This blog on part time job for international students is a must check out one for the person who is looking forward to pursuing his higher studies in Australia. According to the global academic parameter, Australia is considered to be the best study abroad education destination. But it is the annual living cost affair of 35000 AUD which emerges as a daunting factor before picking Australia as the abroad destination for education.
As per the visa norms of Australia, only 20 hours of part time job for international students is allowed, which could be extended up to 40 hours in the case of course interval. Since the working hours are very strictly limited for international students, it becomes very significant to find a high paying job that fetches maximum revenue in limited time.
Although we have listed down some of the high paying jobs in Australia, the fact should be noted that the ultimate income would depend on how much an employee is willing to pay. It is the average pay for the particular job, which is reflected in this blog. As per the national statistics, the minimal pay per hour is 19.40 AUD. A small part-time work would be sufficient to bear the daily cost of living in Australia.
We have contacted our team of students in Australia, and it is based on their experience that we are presenting this blog before you. The student with high academic and language skills with appropriate experience could gain a high paying part-time job in Australia. We highly recommend the students to select the particular jobs in which they hold the expertise.
Food Chain Crew Member
The food chain industry is one of the particular industries that would pay its part-time workers with much higher pay than its full-time employees. Students could seek part time job for international students in large scale food chain industries like KFC and McDonalds, which are always in need of workers.
The student working in these outlets could earn from 21 to 24 AUD an hour (provided that the basic wage would only reach up to $ 4 an hour). The student is required to retain a decent skill in English communication to avail jobs in these outlets. Only a mediocre level of skill set is required in this job.
This job is appropriate for students who have a thorough knowledge of academics. If the students have good teaching and communication skills, then part time job for international students as a tutor is best suited for them. You could approach several tutoring agencies for this job and could fetch a decent amount of $ 26 per hour. An agency could fetch you 4 to 5 hours of work a week.
The students could earn up to $30 an hour if they manage to obtain the job of a private tutor. The wage margin in this job would highly vary as per the experience of the candidate. The wage for part time job for international students as a private home tutor is very high in Australia.
Office Manager
Any student who is well efficient in Microsoft office and has a well understanding of the office procedures could apply for this job. The work could be a little challenging since it requires a high level of organizational ability and problem-solving skills. Find a job as an office manager in medium-scale organizations as a part time job for international students is quite simple. The students could fetch a decent $25 to $30 in this job and with an assured working time of 20 hours a week.
The candidate for office manager should have the ability to efficiently perform the daily office tasks.
Because of the liberal laws for safe drinking in Australia, finding a bartending part time job for international students is very easy. There is always a vacancy for the bartending jobs in every city of Australia. The candidates with high conflict resolution abilities, knowledge of the local language, knowledge of drink mixing, etc. are highly preferred for this job. You could get paid $20 to $25 per hour in the job of a bartender.
The PayScale would be much higher for the candidates who have experience in the bartending jobs.
Customer service official in metro
The part time job for international students in the metro is a prestigious one since it’s a government-controlled organization. The same criteria would ensure that its employees are paid befittingly on a timely basis. The student could avail of all public holidays while working as a customer service official in the metro. The basic payment for this job ranges from $25 to $28 per hour. The payment would hike to $32 per hour if the worker is willing to work on holidays.
The candidate who could grasp immediately the context of an issue is highly preferable for this job.
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