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"Addressing Physical Inactivity health concerns: A Growing Health Concern Across All Age Groups"


Task: How does Physical Inactivity health concerns impact different age groups globally, and what interventions can be implemented to mitigate its health risks?



The internet and technological developments have been welcomed in the 20th and 21st century due to their ability to bridge communication gaps and simplify work. But closer investigation reveals a major health concern developing among the global population which is increasing addicted and use of technology and the internet. This is especially affecting office professionals and workers who find themselves sitting stationary at the office desk for many hours resulting in Physical Inactivity health concerns issues.

This has also resulted in working professionals registering a higher rate of lifestyle diseases which are directly attributed to lack of adequate physical activity. As a result of a sharp rise in the number of medical conditions related to Physical Inactivity health concerns such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity and arthritis among office workers during the past decade (1). The problem has grown worse during the past decade since the introduction and use of smart technologies at the office which has reduced the requirement for physical movement among office employees as opposed to the passed. The problem is not limited to office employees and when closely examined can be seen across the entire society.

Populations at Risk

A major concern linked to Physical Inactivity health concerns is that the problem is being registered among all age groups ranging from children to teenagers, adults and the old. Each of the age groups seems to be having a direct effect on the elder generation which has triggered a chain reaction among entire populations (2).

Each age group has been trapped and grown addicted by the vise which has gradually resulted in them becoming dependent on the gadgets. But the most vulnerable population are office workers who are restricted to working for hours on their desk which makes them at highest risk of developing medical conditions linked to Physical Inactivity health concerns.


Children are no exempt from physical activity related concerns and they too have been directly targeted with millions of children falling victim to the health concern. This has especially been observed in urban areas where children have limited space to play and be active resulting in them spending most of their day sitting at school after which they return home to do the same (3).

Technologies such as Television, computers, and smartphones have only helped fuel the Physical Inactivity health concerns problem by enslaving children to stay back home and get entertained while sitting idle. The number of children visiting parks to play has been constantly reducing in recent years as they get addicted to sitting idle they lose interest in a practical world which requires real effort to excel and prefer to live in their virtual world where things seem easier and can be rectified and replays at a clip of a button (4).


Physical Inactivity health concerns is also affecting the teenager directly whereby they are adopting mobile technologies to communicate which is severing the link and need to practically meet each other and experience the world. Today it is common to find teenagers simply staring into their Smartphone all day long chatting with friends rather than going out to meet them (5). Besides Physical Inactivity health concerns, this has also resulted in developing social concerns among the teenagers who are unable to interact with people normally face to face.

This is due to them having developed a tendency to meet and communicate via their gadgets without needing to meet people thus resulting in them developing a social phobia which is expected to have devastating effects on the generation once adult and need to work (6). Medical health conditions, as well as physical activity concerns, are also on the rise since the teenagers are spending hours alone which are affecting their body and health directly and the after effects of this negative lifestyle will be seen once they grow older.

Office Employees and Professionals

Urban Adults are among the worst affected as many were brought up in rural areas and used to physical activity on a daily basis but had to move to urban areas to seek employment and work (7). Today the majority of urban jobs require for adults to spend eight hours daily in their office with many needing to sit on a desk throughout the time.

Technology has greatly reduced the need to move from one desk to the other which has resulted in employee becoming immobile and needing to sit all day at their desk. These results in severely affecting physical health leading to serious medical conditions directly linked to the work. Unable to move freely, walk or stand and work many urban adults are finding themselves being diagnosed with serious medical conditions linked to lack of physical activity.

While many put in their effort to walk and exercise on a daily basis constantly sitting for hours continually at the office desk is leading to serious health conditions (8). This is not limited to working adults but also house makers in urban areas who are also finding themselves unable to perform the adequate physical activity on a daily basis due to living in small apartments with little activity to do thus leading to Physical Inactivity health concerns.


With all age groups already suffering from Physical Inactivity health concerns concerns, the old have also found themselves also suffering from the same health and medical conditions due to lack of adequate physical activity (9). This is especially being experienced in urban areas again where lack of space has resulted in people needing to consider moving to the high-rise building and apartment blocks which make walking or moving a challenge for the old. Populations in rural areas are being less affected as they have more space allowing them to move freely thus the problem of Physical Inactivity health concerns in mainly associated to urban area residents (10).

Outlining the Issue’s Risk Factors

Physical Inactivity health concerns among office workers has been directly linked to a rise in lifestyle diseases (11). Today office employee is complaining of joint problems and weakness which gradually escalated to affect their body’s metabolism and health. Some common risks directly linked to Physical Inactivity health concerns among office employees include High blood pressure, type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, anxiety, and depression, increase a risk of cancer, overweight and obesity and the higher risk of falls and injuries (12). These are the risk which is directly associated with Physical Inactivity health concerns and there are many additional secondary risks which are also linked to the Physical Inactivity health concerns.

Target Population, Goal, and Objectives of Proposed Intervention

Physical Inactivity health concerns is a growing problem among urban populations across the globe and the only intervention linked to addressing this medical and health concern ensuring populations become more physically active. Office workers are the most badly affected as they are obligated to attend their jobs which are limiting their physical activity resulting in serious health problems. This makes them the primary population who need urgent intention and help improve and promote physical activity to improve their health.

Target, Goals, and Objectives

The target of the proposed intervention would be to assist educate, encourage and support affected population to overcome the Physical Inactivity health concerns problem. The problems are directly linked to adopting bad lifestyles practices but while other populations have the privilege to become more active, office workers are limited to their work obligations.

This makes them the most vulnerable population affected by Physical Inactivity health concerns and requires for intentions to be developed to address office workers immobility needs immediately (13). The target would be to provide assistant and support to help the office worker become more active while at the office and utilize breaks as well as introduce physical activity sessions each day to help improve employee physical mobility during their work shift at the office.

Proposed Intervention

To overcome the Physical Inactivity health concerns problem facing the global population the community and government will have to work together to deliver a solution. Physical Inactivity health concerns has been observed to affect mostly city residents but the office worker is worse affected due to being confined to their office desk (14).

To overcome the problem businesses will have to develop new physical activity policies which make it Copan's Ary for each desk-bound employee to participate in pre-organized physical activity session last no less than 30 minutes as the day at the office. In addition to working professionals, other affected age groups will also need to involve in physical activity to eliminate the problem among all age groups and populations.


Childhood is the most active period of any individual’s life making it critical for physical activity to be promoted among children since it helps boost growth and strengthen their bodies. To help boost activity among children the government must be able to provide facilities such as parks and gardens where children can play but the main concern linked to inactivity among children has been linked to entertainment technologies.

The television, computer, and smartphone among several other technologies have been directly linked to promoting Physical Inactivity health concerns among children (15). Today children wake up in the morning with the intention to watch their cartoons and shows or play games on the computer, Smartphone, and other gadgets.

Parents, on the other hand, are standing by and watching as this addition escalates without taking control of the situation. This is mainly observed in urban areas where parents need to work and are afraid to send their children out to play resulting in them encouraging them to watch TV and use other gadgets at home.

This is resulting in children developing a habit of being inactive and not willing to participate in activities which require physical emersion thus promoting laziness and health concerns linked to Physical Inactivity health concerns. To stop this child should be encouraged to become more active and play games which require physical participation (16). Access to gadgets such as television, computers, and Smartphone among much more should also be limited which will promote the children to go out and play among friends and playmates.


Teenagers are also finding themselves falling victim of Physical Inactivity health concerns due to technology. Today friends want to communicate via Smartphone and other gadgets which have severed the requirement to physically meet each other. This has rendered teenagers inactive with many spending hours on their Smartphone chatting with friends rather than going to meet them in person. When not on chat they indulge in watching television and computers.

This is a tender age when the teenager must be able to develop their social interaction skills in preparation for adulthood and gadgets are not only promoting Physical Inactivity health concerns but also encouraging antisocial trends among teenagers who are unable to interact with friends and other people in a normal manner. Instead many would rather avoid meeting people physically which results in developing a serious social phobia which will have a direct effect on their ability to work in the future.

Working adults

Working is a basic requirement every person bust do but unlike the past when work involved physical activity, many office workers today found themselves sitting at a desk all day which is leading to serious medical conditions due to Physical Inactivity health concerns (17). Businesses must consider implementing major reform to the working environment keeping in mind the employee's health concerns since long-term exposure to this form of working leads t serious medical conditions which will only result in a higher employee turnover for the organization.

This can be encouraged by introducing both seated and standing workstation and offering flexibility among office employees. It’s also important to provide resting areas since the body tend to become over-exerted when employees need to sit the entire day leading to back and joint problems.

Senior Citizens

Senior citizens should plan to move to physically friendly accommodations which are on the ground floor thus making it easier for them to move when needed. For those who live in the high-rise building and apartment blocks, selling out and moving to premises on the ground floor is advised. The government should also support senior citizens by offering the facilities as well as additional requirements such as amenities and medical care which is the main reason senior citizens remain in the cities.

Current Intervention Evidence Addressing the Health Issue

Health issues related to Physical Inactivity health concerns have been well documented by the medical professional who has identified that these Physical Inactivity health concerns issues are directly affecting the urban community. Gary Creasey as documented this concern among urban populations in his book Adolescent Development and School Achievement in Urban Communities: Resilience in the Neighborhood (18).

In this book, it is physical inability is clearly noted to affect urban community’s more than rural communities where people tend to continue indulging in physical activates thus remaining healthy.The same has been documented by RP Lopez in a journal article Obesity, physical activity, and the urban environment: public health research needs to be published on 18th September 2006 in the ejournal (19).

The evidence linking urban living with Physical Inactivity health concerns and the health concerns which come with it are abundant. This makes it critical to implement aggressive interventions plans to educate the populations at risk and help avoid this medical concern expected to begin showing a major prevalence in the coming decade.

Designing an Effective Intervention Plan

As mentioned earlier. Medical professionals, scientist, and the government can only create awareness regarding this medical concern but it’s the public who need to intervene and implement the plans (20). The plan will target developing and implementation of effective physical activity intention plans which can be utilized the within the workplace during breaks and lunch hour to make office employees more physically active.

The intervention plan would target the working professional who is today facing serious medical conditions due to lack of physical activity. The plans would require for both the staff and the organization to make some sacrifices to time and offer flexibility and patients. This will allow the staff to indulge in physical activity for 20 to 30 minutes each day preferably midway through their work shift.

This will allow for the staff to secure physical activity which will help improving blood circulation and joint movement thus helping the staff be more active while at the office. The physical activity would need to be distributed in groups thus allowing for work to continue while others continue working as opposed to involving all staff members at once which will result in affecting the business operations.

Measurement the Intervention Design

the intervention will promote physical activity among the office worker and other affected urban communities, and results should be easy to document and report. This will also allow for the design to be better evaluated thus making redesigning and improving the activity plans easier. (21).

The Intervention design plan will successfully measure results which can easily be used to measure the participant’s weight, muscle build, and stamina developed during a short period of time. Results should be ready for clear measurement and report within three months from the beginning of the intervention plan. This will allow for quick reporting and also allow for quick modifications to be made on the intention plans to help improve office worker physical activity intentions plans.


Physical Inactivity health concerns has grown to become a major medical concern among medical professionals due to the wide verity of medical concerns which come along with Physical Inactivity health concerns. This is also growing to become a major concern due to their being more people moving to cities and more are growing physically inactive due to the use of digital technologies and machines to work.

Once addicted to Physical Inactivity health concerns many of the victims find it challenging to become active again resulting in them growing lazy and gradually succumbing to Physical Inactivity health concerns health concerns. This makes it important for intention to be taken immediately so as to reduce the occurrence of Physical Inactivity health concerns concerns and help improve the entire population’s health by helping them become more active.


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