prosecution of the social networks that are dynamic. The purpose of the social networks is to serve the users in a precise, effective and interactive manner. This humanistic management assignment paper aims at describing the legal as well as the ethical foundations of the motivation theory of behaviourism. The principles will be outlined for the human management system ethos, which facilitate profound navigation of the cultural aspects and the extreme form of human behaviour (Akhigbe, 2018). The opportunities are based on the durability of the system of humanistic approach. The opportunities of the humans are integrated in deliberately. This paper will provide few significant examples from the biblical scriptures which would fit perfectly with the resources of human dignity. This humanistic management assignment paper is based on the concept of behaviourism theory. This theory is adopted from the human cultural systems which are distinctive and foster better business management and leadership. The study will also comprise the legal foundation of the various forms of behavioural theories that are followed dynamically by different business leaders (Itri et al, 2019). The communication between the employer or manager and the employees is limited by the behavioural theories in a negotiable and prosecuted manner.
humanistic management assignment -Behaviourism Theory
There are few core ethical foundations of the theory of behaviourism. As stated by Mea& Sims (2019), the ethical foundation of behaviourism is laid by Thorndike’s law of effect, Classical conditioning by Pavlov, human conditioning experiment of Watson, experiments by Skinner with systems that are widely conceptualised. There are certain significant sets in the theory of behaviourism. These include the psychological theory, methodological theory and the logical belief systems. The concept of cultivation of the ethics in an advanced manner in business care is prosecuted through the welfare systems that are desired. These are facilitated by the logical human assets which is dependent on the present mental condition of the humans. The behaviourism theory includes certain ethical considerations like security, confidentiality, privacy and anonymity. These ethical considerations guide the procurement of the authorised sets of data, in an identifiable and secure manner (Shepard, Penuel & Pellegrino, 2018). The ethics of the business systems are formally identified. The privacy and security ethics are determined by the psychological attributes which impacts the decisions. Thecommitments are unveiled and the decisions are impacted by the core business ethics. The beliefs and mental states could foster the development of the welfare systems. This further enhances the internal and external stimuli, making them sophisticated. As per the humanistic management assignment findings, through the physical stimuli prosecution, the behavioural theory is extensively formalised. The physical stimuli provides assurance of the business functions and operational behaviour. The ethics and behaviourism theory helps in extraction of the business functions that are productive. The behaviourism theory is a branch of psychological study in which the emphasis is on the observations and analysis of how controlled an environment is. The theory further analyses how its changes affect the human behaviour. As per Saracho (2019), the behaviouristic learning is promoted and advocated by many scholars. The behavioural teaching methods have been also seen in the biblical scriptures. The behaviouristic teaching methods have been used for manipulation of the environment of a specific subject. The subject used on this humanistic management assignmentcould be an animal or a human. The behaviouristic theory has been used for changing the observable behaviour of the subject.
As stated by Paranjpe (2019), the ethical behaviourism refers to the epistemic ground which is sufficient or the warrant for the belief which includes the responsibilities and duties towards the various entities. The entities have certain rights against each other. The ethical behaviourism is found in the reactions and behavioural relations which are observable to the entire world. The behavioural ethics is a new discipline of scientific, social research which seeks for understanding the way in which people actually behave when they are confronted with the dilemmas that are ethical in nature. The ethical behaviourism suggests that the behaviour is judged as per the norms of behaviour which are generally accepted. According to Cihon et al (2020), the ethical behaviourism is a theory which is based on how the moral status of the people is determined. The robots are also formatted to exhibit ethical behaviourism, which implies that their behaviour or moral status will be shaped by the observable behaviour. As per humanistic management assignmentfindings, there are certain inherited factors which govern the ethics. These are undisputed factors which influence the behaviour of the customers. This gives assurance through the learning systems for further enhancement of the confidentiality or new ethics in a systematic manner. There are three main behavioural theories of motivation, which include operant conditioning theory, contiguity theory and classical conditioning theory. These three theories facilitate the functionality and enable prosecution of the financial assurance for the advanced systems. This creates an influence on the contingent stimuli of the environment and occurrences. The individuals interact with their behavioural conditions which is assured through inspiration and motivation.
Behaviourism Theory: Legal Foundation
There are a few core legal foundations of the behaviourism theory. These include internal motivating as well as thinking events which enable the people to connect with the various parties of the government. This takes place through authorisation of the stimulus system in a proactive and expected manner. As per Mea& Sims (2019), few of the main legal foundations are followed by the humanistic management representatives which mainly include the Canada Evidence Act, Access to Information Act, Canadian Human Rights Act, Controlling of Drugs and Substances Act, Constitution Act of 1982 and Constitution Act of 1867. The governmental legal foundations have authorised few of these rules, which are expected to yield systematic outputs of the business. These would reconcile the business features that are complex and help in attaining the business goals. The humanistic management assignmentstatistics suggest that almost fifty six percent of the employees across different organisations have adapted to the human dignity centred framework. This facilitates changing the structure of the advanced systems of business. The legal assistance provided by the legal foundation of the Constitution Act of 1982 has been quite significant. The behaviourism theory’s legal foundation is further strengthened through the Controlling Drugs and Substances Act. The behaviourism theory of motivation aims at assisting the legal security systems’ investigation. The legal foundation of the behaviourism theory is revitalised through the Multiattribute Utility Model (Pergher& de Almeida, 2018). The Canadian government’s legal format has been negotiated in the light of the human dignity centred framework. The controlling drugs and substance act has been laying the legal foundation of human behaviour among the individuals. Health Belief Model is a significant model navigating through the human dignity centred framework. The data sets are consolidated through classical conditioning. The punishment and rewards are two forms of reinforcement which shape the legal foundation of behavioural theory. The positive and negative reinforcements facilitate developing and transforming the cultural system in business, through the link between human management and human dignity. The Consitution Act of 1867 has functionalised through the inteeraction between the commericial groups of the health belief model and the new business partners. The Contraventions Act rules have been stablised which facilitated the Canadian employees to adapt to the humanistic approach and abide by the strong controlling drugs and substances act. The legal foundation of the behaviorism theory helps in transforming the behaviour and attitude of the employees, by inspiring and motivating them (Geller, 2021).
humanistic management assignment - Biblical Scriptures
The behaviour is a very important part of human life and also religious scriptures. The bible says that the spirit of God makes humans happy, loving, patient, peaceful, good, kind, gentle, faithful and self-controlled. The behaviourism theory of motivation basically tries to make the people feel inspired happy, productive, energetic and motivated. The behaviour may not be determined by law or ethics. The behaviour naturally should align with the desired human dignity centred framework. As per Mea& Sims (2019), the significant examples of behaviourism include the motivational theories that are determined by the biblical scriptures interrogation. These theories comprise Hertzberg’s two factor theory, Maslow’s theory of hierarchical needs and Vroom’s theory of expectancy. These theories facilitate improving inspiration as well as motivation within the minds of the employees so that they can work in various companies for a longer period of time. The motivational theories results collected during this humanistic management assignmentresearch helps in authorisation of the framework that is human dignity centred. This enables retention of the motivational thoughts as well as inspirational status for configuring the expected sophistication with a competitive and composed framework, which authorises the competitive and social needs (Avan et al, 2022). There could be an instance where the student loses his/her focus from studies because of inadequate online study materials. This would lead the student to lose a lot of marks which might result in his failure to clear the exam, within a short time interval. In the later stage, when the teacher finds out the reason due to which the student has failed, he/she would provide the student with sufficient and good study material available online. These study materials will serve the purpose of the student and meet his/her human requirement. At the same time, the student will be inspired and motivated by the teacher to complete the course and attain the pass marks. This would enhance the quality of the business systems through an interrogative approach. The prosecution of the behavioural strategies as stated by Vesnic-Alujevic, Nascimento &Polvora (2020), could be observed easily through the service denial composure which has caused several issues for the people. The behaviour of the students in the learning environment has also changed. They have moulded and transformed their behaviour from rough and rude to normal. This behavioural change is impacted by the productive items’ durability, which could be reassured through the increase in the influential parameters.
Alignment of Behaviourism Theory with Human Dignity Centred Framework
This humanistic management assignment is virtually interrelated with the human dignity centred framework consolidation. This facilitates improving the humanistic management within the business environments. Lamers et al (2022) states that the behavioural conditions will be changed and transformed into advanced versions through the human dignity centred framework. The behavioural theory is related to the legislative rules. These rules are pertaining the deliverables and employability skills. The humanistic approach’s prosecution has a strong legal foundation, which is consolidated through two forms of reinforcement, positive and negative, reward and punishment. These reinforcements enable development of profitable clear slates for the enhancement of the business cultural systems. These humanistic management assignmenttheories scope for interaction between the human management and human dignity. The Constitution Act of 1867 could be functionalised via the new business partners’ demonstration (Di Mascio, 2019). The new business partners interact with the commercial parties following the health belief model. There is a common ground where human management ethos, extreme behaviour of people and cultural aspects interact. The biblical scriptures facilitate fitting in of the behaviourism theory with the human dignity resources. This is dependent on the concept of human dignity centred framework. There are distinctive human cultural systems which adopt the behaviourism theory. This enables effective leadership and better business management. The biblical scriptures are significant in case of human dignity centred frameworks it helps in filling up the gap between the contemporary business leaders with concrete requirements and the time-tested norms of the Christians. The humanistic management assignment techniques could be utilised as the rhetoric device which helps in conveying the idea that the organisations are made up of various dynamic social networks (Renouard &Ezvan, 2018). The ultimate aim is to serve the needs of the humans.
Future Scope of Research
There is enough scope for research in this field in future. The outcome of this research could be used for studying few major examples of the biblical scriptures. It helps in understanding the human cultural systems and the human dignity resources. The study will facilitate effective business management and leadership. The appropriate attribution of effective leadership and the quality of the business which is dependent on the organisational structure could use this research outcome. With the help of the human resources and human dignity centred framework, more effective and productive employees are recruited in organisations. The human dignity centred framework is aligned to the behaviourism theory for motivating the people, engaging them in the systems of human culture. In future, the study will guide the ethical as well as legal foundation of various forms of behavioural theories. These humanistic management assignmenttheories are adopted by the leaders of organisations for creating effective communication among between employers and employees.
It can be concluded that the idea of motivation is quite significant for all the different communities. This facilitates procuring the consolidated version of the advanced management criteria and the business systems. This further leads to the prosecution of the recruiting of more productive and better functional employees for the firms. These employees would contribute towards higher profit. The concept of human dignity centred framework has facilitated closing the gaps between the norms of the firm leaders and the interrogation of the Christians with extreme time-tested norms. This theory helps in the inauguration of future dignity in a formal manner. As per the humanistic management assignment findings, the managements have adopted the social media, which defines the authoritative idea of the human serving environment through the social networks which are dynamic.
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